Bernie Sanders Thread

Lol at some of you. Yea, people with brains are butthurt. The top 0.1% in the US are worth the same as the bottom 90. That's absurd. I highly doubt anyone on this board is in the top 0.01. So you should all support a fairer system. "Trickle down" is a broken philosophy that depended on organizations distributing their greater wealth. It didn't happen. Now it's hoarded among an extremely small percentage. So yes maybe not socialism but something much farther away from what we currently have would be a far better system.

The people that think they have brains and are butthurt over the disparity of income apparently don't understand business. The people you are unhappy with (or their ancestors) had an idea and the mindset to take a risk and created a business that needed more manpower (employees).
Are you employed by a company? If so, I suppose you aren't smart enough to come up with an original idea, or brave enough to take the risks (losing savings, home, etc.).
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Lol at some of you. Yea, people with brains are butthurt. The top 0.1% in the US are worth the same as the bottom 90. That's absurd. I highly doubt anyone on this board is in the top 0.01. So you should all support a fairer system. "Trickle down" is a broken philosophy that depended on organizations distributing their greater wealth. It didn't happen. Now it's hoarded among an extremely small percentage. So yes maybe not socialism but something much farther away from what we currently have would be a far better system.
wow. :cray:

I can't run a sub 5 40 either. Should I have a place on an NFL roster? Jump like a typical middle aged white man. Should I be on an NBA team as well.

Liberalism is a mental disease.
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Cant wait to see Loony Berns debate tactics. How quickly will he fizzle out after his "im giving sh!t away for free" rings hollow?
wow. :cray:

I can't run a sub 5 40 either. Should I have a place on an NFL roster? Jump like a typical middle aged white man. Should I be on an NBA team as well.

Liberalism is a mental disease.

How does playing in the NFL have any similarity to a more equal distribution of wealth? I didn't say billionaires shouldn't exist. I didn't say everyone deserves a participation ribbon. Your comment literally makes no sense when looked at mine.
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How does playing in the NFL have any similarity to a more equal distribution of wealth? I didn't say billionaires shouldn't exist. I didn't say everyone deserves a participation ribbon. Your comment literally makes no sense when looked at mine.

I'm curious why your thoughts center more around wealth redistribution than wealth earning.

Where do you feel like you are being taken advantage of? Interest rates are near historic lows. Inflation is under control. Energy prices are down. Global competition has driven down prices in so many places.

A better jobs picture would go much further in equalizing income gaps. I guess I'm wondering what your complaints are, besides Person X has more than I do.
I'm curious why your thoughts center more around wealth redistribution than wealth earning.

Where do you feel like you are being taken advantage of? Interest rates are near historic lows. Inflation is under control. Energy prices are down. Global competition has driven down prices in so many places.

A better jobs picture would go much further in equalizing income gaps. I guess I'm wondering what your complaints are, besides Person X has more than I do.


Companies are sitting on mountains of cash right now and we need to encourage them to invest that cash, bring it home and to grow the economy. Confiscation and redistribution isn't the answer, the answer is less regulation and taxes!
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I'm curious why your thoughts center more around wealth redistribution than wealth earning.

Where do you feel like you are being taken advantage of? Interest rates are near historic lows. Inflation is under control. Energy prices are down. Global competition has driven down prices in so many places.

A better jobs picture would go much further in equalizing income gaps. I guess I'm wondering what your complaints are, besides Person X has more than I do.

First thanks for a real question. You also didn't make any stupid or irrelevant comparisons. Let me preface by saying everyone is assuming jealousy. I'm graduating from UT in December with a degree in management. I'm not really concerned about future earnings. I also have a job and go to school full time. I'm not lazy. All liberals aren't lazy. I know, that's blasphemy on this board.

Interest rates, energy prices are fine. Inflation in earnings is not under control. And global competition has driven down prices in cost of production, true. However, That's not necessarily true when it comes to what they are selling the products for. Also it is undercutting industrial jobs which were former sources of lifetime employment and retirement plans. In the 80s we went all out on trickle down and while we have moved away from it, the wealth and power gained during this time still lasts. The income gaps are becoming wider, so the jobs picture is obviously not helping close the gaps. CEOs now generally make 300 times more than their average employee. It was something like 36 times more in the 70s. We have no choice in matters. If you want to make any kind of living you are forced into subjugation of people with all the power. Tons of well-regarded economists are on record saying a true capitalist market is doomed to fail. It affects the politics, but I'm on mobile I'll reply later.
How does playing in the NFL have any similarity to a more equal distribution of wealth? I didn't say billionaires shouldn't exist. I didn't say everyone deserves a participation ribbon. Your comment literally makes no sense when looked at mine.

Distribution of wealth is a ridiculous term. Stupid really. It suggests that wealth is just handed out. It's not. People create their own wealth by working hard, being responsible and making good decisions. Those are three qualities that too many people lack. You want greater wealth? Go get it. Sitting back and crying about how you're entitled to others hard-earned money is lazy, stupid and worthless.
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Cant wait to see Loony Berns debate tactics. How quickly will he fizzle out after his "im giving sh!t away for free" rings hollow?

He's the Democrat's answer to the old white man running for President who, not too long ago, laughed so hard at the GOP's contenders a couple of years back. Then, Hillary's at 70+ or so & she's an old white woman who hasn't done squat for the country in years but who feels like she's entitled to the Office of President......Both are frauds & liars on the center stage tonight.
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Interest rates, energy prices are fine. Inflation in earnings is not under control. And global competition has driven down prices in cost of production, true. However, That's not necessarily true when it comes to what they are selling the products for. Also it is undercutting industrial jobs which were former sources of lifetime employment and retirement plans. In the 80s we went all out on trickle down and while we have moved away from it, the wealth and power gained during this time still lasts. The income gaps are becoming wider, so the jobs picture is obviously not helping close the gaps. CEOs now generally make 300 times more than their average employee. It was something like 36 times more in the 70s. We have no choice in matters. If you want to make any kind of living you are forced into subjugation of people with all the power. Tons of well-regarded economists are on record saying a true capitalist market is doomed to fail. It affects the politics, but I'm on mobile I'll reply later.

I also graduated from the business school at UTK. Since graduating I have had the opportunity to work in both large private and large public companies.

I will agree with you that wages have not kept up with inflation and that globalization has driven manufacturing jobs to other countries. I will also agree with you that CEO pay has outpaced mean compensation.

I disagree with you that items are getting more expensive. By almost all measures, items are cheaper today than they were in the past. From clothing to computers, we spend much less on those as a percent of income, mostly because they got a whole lot cheaper.

I disagree with you that if you want to make any kind of living you are subjugated to people with all the power. I'm not even sure how you've been led to think that. Maybe you can explain further.

Additionally, it's easier than ever to start your own business and do your own thing. Capital is easier to access and unlike anytime before, a novel service delivered through the web can reach an audience cheaper and faster than ever before. And no real material input is required.

Finally, of the things I agreed with you, I see them as an issue. A roadblock at best to success. No government redistribution program will solve those issues. Those issues are caused by the government - not solved by the government.

Want a more competitive wage environment? Then seed the environment in a way that encourages (FULL TIME) job creation. When openings outpace available candidates, wage inflation occurs.

Capitalism is not doomed to failure. Look around at today's world. Look at history. Capitalism is the most humane tool to lift the boats of all who participate. The system isn't broken. It's being ruined by government.
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There should be a bell every time he proposes taxing producers and giving away stuff.. it would be funny

Bernie and the rest of the socialists could stand in front of a tote board with the totals going up for al the entitlements they promise, maybe they can dig up Jerry Lewis to co-host the debate..more free shlt and the republican's hate women, blacks and hispanics.....

Companies are sitting on mountains of cash right now and we need to encourage them to invest that cash, bring it home and to grow the economy. Confiscation and redistribution isn't the answer, the answer is less regulation and taxes!

Unfortunately. the only likely way you'll encourage them to invest and bring that money home, as opposed to using it in countries with cheap labor, is through reversing free trade agreements and imposing tariffs (taxes) on their goods they produce elsewhere.
Bernie Sanders in a damn nutshell.... "if you want free college demand it!, if you want higher pay at work demand it!....

Is this guy serious? And the crowd is cheering! I'm 27 years old and terrified of my generation of voters
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They have almost no tax liability. If they have kids, the EITC means that at tax time they receive thousands of dollars over and above whatever they may have paid in. There are federal, state and local programs to help them pay for food, lodging, healthcare, college, daycare, cell phone, internet, etc. None of which are provided with any expectations on the recipient.

I'm not saying living at or below the poverty line is easy or even desirable, but poor people aren't poor because Warren Buffet is a billionaire.

Damn that's a good post. I live a whole lot closer to the poverty line than I do to buffet but I realize that is almost entirely due to choices I made and continue to make. We all do. Don't get me wrong, I've got plenty to eat and a safe place to lay my head. I know of specific choices I could have made regarding my education and family status that would have greatly changed my income. I'm content with where I am though. Never will understand how some Americans FEEL ENTITLED TO SOMEONE ELSE'S HARD EARNED MONEY. This is still the land of opportunity. Millionaires minted every day. If you're dead broke it's your fault. Period.
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Companies are sitting on mountains of cash right now and we need to encourage them to invest that cash, bring it home and to grow the economy. Confiscation and redistribution isn't the answer, the answer is less regulation and taxes!
Liberals can't allow bringing that cash home without taking a cut for their giveaways..
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How does playing in the NFL have any similarity to a more equal distribution of wealth? I didn't say billionaires shouldn't exist. I didn't say everyone deserves a participation ribbon.
That is exactly what you are saying. You just can't see it. Come back and revisit this when you have lived in the real world for awhile.
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First thanks for a real question. You also didn't make any stupid or irrelevant comparisons. Let me preface by saying everyone is assuming jealousy. I'm graduating from UT in December with a degree in management. I'm not really concerned about future earnings. I also have a job and go to school full time. I'm not lazy. All liberals aren't lazy. I know, that's blasphemy on this board.

Interest rates, energy prices are fine. Inflation in earnings is not under control. And global competition has driven down prices in cost of production, true. However, That's not necessarily true when it comes to what they are selling the products for. Also it is undercutting industrial jobs which were former sources of lifetime employment and retirement plans. In the 80s we went all out on trickle down and while we have moved away from it, the wealth and power gained during this time still lasts. The income gaps are becoming wider, so the jobs picture is obviously not helping close the gaps. CEOs now generally make 300 times more than their average employee. It was something like 36 times more in the 70s. We have no choice in matters. If you want to make any kind of living you are forced into subjugation of people with all the power. Tons of well-regarded economists are on record saying a true capitalist market is doomed to fail. It affects the politics, but I'm on mobile I'll reply later.

Vote democrat. That will get rid of the highlighted portion of your rant. lulz.
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Unfortunately. the only likely way you'll encourage them to invest and bring that money home, as opposed to using it in countries with cheap labor, is through reversing free trade agreements and imposing tariffs (taxes) on their goods they produce elsewhere.

We could do it by reducing environmental, labor and other regulations that are a hindrance to business. That along with reducing/eliminating the tax burden on business would bring hiring back.
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Well Bernie pretty much admitted he wasn't a serious candidate. He exonerated Clinton of her scandals. I guess he's trying to stay in her good graces when she gets the nomination.
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