Bannon arrested

He can literally get on tv anytime he wants. He had months of televised briefings on covid and didn't use them in a productive manner. Heck even I tuned in for a while until I realized he was never going to say anything worthwhile

He's a terrible communicator and using twitter as the chosen platform actually makes it worse
It fascinates me that his rallies are thought to be so effective. To me, they all sound like an inarticulate ramble.
Its a bit deeper than that. This is taking Trump's #1 campaign promise and using it to defraud thousands of people of tens of millions of dollars.

Bannon knows too much. Wonder if Trump's team has already told Bannon's people that a pardon is in the offing.
F!@k Trump and Bannon, I hate all politicians theyre all scum of the earth, they operate on both sides of the isle but all have the same goal in mind and will do/ say anything to obtain it.
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It fascinates me that his rallies are thought to be so effective. To me, they all sound like an inarticulate ramble.
I've read a few times that his way of speaking is very much on purpose and effective for his intended audience. One guy (on Rogan I think) studied past interviews and went through his changes in style. Explains why some just eat it up and some don't understand it at all
I didn’t donate. I wasn't aware of a go fund page for it either.

I've never heard of this before either until this ground breaking news event. This is the first I know of it. They act like Trump had something to do w/it just because Steve Bannon was part of Trump's past campaign management.
But if they're found guilty as charged then they should pay for their crimes w/jail time as needed. Absolutely....
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I'll be waiting for a QAnon drop...
Ehhh... isn't that what the criminal justice system is supposed to do?

Hold on...

Yeah. Pretty sure. Well, that is except when Uncle Barr gets involved.

Yeah, the criminal justice system is supposed to catch and punish criminals. The fact that anyone would be "giddy" about bad stuff happening to other people makes me think that they lack character themselves.
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I’m still betting 30% of this money ends up in the hands of a class action law firm as part of their fee agreement.


I wonder how many of the conspiracy theory crowd gave money to this guy because the rest of us all knew it was going to be a scam?
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It fascinates me that his rallies are thought to be so effective. To me, they all sound like an inarticulate ramble.
What I don't get about the rallies is that people camp outside to watch the stupid things. You already know what he is going to say. Hell, I wouldn't camp outside to watch me.... and I like me some me.
I've read a few times that his way of speaking is very much on purpose and effective for his intended audience. One guy (on Rogan I think) studied past interviews and went through his changes in style. Explains why some just eat it up and some don't understand it at all

I dont believe that for a second. That would take some serious method acting to keep it up this long. He says certain things to pander to his base and occasionally says things purposely to troll the media but his cadence and syntax are in deniably him. You can see when he has to read a prepared speech and he gets lost mid sentence. He may have been more coherent in the 80s and 90s but he is who he is today.
What I don't get about the rallies is that people camp outside to watch the stupid things. You already know what he is going to say. Hell, I wouldn't camp outside to watch me.... and I like me some me.

To be fair thats like saying you arent going to go see your favorite band in concert because you already know what songs they are going to play.

Without looking it up to confirm, I do recall Some reports of preCOVID rallies where crowds were exiting early to beat traffic. Doesnt mean those people like him any less or arent going to enthusiastically vote for him, but they already heard the hits they wanted to see live and hit the exit.
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