One can be "apolitical."
Meaning; "having no interest or involvement in political affairs."
How do you define the stigma that is supposedly attached to the word, "atheist?"
One can have no involvement in religious affairs and still believe in God. There is a difference. Why do we feel the need to label someone who doesn't believe in God? Do we need a label for someone that doesn't believe in unicorns, ufo's, Zeus, Thor....or any other thing that is equally unsupported by evidence? No. We don't. Words like "evidence", "Reason", and "Common Sense" suffice just fine when addressing them.
Sam Harris, says it better than I can:
Atheism is not a philosophy; it is not even a view of the world; it is simply a refusal to deny the obvious. Unfortunately, we live in a world in which the obvious is overlooked as a matter of principle. The obvious must be observed and re-observed and argued for. This is a thankless job. It carries with it an aura of petulance and insensitivity......It is worth noting that no one ever needs to identify himself as a non-astrologer or a non-alchemist. Consequently, we do not have words for people who deny the validity of these pseudo-disciplines. Likewise, atheism is a term that should not even exist. Atheism is nothing more than the noises reasonable people make when in the presence of religious dogma. The atheist is merely a person who believes that the 260 million Americans (87% of the population) who claim to never doubt the existence of God should be obliged to present evidence for his existence and, indeed, for his benevolence, given the relentless destruction of innocent human beings we witness in the world each day. Only the atheist appreciates just how uncanny our situation is: Most of us believe in a God that is every bit as specious as the gods of Mount Olympus; no person, whatever his or her qualifications, can seek public office in the United States without pretending to be certain that such a God exists; and much of what passes for public policy in our country conforms to religious taboos and superstitions appropriate to a medieval theocracy. Our circumstance is abject, indefensible and terrifying. It would be hilarious if the stakes were not so high.
Have you also read the Hadith??
Have you read the "Avesta?"
(The Magi were most likely Zoroastrian.)
What are some of the other religious texts you have studied?
The Book of the Mormon??
I have read the Hadith and The Book of Mormon. I actually have extended family members that are Mormon. Mormonism is worse than traditional Christianity because it is Christianity plus some really dumb ideas, IMO. Mormon's believe the garden of eden is in Jackson County, MO. So whatever probability you place on Jesus coming back, it has to be even less that he will do it from his throne in the backwoods of the midwest United States. Of course, there is the crazy type beliefs with temple rituals, magic underwear, 3 Nephites, and re-written histories, etc...that accompanies all religions.
Traditional Hadiths is where the 72 virgins belief comes from, believe it or not, not from the Qu'ran. It details the life and teaching of Muhammed, including his military conquests and young bride. The only thing I have gathered from it is he was nothing more than an illiterate epileptic pedophile who showed a capability for leadership. The Qu'ran is supposedly very elegant when read in Arabic. I wouldn't know, and I wasn't all that impressed with it anyway.
At any rate I do and personally I think that a system of belief called "scientific socialism" is the most evil of all belief systems on Earth.
What exactly do you consider that to be? I suspect I hear a Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot argument lurking here somewhere.
Nevertheless, I have given up trying to understand every single system of belief and weighing one over another. From a philosophical standpoint, and using Christianity as a case study, this is an excellent article explaning why none of it is even necessary in the first place:
Butterflies and Wheels Article
A nice summary, in case you don't want to read it all:
Theologians can continue to write endless books and articles using dense and 'learned' tones, but there really is no need for atheists to read them as they all boil down to the same ultimate beliefs, beliefs that atheists, quite rightly in my view, reject on the basis that they do not have intellectual or moral credibility.