Banned Book Thread

McMinn Co, TN, has hit the world news scene after banning the graphic novel MAUS. This graphic novelization of the Jewish imprisonment and genocide during the reign of the Third Reich included curse words and a topless mouse.

Tennessee school board bans teaching of Holocaust graphic novel Maus

Not having read it, is the admittedly graphic 'Maus' appropriate for 8th graders as discussed in your link? Being history doesn't mean any depiction of history is appropriate for any age. And I don't find arguments that kids can find more shite online than books in the library of Alexandria compelling either, but rather a testament to how low society has fallen when that is the case.

I think the demonstrable breaches of trust exhibited by the educational industrial complex is cause for doubt and investigation. That's what two seasons of remote learning have taught parents who've gained firsthand insight into the curricula. In case anyone missed it, here's a reminder:
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Most classic books rumored to be banned have a copy on my bookshelf. Maybe that's their goal by I'm not going to allow something to go away without giving my kids a chance to read it

Didn't look like any of the books in that list were classics by any stretch of the imagination. You are right that there are some pretty "naughty" things scattered in the classics. "The Miller's Tale" in the "Canterbury Tales" is a pretty good example I remember from HS. I've always considered the 20th century classics by people like Salinger, Steinbeck, etc as garbage for somebody else's enjoyment - definitely not mine - whiney, touchy-feely stuff isn't for me.
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Not having read it, is the admittedly graphic 'Maus' appropriate for 8th graders as discussed in your link? Being history doesn't mean any depiction of history is appropriate for any age. And I don't find arguments that kids can find more shite online than books in the library of Alexandria compelling either, but rather a testament to how low society has fallen when that is the case.

I think the demonstrable breaches of trust exhibited by the educational industrial complex is cause for doubt and investigation. That's what two seasons of remote learning have taught parents who've gained firsthand insight into the curricula. In case anyone missed it, here's a reminder:

And who decides what "society needs them to know" is the key and the problem. The Nazis and Communists (totalitarians in general) always felt inclined as a society to dictate what people needed to know. Nice to know the Democratic Party is continuing the tradition.
And who decides what "society needs them to know" is the key and the problem. The Nazis and Communists (totalitarians in general) always felt inclined as a society to dictate what people needed to know. Nice to know the Democratic Party is continuing the tradition.

For technocratic MI Dems, apparently being in the lower septile of K-12 achievement is teaching them "what society needs".
Decades of inattention to the leftist rot occurring has those leftists thinking they own your children; they are a societal, infrastructure asset and they mean to keep them.
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Didn't look like any of the books in that list were classics by any stretch of the imagination. You are right that there are some pretty "naughty" things scattered in the classics. "The Miller's Tale" in the "Canterbury Tales" is a pretty good example I remember from HS. I've always considered the 20th century classics by people like Salinger, Steinbeck, etc as garbage for somebody else's enjoyment - definitely not mine - whiney, touchy-feely stuff isn't for me.

Travels with Charles isn’t bad. The part where he stops by a motel and no one is there is honestly eerie to me. I went all Kerouac in my late teens and early twenties and stayed at some real dives. I always wondered if the keeper was dead etc but he never really follows up. Think that made it even spookier.
Don’t agree with banning but I do think certain things should be age restricted.

Don’t think Mandingo Massacre is appropriate for 5th grade.
If a 5th grader is going to sit down and take on a 600+ page book, I say let them read all the smut they want.
I live in McMinn and to my understanding the book is not banned from being read or from being in the school. It's just removed from the curriculum of required reading.
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After reading the actual facts, the book wasn’t “banned” it was simply taken off the required reading list for 8th graders. Looks like MSM got the left worked up again over nothing
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After reading the actual facts, the book wasn’t “banned” it was simply taken off the required reading list for 8th graders. Looks like MSM got the left worked up again over nothing

Oh were it that simple.

The teachers are now having to completely redo an entire unit from their spring curriculum. A curriculum approved by the conservative State Education Department. One endorsed and recommended by them, actually.

They are having to find comparable literature on the same subject, recreate all tests, quizzes, discussions, and activities.

And all because a group of people with little to no formal training in curriculum and assessment, literature, or education standards decided they needed to clutch their pearls.
Oh were it that simple.

The teachers are now having to completely redo an entire unit from their spring curriculum. A curriculum approved by the conservative State Education Department. One endorsed and recommended by them, actually.

They are having to find comparable literature on the same subject, recreate all tests, quizzes, discussions, and activities.

And all because a group of people with little to no formal training in curriculum and assessment, literature, or education standards decided they needed to clutch their pearls.
Oh no. A whole unit? How will the teachers survive with that kind of work?
Look I understand you disagree with this and I don’t necessarily agree with it either based on the board’s reasoning, however it’s not a big deal and the facts were grossly mispresented by the original leftist tweeters who the MSM picked up and ran with so the normal leftie complainants would have strawmen to complain about. Maybe they should’ve actually gotten the facts correct first and had a 2nd and 3rd source to triangulate to avoid fake news.
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Oh no. A whole unit? How will the teachers survive with that kind of work?
Look I understand you disagree with this and I don’t necessarily agree with it either based on the board’s reasoning, however it’s not a big deal and the facts were grossly mispresented by the original leftist tweeters who the MSM picked up and ran with so the normal leftie complainants would have strawmen to complain about. Maybe they should’ve actually gotten the facts correct first and had a 2nd and 3rd source to triangulate to avoid fake news.

Ad revenue doesn't want triangulation or nuance, just first out the door at all costs. And that's BS. Earnings at all costs has ruined so many industries.
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And who decides what "society needs them to know" is the key and the problem. The Nazis and Communists (totalitarians in general) always felt inclined as a society to dictate what people needed to know. Nice to know the Democratic Party is continuing the tradition.
Agree, what is left on the editing floor. What is acceptable teaching and what is not. The "reset on education" is trending towards selective editing on history to fit the agendas now.
Most of these kids have a device in their pockets that gives them access to more information than was found in the library of Alexandria with just a press of a button. I bet a Google search map is going to reveal an increase in searches for MAUS in that region, and more kids will read it than would have been assigned it this term.
Hell, I had never even heard of Maus.

What did I immediately do? Started googling images.

Just driving kids straight to whatever you think you’re shielding them from.
Disallowing a government run institution to teach and provide certain books is not a "ban" on the books. If a kid brought in a personal copy of "To Kill a Mockingbird" or "Mause" onto these campuses, would they be taken from them and burned? No. Why not? Because they aren't banned. We can have the discussion about disallowing certain curricula, but I think it muddies the waters to keep using the term "ban" as if we're having a government institution going around and burning books.
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Agree, what is left on the editing floor. What is acceptable teaching and what is not. The "reset on education" is trending towards selective editing on history to fit the agendas now.

I was thinking a little about this thread this morning while fixing breakfast and wondered if Asian mapmakers are being pressed to remove Buddhist shrine symbols from maps. After all, the Nazi's borrowed and reversed it; so a swastika by any other name surely must still symbolize them and be evil.
Oh were it that simple.

The teachers are now having to completely redo an entire unit from their spring curriculum. A curriculum approved by the conservative State Education Department. One endorsed and recommended by them, actually.

They are having to find comparable literature on the same subject, recreate all tests, quizzes, discussions, and activities.

And all because a group of people with little to no formal training in curriculum and assessment, literature, or education standards decided they needed to clutch their pearls.
You mean the people with the most vested interest in what children are being exposed to have made their wishes known and felt the powers that be failed their children............ So now those with the most vested interest are pressuring those officials to right a perceived wrong........

Yeah........ Democracy sucks doesn't it. Where's a dictator when you need them?

Having said this I'm not for banning books.... But this is an example of people putting it freedoms and liberties into action and holding officials responsible to the people to serve their interests.
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