Barbie movie is about to be the biggest messaging backfire since Full Metal Jacket.

The Rotten Tomatoes verified audience score is 87%, and the all-audience score is 74%, so it appears some people with diseased minds are voting it down without seeing it.

I agree with your sentiment.

I personally think that the only thing more lame than trying to organize a boycott ... is being enough of a sheep to actually follow one. Nobody was going to tell me not to eat at Chik-fil-A once in a while. I like their sandwiches.

I can think of a few. Harassing a White House press Secretary from a restaurant while she is trying to have a quiet meal with her friends and family. Threatening a SCOTUS justice from the sidewalk in front of their home. Standing in and blocking traffic on busy roadways.

God bless you while you enjoy your Jesus Chicken in peace.
I can think of a few. Harassing a White House press Secretary from a restaurant while she is trying to have a quiet meal with her friends and family. Threatening a SCOTUS justice from the sidewalk in front of their home. Standing in and blocking traffic on busy roadways.

God bless you while you enjoy your Jesus Chicken in peace.

Harassing Fulton County, Georgia election workers over lies Donald Trump told about them?
Are you sure? It came out in 1987 and military enlistment has declined since. What are you basing this on?

That movie has stood the test of time and it certainly did its part to turn me off to the military.

View attachment 565373

I would imagine that’s more so related to the fall of a the Berlin wall than it was this movie. Especially since the drop off doesn’t start until the fall of the Berlin Wall.
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... and although I will probably never watch a minute of this movie - I would watch just about anything else with Margot Robbie. I, Tonya was surprisingly good ... she is smokin' hot.
She is definitely a reason to check it out…. Won’t see this movie either but did enjoy looking at her pics online.
I agree with your sentiment.

I personally think that the only thing more lame than trying to organize a boycott ... is being enough of a sheep to actually follow one. Nobody was going to tell me not to eat at Chik-fil-A once in a while. I like their sandwiches.

My point was that the right-wing was very impressed with itself over the results of the Bud Light boycott. There has been an incredible amount of social media gloating over it. I think it led Ted Cruz and his Republican cohorts to believe that they had more influence over consumer demand in this country than what is actually the case.

The target audience for Barbie is much different than people who drink Bud Light.
I boycott stuff all the time: boycotted Best Buy for over ten years bc they acted like I was stealing DVDs when I tried to return them…. Refuse to go to splash country bc they put ogles water park out of business,…. Refuse to eat organic foods bc I feel it is nonsense, I will join the boycott of Barbie( of course wouldn’t have ever wanted to see it anyways…. I will join the boycott of Bud Light and Disney( bc I dislike both)…. I can’t get onboard with protests of things I do like though…. NFL and such….. Now if any boycott includes a protest then count me out.
I would imagine that’s more so related to the fall of a the Berlin wall than it was this movie. Especially since the drop off doesn’t start until the fall of the Berlin Wall.
Actually went up after the movie release then dropped.
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So, about that "go woke, go broke" thing

The less people are bothered by anything tolerant of homosexuality the more freaked out the MAGA resentment base becomes.

Surprised DeSantis hasn't banned all the woke movie theaters in Florida yet, but maybe he'll get around to it.
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I can't imagine any secure man being threatened by this movie. I saw it on Friday. It was good. It was pretty funny and imaginative. They had me in the first 20 seconds with the nod to 2001: Space Odyssey. It did drag a little bit at a couple points during some preachy stuff, but the overall point of the movie included the notion that Ken's identity shouldn't be as Barbie's BF and that Barbieland shouldn't be keeping the men down in their oppressive post-feminist Utopia.

Imagine being the type of guy who sees this movie and then burns Barbies on Youtube. Imagine being the type of guy who sees that person as a thought leader.

"Any dude who can't take those hits in that movie, they've really gotta look in their pants and decide what they're made of."

Marc Maron Slams Male 'Barbie' Critics for Being 'Insecure Babies'
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I can think of a few. Harassing a White House press Secretary from a restaurant while she is trying to have a quiet meal with her friends and family. Threatening a SCOTUS justice from the sidewalk in front of their home. Standing in and blocking traffic on busy roadways.

God bless you while you enjoy your Jesus Chicken in peace.
I prefer the term "Hate Chicken". I love me some hate chicken.

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