You may be right if there is a law making them look at felons but to say this wouldnt be a typical or common thing is not being realistic. Getting a job as a black man in america is usually harder than if you are white. It depends on who is doing the hiring and lets be real most doing the hiring are white. It may not be overt rascism where hey just hate black people but they would rather hire whites because they arent comfortable around blacks, esp. young black males. This is what hurts black coaches sometimes. And no Im not saying every white person who hires thinks like this, I think the US has come a long way in hiring practices but has a long way to go.
I see your point, and agree with most of it. I do think that particular study can't be cited as a good example because of the whole convict thing. In some locations, companies also get tax cuts for hiring "recovering people" in general, whether it be out of prison or drug rehab participants.
I would really like to see that study with respect to just two normal white dudes with less experience than the black guys.
My only problem is that I think both sides are sadly approaching this the wrong way (and I don't know of a right way). The first, most important, thing is to be educated. The second thing is to not whine when something doesn't go the way you want it to.
I've always been taught (and it has paid off in the end) that if something doesn't go your way, to go back at it, and work ten times harder to make sure it goes your way next time. I know this has nothing do do with the BCA, but I believe that if the United States can elect a black man to be president, the possiblities are endless (note: I'm not saying that because we elected a black president that racism doesn't exist, that's stupid).