Beware the Red Mirage and Trump sewing further discord, refusing to accept loss

LG do you have a set amount of time after the election that it is valid to keep counting votes?

Do we go right up to inauguration? Make sure we really didnt miss any votes? Or do you call it once the Dems have enough?
Until Joe Biden is the winner. Duh. Straight out of the mouth of Hillary Clinton.

Keep recounting until Joe Biden wins, and if that doesn't work, just put the people who are counting Covid deaths in charge of the counting.
Can’t win with dead people voting, a person voting 10 times in 10 different states, and throwing away republican mail-in-votes in the garbage. You can’t win, when a mail person sabotages the republican votes. You can’t win, when a volunteer burns republican mail-in-votes. You can’t win, when China sends in millions of voter fraud mail-in-votes, in which has already been caught. I think you get the idea of voter id, vote in person, and voting machines is the only way. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️

Do you have concrete proof that any of these things have happened and on a scale large enough to impact a national general election? Any proof at all?
Do you have concrete proof that any of these things have happened and on a scale large enough to impact a national general election? Any proof at all?
Obama said Russia could not interfere in our elections. Not possible so nothing was done.
Is this the approach we need to continue with. There’s an obvious problem that could be exploited. I’m sure it will be fine........until the Republicans out hustle the Democrats then all we will hear about is mail fraud.
Republicans were saying Obama would not leave office in 2016! I will say if Americans continue to be gunned down in the streets for wearing a hat with an American flag on it there will be a civil war and it will have nothing to do with Trump.
That's not the only reason Americans are being gunned down in the street. There are a lot of right wingers who seemingly want a civil war
I am sure that Trump will get plenty of votes in the Midwest. I am equally sure that Biden would get plenty in the South and in population centers, perhaps more but for the intentional acts of Trump and his cronies to suppress those votes premised on a baseless claim of fraud.

It is right in front of you. The evidence is overwhelming. Trump is cheating and is prepared to do more to hold on to power.

I'm sure you are right about Biden getting plenty of votes in population centers. Don't you think people in those population centers should be questioning how well their Dim leaders have been performing, though - they obviously can't even keep their police departments in line or their cities safe.
With so many ballots coming in by mail and counting taking some time, keep an eye out for Trump prematurely claiming victory and refusing to accept a loss.

That's why he's trying so hard to undermine mail in voting. He setting up civil war because that's what will happen if he refuses to leave.
Have you ever had an original thought?

Hillary telegraphed this narrative.

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Have you ever had an original thought?

Hillary telegraphed this narrative.

She the one who wouldn't concede her loss to Trump after claiming that elections can't be tampered with?

Similarly, LG starts a thread claiming Trump will not concede a Trump loss, then goes on to say that he won't recognize a Biden loss. It's just too priceless. The liberal projection just seems endless.

The only way Trump wins is by cheating. I for one will not view him as legitimate POTUS
You've got Putin poisoning his opponents, the political appointee DNI cutting off briefings to Congress as to Russian interference in the election to favor Trump, the DNI actually now withholding reports of Russian interference to help Trump, and a political appointee at the postal service suppressing likely Dem votes.

Wake up and smell the coffee.

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They sat on a report of Russian interference to help Trump. Just happened.

There is no trust that this administration is going to report a fact it doesn't like. They hide them, withhold them.

Just like Russia.

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