Bible Topic Thread (merged)

I have been in connect with people who have lived rough lives and didn't think there was any hope...However ONLY by the grace of GOD did they turn their life around...God can intervene in someone's life. That person has to want it.

Hence the reference to Free Will. We were not created robots to accept. We were created in his likeness with the Free Will to accept or reject faith. He wants us to love him. He does not force us to do so. Grace, Slavation, and Divine Intervention is more a state of acceptance of what has been given to you already. Everything you will ever receive has already been given to you. It is through faith, and growth that you receive. Having said that, and in reference to the question of beleif in the virgin birth to be saved. I would say yes. There is a natural process to salvation that encompasses the learning and acceptance of many things of God. You can't really say you believe and are saved if you skip around in the scripture. It's kind of hard to believe in and accept the Trinity, if you reject the notion of how the Son of the Trinity was brought to earth.
Ok, so I am watching the naked archeologist last night and he addressed something I have thought about and believe about Judas Iscariot.

I don't think he was the evil person or scapegoat he is made out to be.

Reading the gospels and checking history Judas was a zealot and zealots were known to as the extremists freedom fighters in their day. Their claim to fame was to carry multiple knives in their robes.

Ok, Judas saw the miracles of Jesus for three years and the man had to believe. I think that is fair to say. You know he was an extremists and I believe he turned Jesus in to force the Messiah's hand into forced combat to save himself. I believe Judas did not understand the true meaning of Christ's mission.

Interestingly, he turned Jesus into the Jesus leadership which had no authority to put Jesus to death. I believe Judas was betrayed by the Jewish leadership. When Jesus did not start the uprising that is when Judas saw what he had done and committed suicide.

Interesting enough, the naked archeologist, pretty much agrees with what I do, but he brought out something that I have never would have thought of. Judas hung himself in the burial area of the family of the man he turned Jesus over to in the Jewish leadership.

Siccari----"Iscariot"-----"men of the dagger". There is little doubt in my mind that Judas was actually part of a plot to push Jesus into a political, violent revolution. He was trying to force his hand.
The Jews are the chosen people of God and yet he will turn his back on them and not allow them into heaven, why?

They rejected him in the end. They were looking for a different kind of King, all the while he descended through them and lived among them and led them. And i would say "were" the chosen people at that time. The gospel and salvation was eventually opened to ALL who would believe, not just the Jews. That is how us Gentiles got the chance.
Personally I was raised to believe there will be all kinds of different religions in heaven. Totally not trying to fight but this is what bothers me about organized religion. Baptists all think they are here to save everyone and if you're not saved then you're screwed. Catholics are the same with Baptism, if you're not baptised you're screwed. And if you're Pentecostal and do not receive the gift of tongues, well then you're not doing it right and if you're a Sabbath keeping religion and whore yourself out to another religion that is not Sabbath keeping then you are out right sinning.

Baptism is not a Catholic creation. Baptism/immersion is spelled out distinctly in the New Testament, and taught in many mainstream religions in one form or another be it immersion or sprinkling. Catholic, Baptist, Meth., CoC, Christian Church, Episc., etc., all use Baptism whether or not the format is unified. Hard to overlook. Ignore to make choices easier? Maybe. Most of your modern start up religions and "holiness" type religions do not baptize because of their teaching on salvation. But, if you read much at all in the scripture, you'll see it many times.
Ok, so I am watching the naked archeologist last night and he addressed something I have thought about and believe about Judas Iscariot.

I don't think he was the evil person or scapegoat he is made out to be.

Reading the gospels and checking history Judas was a zealot and zealots were known to as the extremists freedom fighters in their day. Their claim to fame was to carry multiple knives in their robes.

Ok, Judas saw the miracles of Jesus for three years and the man had to believe. I think that is fair to say. You know he was an extremists and I believe he turned Jesus in to force the Messiah's hand into forced combat to save himself. I believe Judas did not understand the true meaning of Christ's mission.

Interestingly, he turned Jesus into the Jesus leadership which had no authority to put Jesus to death. I believe Judas was betrayed by the Jewish leadership. When Jesus did not start the uprising that is when Judas saw what he had done and committed suicide.

Interesting enough, the naked archeologist, pretty much agrees with what I do, but he brought out something that I have never would have thought of. Judas hung himself in the burial area of the family of the man he turned Jesus over to in the Jewish leadership.

The betrayal of Judas was the fulfillment of OT prophecy. It was to be.
Ok, Judas saw the miracles of Jesus for three years and the man had to believe. I think that is fair to say. You know he was an extremists and I believe he turned Jesus in to force the Messiah's hand into forced combat to save himself. I believe Judas did not understand the true meaning of Christ's mission..[/B]

you are assuming of course that jesus actually did these miracles and they weren't invented after his death by his followers to validate his teachings.

Kind of like this: BBC NEWS | Europe | Pope accepts 'Mother Teresa miracle' among hundreds of other examples.

You can blame the jesuits for my blasphemy.
Wow, I can run all day with this, but some people's answers have surprised me and some are about what I thought they would be (no I'm not being critical).

I believe that Jesus is the son of God, that's the definition of Christianity. I don't believe in the opinion of God doesn't get involved witht he small stuff... God IS the small stuff, the big stuff etc. I believe he gave us free will, but I also believe he knows exactly what we will choose to do.

I have always struggled with the fact of Heaven and Hell. I believe they both exist. However, if God is omnipotent and knows everything that has or ever will happen, why create something that is going to spend an eternity in hell? I know we have the freedom to choose, but I also believe he knows what we're going to choose. It's very confusing for me. I have to believe some people that do evil in this world (such as these sick ****s who rape and murder kids) are going there. I'm sure a shrink would say I need that to justify the craziness in the world, but I know it to be true all the same.

Unfortunately, our human state of processing this type of belief system, does not allow us to come to full understanding until judgement does come. That is where faith, hope, and grace pick up the slack. One commonality among most "believers" is that you only have to be a good person. There are very good people that have never set foot in a church and to watch their lifestyle one might think they are very religious. That is why people do struggle with religion. On the other hand, God said it would be easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than a rich man to get into heaven.
I don't want to run off on and completely skirt this topic, but does any one believe Christ can only return once every one on Earth has heard the message of salvation?

Like a thief in the night. No one knows the time or place except God himself. Not even the Son.
If an Elder is in place and his wife passes away. Can he remain in office?
My Dad was asked to step down after my Mom died and I never agreed with that request. But the other Church leaders took the "husband of one wife" to mean that if he was not married anymore, he could not serve.

You must be Church of Christ. A small conservative congregation I suppose. For one, they are one of the few that actually practice the elder/deacon appointments. I grew up in the same churches, under elderships. My dad was one for many decades. I personally, and scripturally, believe that action to request a widower to step down as an elder to be incorrect. A husband of one wife means he hasn't wandered in and out of marriages and divorces. The discpline in life he has control over. An elder has no control over the lifespan of his spouse, and said spouse dying does not render him unqulaified to serve as an elder at that point. And if he does choose to remarry, it was the byproduct of a death, and he still remains the husband of one wife scripturally. Moreover, the scripture gives infidelity as a basis for scriptural divorce. Should a man be a victim of a cheating spouse, he is no longer bound by those vows, and scripturally, would still be the husband of one wife should he re-marry. In neither of these 2 cases would an elder be unqualified.
You must be Church of Christ. A small conservative congregation I suppose. For one, they are one of the few that actually practice the elder/deacon appointments. I grew up in the same churches, under elderships. My dad was one for many decades. I personally, and scripturally, believe that action to request a widower to step down as an elder to be incorrect. A husband of one wife means he hasn't wandered in and out of marriages and divorces. The discpline in life he has control over. An elder has no control over the lifespan of his spouse, and said spouse dying does not render him unqulaified to serve as an elder at that point. And if he does choose to remarry, it was the byproduct of a death, and he still remains the husband of one wife scripturally. Moreover, the scripture gives infidelity as a basis for scriptural divorce. Should a man be a victim of a cheating spouse, he is no longer bound by those vows, and scripturally, would still be the husband of one wife should he re-marry. In neither of these 2 cases would an elder be unqualified.

Not any more>>>did not want my kids growing up thinking that they were the ONLY ones going to heaven
Ever get the feeling that we make things much more complicated than they need to be?

Definitely. I have said many times before that if, by chance, I am wrong and God does exist, he looks at a lot of things and thinks "NO! That is not what I meant at all."
I grew up in the Church of Christ as well. The people I grew up with in church all consider me a heathen now.

I have members of my own immediate family, that think I am going to hell because i do not go to a building that says C of C on the sign out front
I've been a member of the Church if Christ my whole life and have rarely come across people that espouse that belief.
Do you know the origin of the X in Xmas?

Popular theory maintains that it has something to do with the Greek spelling of Christ....xpistos (english p being rho). Hopefully you have a less conventional explanation. I always enjoy those!

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