Do you know the origin of the X in Xmas?
The idea that America (or any country) values individuality as the highest ideal is a myth. Perhaps in simpler times it was true, but no MODERN industrial society can really afford a population of unpredictables. This is not surprising -- the long history of our cult's persecution by the Conspiracy goes back for generations untold, and indeed there are signs of their hoary repression of prehuman SubGenii dating from BEFORE "man's" appearance on Earth. All of civilization's painful and misguided climb up from the primeval slime, and its subsequent loss of Slack AND OF ANY CLASS AT ALL, has been indelibly marked, nay, ENTIRELY MOTIVATED, by the aeons- bridging conflict between the Conspiracy's mindlessly chickenshit Witless Principals and the Jehovah-spawned, grandiose depravity of the superior yet ethnically all-encompassing race of latent SubGeniuses. (You should know this -- YOU WERE/WILL BE THERE IN THE BEFORELIFE!) The fact that only in recent years has "our kind" begun to recognize our own sovereignty demonstrates both how vicious have been Their efforts at further denying us Slack and yet now near is our race to TRIUMPH.
All this is ULTIMATE PROOF that Jehovah 1 has not only promoted the SubGenius as His Special Tool, but has SIMULTANEOUSLY pulled the strings which make THEM endarken Themselves with their hereditary ignorance AND US with their cubistic witch-hunt superstitions. His "reason" for this two-faced obedience-school programming, this fissioning of history into binary "war equations," unfortunately, or, perhaps, thankfully, remains at total mystery.
But Jehovah 1 is not alone in His cosmic meddling, for Earth has been periodically visited for thousands of years by BENEVOLENT ALIENS of such technical and psychic superiority that their powers, while no match for Jehovah's, are nonetheless nothing short of "Godlike" to we roaches, the Human Race. These BENIGN SPACE MONSTERS, the "X-ists," have walked among us throughout history, investigating and sometimes resisting the subatomically-pervading presence of Jehovah 1. We are not, then, alone in our battle/subservience. The rise and "fall" of Atlantis, the erection of the Pyramids and other monuments which NO SLOPEHEADS ALONE COULD BUILD, the miracles of the Old Testament, all these and more are events so inextricably interwoven with the invisible background war between Jehovah and the Xists that all the "Ancient Astronaut" fossils in the world furnish only the barest of clues. (The movie rights ALONE to these gut-splitting tales of reincarnancient history are worth MILLIONS!) Yea, it has even been suggested that the Carpenter of Nazareth himself, God Jr., Jesus 'What, Me Worry?' Christ, was in actuality a 'space detective' of the Xists, walking the Earth in human form with the mission of extricating us from the Monster God's grip.
The black shadow of the Conspiracy, unfortunately, has seen to it that even His teachings were diluted and distorted until human attempts to follow them were fully as misguided as the carving of the heads of Easter Island or the 'runways' of Nazca.
And so the true history of the SubGenius has been kept secret from Man. For Jehovah 1 is to the Xists and Us what a hungry fisherman is to a prize fish and his favorite pet worm - the last in the can. How many million other races were used before us in these ghastly galactic water-sports?
fwiw, I went to a Church of Christ school and did most of my Biblical studies there. I don't think anyone I ever came across thinks I'm going to Hell because I don't fully support the Church of Christ beliefs.
Just to clarify, I do believe that the moment you accept Jesus as your Savior, you become saved. being baptized is the next step, but it is not mandatory for complete salvation.
i have a friend that goes to a c of c, and he said that you can lose your salvation. i grew up in a baptist church where we were taught that once saved always saved.
Or he has not dug deep enough to know the true beliefs of the c of C
That is why I asked him the salvation question
You are on the right path my man. Keep the faith and continue to read and study the scriptures. Denominations/religion is man made, the Church is not.
I grew up in the Church of Christ as well. The people I grew up with in church all consider me a heathen now.
Popular theory maintains that it has something to do with the Greek spelling of Christ....xpistos (english p being rho). Hopefully you have a less conventional explanation. I always enjoy those!
Especially when they rhyme.
Did anyone see the interview with W on ABC about faith and religion?
He implied that God is revealed through many religions and if I heard him right, he doesn't believe non-Christians are damned.
I found that interesting on two levels - one, it is what I believe also and two, it flies in the face of what he's been criticized for as a result of being an "evangelical".
One thing about GS. He convinces me that the art of storytelling is not dead.
Agreed, but this is a bad forum for it.
This board is Cliff's paradise!
Exactly and well done.
I believe it comes from the Xists - as told in the Church of the SubGenius...
The SubGenius Manifesto
Hope this clears it up :thumbsup:
I would have said when you confess your belief in Jesus as your savior and are baptized. Chalk it up to my lack of knowledge on other "denominations", but I didn't think that was unique to the Church of Christ.
And no, I've probably not dug to the very depths of C of C beliefs. There was time from about 2001 till just recently that I quit attending for reasons similiar to what Bill said. So many denominations and I'd bet that none of them have it 100% right. Some may have more wrong that right. I thought "why bother? I believe in God and that Jesus is my savior and I'll try to live my life according to what I think he wants and what the Bible says. Not what a denomination says."
Although a few months back I did return to attending church. I really felt like I was lacking fellowship and missed it. I do believe that surrounding yourself with other Christians helps you grow and remain strong. I do want to study/worship and I can learn a lot from fellow Christians. Church is a good place to do that. C of C is what I've always attended. It's where I'm comfortable
Although I'm not the kind of person that's going to be judgemental and think we have it all right and everyone else is wrong and they're all going to hell. I'm aware that that attitude does exist, but it's something I don't share.
Since we have a scholar here who is knowledgeable I guess(probably moreso than I), and I am interested to know, what is the reason that C of C members think they're saved while everyone else is not? When I decided to return to church I asked my sister in Texas(lifelong C of C member and still is today) what she and her husband looked for in a church. One of the things she said was she "doesn't like a church where people talk as if only church of Christ people are the only true Christians, or the only ones going to heaven and everyone else is mistaken and going to hell. Just a personal thing, I guess"
I knew it existed but never really knew that it was that popular.
the fact that i made such a long post from my BB with only one spelling error is a miracle itself.
I hope people don't read that and think that I am saying do not attend church though. Church is a great time for fellowship and learning that can't be replaced by anything else. Just understand that church isn't a building and that you can have different opinions and still learn very valuable things from preachers on your Christian walk.
Basically don't worry about being a Lutheran, a Baptist, Methodist, Episcopalian, Catholic, etc. Just be a Christian. Follow your beliefs for your faith.
those three little words are the tell tell of a c of C upbringing....baptism is an outward expression of your faith and NOT a step to salvation
your sister is very wise to believe the way she does about the Church
congratulations on getting back in a Church
Sorry for my matter of fact opinions. I used to quote scripture to back up my statements, but I was told that I was "preaching" too much, for a VN forum, so I stopped.
I spent over 20 years in the c of C and I am the son of an elder. Went to Lipscomb and studied from the leaders of most of the largest c of C's in middle TN.
if you want scriptures to back up any thing I have said, please pm me.
I will say that the "under 50" leadership in the c of C seems to be following the scriptures and not being so exclusive of non members.
He implied that God is revealed through many religions and if I heard him right, he doesn't believe non-Christians are damned.
I found that interesting on two levels - one, it is what I believe also and two, it flies in the face of what he's been criticized for as a result of being an "evangelical".
So would this mean you believe somebody like me, who is a loving husband and father, donates regularly to charity, is very moral (by christian standards)....basically "Christian" in almost every persona....but doesn't believe in a God of anykind, and thinks the Bible is a farce...would be damned?
Not that it really matters to me, just wondering how your thought process is going about the justification. It would seem at some point a line needs to be drawn. Christians believe Jesus is the one and only way to salvation. Muslims don't. That leaves about as much room for compromise as a coin toss.