Bible Topic Thread (merged)

But the Hebrew meaning of the word Elder is translated as Pastor/Rabbi.
This is one of those grey areas that do not effect salvation, but a source of many Church's splitting.
I agree that the Elders should not be the Pastors.

It does case a lot of Church's splitting! I am speaking from experience...
Since I dove headfirst into one of the topics, I decided to go back and read the other posts and I have a question.

For those of you that profess to be Christians, what document(s) have you found that show there is another way for salvation other than professing faith in Jesus? Also where is this idea that being sort of good or really good gets you into Heaven?

Based on my understanding of the Bible, if you believe with your heart that Jesus is the son and died on the cross for your sins, you will enter the gates of Heaven, regardless of your life on earth. If you don't accept Jesus as your Savior you will not enter the gates.

I believe you must ask for forgiveness sincerely and should have have some concept of the wrongs you did and their impact on your life and others. To just believe and be accepted is too easy for me. I believe you must contemplate your actions and their results and try to learn from them while asking for forgiveness. After all if you are a Christian it will only benefit you to have a more meaningful relationship with God and Christ. I'm not sure I like the idea of just believing and accepting and all is forgiven. I need to put some effort in on my part to better myself. This is my own personal view on the matter though and I realize there will be many other ways of looking at this subject.
So are you saying you believe in MICRO evolution? I think I agree with that. I remember talking about Mircro vs Macro in one of my bible classes and I believe Mircro evolution are just the natural changes and adaptations of nature and humans.

More or less, yes. It all depends on your interpretation of micro I guess.
If an Elder is in place and his wife passes away. Can he remain in office?
My Dad was asked to step down after my Mom died and I never agreed with that request. But the other Church leaders took the "husband of one wife" to mean that if he was not married anymore, he could not serve.
If an Elder is in place and hid wife passes away. Can he remain in office?
My Dad was asked to step down after my Mom died and I never agreed with that request. But the other Church leaders took the "husband of one wife" to mean that if he was not married anymore, he could not serve.

I don't necessarily agree with that. The way I take "the husband of one wife" to mean is that he hasn't divorced and remarried...

If you don't mind me asking...what denomination are you?
I believe you must ask for forgiveness sincerely and should have have some concept of the wrongs you did and their impact on your life and others. To just believe and be accepted is too easy for me. I believe you must contemplate your actions and their results and try to learn from them while asking for forgiveness. After all if you are a Christian it will only benefit you to have a more meaningful relationship with God and Christ. I'm not sure I like the idea of just believing and accepting and all is forgiven. I need to put some effort in on my part to better myself. This is my own personal view on the matter though and I realize there will be many other ways of looking at this subject.

Do you have readings or teachings that have created that belief? Evidently I can't give exact scriptures, but let's just say that according to the Pauline Epistles our actions as Christians will be judged when we appear before the seat of Christ. It is at this moment that we will receive what is due us for things done good and/or bad. Either way though, we will still enter the kingdom of Heaven.

Again, that's my belief and why I have that belief.
I believe you must ask for forgiveness sincerely and should have have some concept of the wrongs you did and their impact on your life and others. To just believe and be accepted is too easy for me. I believe you must contemplate your actions and their results and try to learn from them while asking for forgiveness. After all if you are a Christian it will only benefit you to have a more meaningful relationship with God and Christ. I'm not sure I like the idea of just believing and accepting and all is forgiven. I need to put some effort in on my part to better myself. This is my own personal view on the matter though and I realize there will be many other ways of looking at this subject.

I agree that if you have professed your belief in Christ you are aware of the sin in your life. The main component of this belief is the fact that Jesus died for our sins. I guess that I assumed everyone knows that and I left that part out in my "its that simple" comment.

Thanks for pointing that out for all.
T-Town as for elders it is my belief that one wife means that you have not or do not practice polygamy and you have been faithful to your wife. I do not think the death of your wife should result in the loss of you being able of being an elder. I'm not even sure you have to be married. I think we are taking Paul's instructions to Timothy too literally. You have to be a good family man though and show that you care deeply for others and are out for their best interest.

But, that is only my belief. Paul simply says husband of one wife and to my knowledge there are no documents or further explanations to help explain what he meant. It is a topic that his divided biblical scholars for centuries.
T-Town as for elders it is my belief that one wife means that you have not or do not practice polygamy and you have been faithful to your wife. I do not think the death of your wife should result in the loss of you being able of being an elder. I'm not even sure you have to be married. I think we are taking Paul's instructions to Timothy too literally. You have to be a good family man though and show that you care deeply for others and are out for their best interest.

But, that is only my belief. Paul simply says husband of one wife and to my knowledge there are no documents or further explanations to help explain what he meant. It is a topic that his divided biblical scholars for centuries.

The thing is, and I admire my Dad for this, he did not cause a stir about it. He was more concerned about the entire congregation when the fact that he disagreed with the other Elders.
Luke 13:2-4 (King James Version)

2 And Jesus answering said unto them, Suppose ye that these Galilaeans were sinners above all the Galilaeans, because they suffered such things?

3 I tell you, Nay: but, except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish.

4 Or those eighteen, upon whom the tower in Siloam fell, and slew them, think ye that they were sinners above all men that dwelt in Jerusalem?
Do you have readings or teachings that have created that belief? Evidently I can't give exact scriptures, but let's just say that according to the Pauline Epistles our actions as Christians will be judged when we appear before the seat of Christ. It is at this moment that we will receive what is due us for things done good and/or bad. Either way though, we will still enter the kingdom of Heaven.

Again, that's my belief and why I have that belief.

No I don't have any scriptures to base that belief on but it is just my overall interpretation from reading the scriptures. I feel it is better to base beliefs on the whole of the book and not just specific passages. That is just me though.
so Kev do you think we must be free of sin when we enter the Kingdom of Heaven?

I think that in your example Jesus was simply pointing out that tragedy didn't only strike those who were extremely sinful, but everyone. Which is why those who claim 9/11 or other national tragedies are acts of God to punish those who have done wrong make me shake my head.
No I don't have any scriptures to base that belief on but it is just my overall interpretation from reading the scriptures. I feel it is better to base beliefs on the whole of the book and not just specific passages. That is just me though.

well I agree that as Christians we need to try and live a perfect life, but I don't believe it's possible. Whether we are 90% good or just 10%, as long as we accept Jesus as our Savior we will be saved. I do believe though we will be rewarded for our actions in Heaven. Some could say I'm saying there are levels of Heaven, but i think saying that takes it too far.
so Kev do you think we must be free of sin when we enter the Kingdom of Heaven?

I think that in your example Jesus was simply pointing out that tragedy didn't only strike those who were extremely sinful, but everyone. Which is why those who claim 9/11 or other national tragedies are acts of God to punish those who have done wrong make me shake my head.

Pat Robertson Alert....Pat Robertson Alert....BEWARE!
(I would pick on JF, but I do not pick on the dead)
so Kev do you think we must be free of sin when we enter the Kingdom of Heaven?

I think that in your example Jesus was simply pointing out that tragedy didn't only strike those who were extremely sinful, but everyone. Which is why those who claim 9/11 or other national tragedies are acts of God to punish those who have done wrong make me shake my head.

Of course. I have always interpretted that to mean that you must repent all your sins before God will accept you into Heaven.
well I agree that as Christians we need to try and live a perfect life, but I don't believe it's possible. Whether we are 90% good or just 10%, as long as we accept Jesus as our Savior we will be saved. I do believe though we will be rewarded for our actions in Heaven. Some could say I'm saying there are levels of Heaven, but i think saying that takes it too far.

Lay up treasure in Heaven BABY!
We will, as Christians, still be judged in Heaven AND rewarded for such.
Just getting there will be far beyond anything we can imagine.
Of course. I have always interpretted that to mean that you must repent all your sins before God will accept you into Heaven.

You as a Christian are saved period. If you died in a car crash today, and did not have a chance to say a prayer for forgiveness of that days sins, your logic would keep you out. I beg to differ with you on this one unless you mean all your sins at your moment of Salvation.
so Kev do you think we must be free of sin when we enter the Kingdom of Heaven?

I think that in your example Jesus was simply pointing out that tragedy didn't only strike those who were extremely sinful, but everyone. Which is why those who claim 9/11 or other national tragedies are acts of God to punish those who have done wrong make me shake my head.

I think we must have some grasp as to the extent of our sin and be repentant. We would be forgiven of our sin when we enter the Kingdom of Heaven. I don't believe 9/11 was brought on us because of our sin. I think God has a plan and evil has a place in that plan. It is all part of free will, those who are evil can do evil unto those that are good and vice versa.
just my two cents.....i believe the bible cover to cover...if Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven...which is said in the bible. as a christian, at the age of 13 i was saved...beleiving that Jesus died on the cross to save me from my sins and rose the third day...and one day we will stand before Jesus...and if we have chose not to accept his free gift of salvation...he will say depart from me, i never knew you..and at that point we will be cast in the lake of fire...which some say hell.

the only way into heaven is to be all the good you want! if you have never had a life changing experience with Jesus Christ you will not enter into heaven
Of course. I have always interpretted that to mean that you must repent all your sins before God will accept you into Heaven.

ok.. Big question here then... Must we repent all our sins when we meet Peter at the Gate, or must we have repented all our sins while we are on earth?
No I don't have any scriptures to base that belief on but it is just my overall interpretation from reading the scriptures. I feel it is better to base beliefs on the whole of the book and not just specific passages. That is just me though.

there are some verses that talks about Jesus walking with his disciples and there was an accident and caused some med to be killed. the disciples asked Jesus why that happend. paraphrasing, Jesus basically said that things are going to happen to people, whether they be Christians or not but the main thing is that we be ready to go to heaven if that accident happens to us.

as for 9/11 and hurricane katrina. God has caused tragedies to show is disaproval of how people and countries act if they turn their back on God. if you look what he did to Israel, His chosen people. when they started worshipping idols God was angry and punished them for turning their back on God.

I don't know if that's the reason for 9/11 and katrina, i'm just saying it could be a reason.
I believe that everything happens for a reason. God punishes people for their sinful acts. There are many examples in the Bible for that.

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