Bernie Sanders Thread

And doesnt realize that "Free college" already makes not very valuable degrees less valuable. The idea that a college degree, or education that matter, is going to help poor people has literally been shown to not be true. Dumb is dumb. Can't fix stupid.

Education doesn't help poor people?
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yeah..but it doesnt help poor people. You know..the ones that a normal education system cannot accommodate...

The poor people you're talking about are, more often than not, the ones without the high school education, and their unemployment is high and their medium wage is low. If we educate people, rich, middle, or poor, they are far more likely to be better off. The whole idea of "too many people with degrees waters down the market" is exactly the zero sum mentality so many free market proponents on here claim to despise. An educated population is paramount to success.
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Let me make sure I'm understanding you here. You are using Trump as an example of sensibility? If you are buying anything that blowhard is spewing, it truly shows evidence that the American educational system is a failure.

Not sure I've ever seen you around the politics forum, Doyle. How you doing?
The wrong education doesn't help wealthy people. How much does the average PhD in Womens' Studies make these days? I'd rather be a plumber than have a degree in that crap. (Not insult to plumbers intended whatsoever)

I think people are confusing "education" as meaning only college and university, but hands-on careers are increasingly needing some form of post-secondary education. At least half of my current high school seniors will be attending a career and technical school next fall to learn a variety of trades, including plumbing. Many of them live in poverty and wouldn't have had the opportunity to go if not for the Tennessee Promise program.
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Let me make sure I'm understanding you here. You are using Trump as an example of sensibility? If you are buying anything that blowhard is spewing, it truly shows evidence that the American educational system is a failure.

Well unfortunately you didn't understand me and did a terrible job at thinking and entirely misunderstood my post.

Better luck next time.
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The poor people you're talking about are, more often than not, the ones without the high school education, and their unemployment is high and their medium wage is low. If we educate people, rich, middle, or poor, they are far more likely to be better off. The whole idea of "too many people with degrees waters down the market" is exactly the zero sum mentality so many free market proponents on here claim to despise. An educated population is paramount to success.

Nope. I know plenty of people with worthless college degrees, a product of the great financial aid rush of the last 20 years, who wallow in poverty. These same people can't figure out why them having a degree in English Literature doesn't land them a high paying job running a corporation. Too much education is a bad thing sometimes.

Hey lets get everyone to college! Wait we don't have enough degree programs now! Lets make some bullsh!t up!! Oooh a Agricultural Leadership degree!! (actual degree at UTK)..
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Nope. I know plenty of people with worthless college degrees, a product of the great financial aid rush of the last 20 years, who wallow in poverty. These same people can't figure out why them having a degree in English Literature doesn't land them a high paying job running a corporation. Too much education is a bad thing sometimes.

Hey lets get everyone to college! Wait we don't have enough degree programs now! Lets make some bullsh!t up!! Oooh a Agricultural Leadership degree!! (actual degree at UTK)..

Of course there are higher earning degrees and post-secondary options, and nothing in life is a guarantee, but to say furthering our population's education is pointless is shortsighted. There are exceptions to every rule, but the majority of educated people are better off than their uneducated counterparts.

Besides, most of my poorer kids don't go to college or university, but are going to tech school because they can finally afford to because of the Tennessee Promise. Hopefully it will help them climb out of poverty and offer their own children a better life.
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I think people are confusing "education" as meaning only college and university, but hands-on careers are increasingly needing some form of post-secondary education. At least half of my current high school seniors will be attending a career and technical school next fall to learn a variety of trades, including plumbing. Many of them live in poverty and wouldn't have had the opportunity to go if not for the Tennessee Promise program.
That's great. Seriously. What I keep hearing from the socialists is that college needs to be free. College. So by all means, let's get a bunch of kids who have zero business in higher level education classes, and have the taxpayers foot the bill. And since the dumptruck bringing the money in to the universities would be bottomless, there is no way that tuition rates would go up... naaaaaaah. That'd never happen. Look at what is happening to tuition now that mere loans are guaranteed by the gubbamint. Can you imagine the cost of a "higher" education once the entire gravy train is federally guaranteed?
That's great. Seriously. What I keep hearing from the socialists is that college needs to be free. College. So by all means, let's get a bunch of kids who have zero business in higher level education classes, and have the taxpayers foot the bill. And since the dumptruck bringing the money in to the universities would be bottomless, there is no way that tuition rates would go up... naaaaaaah. That'd never happen. Look at what is happening to tuition now that mere loans are guaranteed by the gubbamint. Can you imagine the cost of a "higher" education once the entire gravy train is federally guaranteed?

I imagine when they use the term "college" they're referring to college, university, and career and tech schools, because that's what programs like the Tennessee Promise offer. Also, how do you know these kids have "zero business"? I've been surprised in class this year by some of the lower income kids that people consider to be "no good" or "dumb." They just need the opportunity and I don't mind helping via taxes. Maybe then they won't rely on government benefits like their parents do (which also costs the taxpayer).
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I imagine when they use the term "college" they're referring to college, university, and career and tech schools, because that's what programs like the Tennessee Promise offer. Also, how do you know these kids have "zero business"? I've been surprised in class this year by some of the lower income kids that people consider to be "no good" or "dumb." They just need the opportunity and I don't mind helping via taxes. Maybe then they won't rely on government benefits like their parents do (which also costs the taxpayer).
I am nowhere near as optimistic as you. Another entitlement program is not at all what this country needs right now. And unless I hear the socialists add in their rhetoric the words trade school tech school etc etc etc, I can infer nothing other than a free education on my back to the university of their choice. I have had enough of paying for everybody else's everything.
Bernie's ideology makes Obama's seem reasonable. This man cannot be elected.
Why don't we make an attempt to solve the many problems in the public school system before we add college to the mix? Nah! Here is some more free stuff if you vote for us! Anything else you need just let us know.

What these people never understand is that socialism only works for a short time, taking from the rich and giving to the poor. It only breeds more socialists and in the end can't support itself.
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