Biden gonna tax us to death

It’s a high percentage. I remember one of my aunts, she was an LPN (I think) but would work the lowest paying jobs so she wouldn’t lose her assistance. She is lazy as ****.
I would suggest the percentages differ based on many factors. McMom doesn't have therapists applying for contingent employment. She has clerical employee prospects who do.
I find people who are gaming the system contemptible.
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Absolutely. We have a lot of employees (restaurant industry) who don’t want to work more than a certain number of hours a week so they won’t lose government benefits. I mean in some instances it’s as low as 18 hours a week. I despise that mentality, but it’s here to stay.

I think if they put a time cap and lifetime max limit on assistance it would help. Let the person earn as much as they can until they get back on their feet. Say 5 year lifetime max with no more than 3 years consecutive. That gives them time to work out of entry level or get some school/training.
The difference is in what you define as a safety net. You define it as lifelong support for anyone that wants it. I define it as a helping hand until you get off your ass and get a job.

Not picking on you personally, but the attitude you expressed exposes the lack of knowledge many have including you, apparently

Pick a state, - any state. Determine that States’ poverty level. Divide that number by 52 weeks/year then divide that number by 40/ hours per week. That’s the hourly rate people need to earn to be at poverty. In many states that number exceeds minimum wage Or as I refer to it in those states as continued slave labor

Those same states offer differing forms of public assistance to those at or below poverty. That’s a good thing.

But some Citizens of those states, unaware of facts, think ALL PEOPLE who are in Public Assistance, need to get off their fat ass and get a job when in fact they have a job that because of minimum wage, a form of welfare to small business owners, doesn’t provide them e living wage
I am actually not. I would prefer to address without having to make people pick between being productive or going totally onto welfare.

I've posted this article several times, so just a short comment this time. Fixing a problem is generally two part, but one major component is that a person, community, business, etc with a problem has to want to fix the problem. A huge problem facing the poor and particularly minority poor is education. It's not availability - that's free. It is taking advantage of it, and even more so not bending to cultural mores to stigmatize education. Why do you think Asian kids seem to absorb education that some of the white and particularly the black communities don't? Hint: it has absolutely nothing to do with genetics or with mental attributes, but it sure does have a lot to do with attitude - parents and students.

Tiffany France's son still ranked at No. 62 in his class of 120 total students.

This kid passed three courses in four years of HS, and ranked above the 50th percentile in his class with a .13 GPA.

How do you suppose he and the rest of his class are going to do in the work force? Education is free for the taking; our founding fathers made it that way for a reason. Ignorance has a cure, but you really cannot fix stupidity - particularly racially enhanced, self inflicted stupidity
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I think if they put a time cap and lifetime max limit on assistance it would help. Let the person earn as much as they can until they get back on their feet. Say 5 year lifetime max with no more than 3 years consecutive. That gives them time to work out of entry level or get some school/training.

A big issue would also be to sever the ties between the number of kids and the payout - that just breeds a larger crop of future takers.
I've posted this article several times, so just a short comment this time. Fixing a problem is generally two part, but one major component is that a person, community, business, etc with a problem has to want to fix the problem. A huge problem facing the poor and particularly minority poor is education. It's not availability - that's free. It is taking advantage of it, and even more so not bending to cultural mores to stigmatize education. Why do you think Asian kids seem to absorb education that some of the white and particularly the black communities don't? Hint: it has absolutely nothing to do with genetics or with mental attributes, but it sure does have a lot to do with attitude - parents and students.

This kid passed three courses in four years of HS, and ranked above the 50th percentile in his class with a .13 GPA.

How do you suppose he and the rest of his class are going to do in the work force? Education is free for the taking; our founding fathers made it that way for a reason. Ignorance has a cure, but you really cannot fix stupidity - particularly racially enhanced, self inflicted stupidity[/QUOTE

Gangsta lifestyle. It's their culture. It will never be changed. They have wads of $100 and a gun. And a very low expected lifespan. They don't care.
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The change needed has to start at the grassroots level of the home. Throwing money at the top half of ages will change nothing long term.
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I've posted this article several times, so just a short comment this time. Fixing a problem is generally two part, but one major component is that a person, community, business, etc with a problem has to want to fix the problem. A huge problem facing the poor and particularly minority poor is education. It's not availability - that's free. It is taking advantage of it, and even more so not bending to cultural mores to stigmatize education. Why do you think Asian kids seem to absorb education that some of the white and particularly the black communities don't? Hint: it has absolutely nothing to do with genetics or with mental attributes, but it sure does have a lot to do with attitude - parents and students.

This kid passed three courses in four years of HS, and ranked above the 50th percentile in his class with a .13 GPA.
I agree. But I think the funniest thing is the contradiction in the two headlines.
If the kid was ranked 62 out of 120, then he could not be above the 50th percentile. I wonder where the person writing the headlines ranked in his class.
Tiffany France's son still ranked at No. 62 in his class of 120 total students.
This kid passed three courses in four years of HS, and ranked above the 50th percentile in his class with a .13 GPA.
Are those tax increases really going to accomplish anything? You're an idiot if you think it is going to 'get' the 'rich'. They already have their workarounds in motion. "They" ain't gonna be paying any more when it is all said and done... YOU are.

But keep believing you got 'em. That laughter you hear is aimed at you.
Tax them corporations and businesses.... tax them big oil companies ..... tax ‘em all to hell and make ‘em pay their fair liberals live in dumbassville
I agree. But I think the funniest thing is the contradiction in the two headlines.
If the kid was ranked 62 out of 120, then he could not be above the 50th percentile. I wonder where the person writing the headlines ranked in his class.
Tiffany France's son still ranked at No. 62 in his class of 120 total students.
This kid passed three courses in four years of HS, and ranked above the 50th percentile in his class with a .13 GPA.
Public schools......
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I agree. But I think the funniest thing is the contradiction in the two headlines.
If the kid was ranked 62 out of 120, then he could not be above the 50th percentile. I wonder where the person writing the headlines ranked in his class.
Tiffany France's son still ranked at No. 62 in his class of 120 total students.
This kid passed three courses in four years of HS, and ranked above the 50th percentile in his class with a .13 GPA.

Luther, you got me in a moment of brain fog. I wrote that part in red all by myself; I'm gonna have to stop posting after taking drugs for a migraine. My mind was telling me he was 62 from the bottom not 62 from the top.
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Luther, you got me in a moment of brain fog. I wrote that part in red all by myself; I'm gonna have to stop posting after taking drugs for a migraine. My mind was telling me he was 62 from the bottom not 62 from the top.
lol........Sorry about that.
Hope you're feeling better.
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I've posted this article several times, so just a short comment this time. Fixing a problem is generally two part, but one major component is that a person, community, business, etc with a problem has to want to fix the problem. A huge problem facing the poor and particularly minority poor is education. It's not availability - that's free. It is taking advantage of it, and even more so not bending to cultural mores to stigmatize education. Why do you think Asian kids seem to absorb education that some of the white and particularly the black communities don't? Hint: it has absolutely nothing to do with genetics or with mental attributes, but it sure does have a lot to do with attitude - parents and students.

This kid passed three courses in four years of HS, and ranked above the 50th percentile in his class with a .13 GPA.

How do you suppose he and the rest of his class are going to do in the work force? Education is free for the taking; our founding fathers made it that way for a reason. Ignorance has a cure, but you really cannot fix stupidity - particularly racially enhanced, self inflicted stupidity

A good read on the issue
lol........Sorry about that.
Hope you're feeling better.

Thanks. I'm just one of those people who have more days with than without headaches. I didn't know for years they were migraines - no auras, nausea, etc. I rarely take the stuff that makes me a bit loopy.
Thanks. I'm just one of those people who have more days with than without headaches. I didn't know for years they were migraines - no auras, nausea, etc. I rarely take the stuff that makes me a bit loopy.
Dang man, I didn't know you suffered with those. I can't remember the last time I had a headache, I've probably only had a few in the last 20 years.
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Dang man, I didn't know you suffered with those. I can't remember the last time I had a headache, I've probably only had a few in the last 20 years.

I wish I could say the same. It's weird, but my sister is about the same as you. My mother kept describing something to doctors that they never picked up on. I said you mean it's like looking through a blue screen door, and she asked why I was the first person to understand. She just got the aura and no headache - I told her she was lucky. I rarely have that or any other aura, but a couple of times I did while driving and thought I was going to have to stop.
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So the IRS has extended your 1040 due date to May 17th. But they haven't extended the due date for estimated payments, they're still due in April. So if you own a small business, rentals, contractor, etc. the extension means nothing because you still need to prepare your 2020 1040 in order to calculate your 2021 estimated payments and avoid a penalty. Which is also pretty wild given how many people took a huge hit in 2020 and how that will really screw up their estimated payments. But that's our government for you.
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So the IRS has extended your 1040 due date to May 17th. But they haven't extended the due date for estimated payments, they're still due in April. So if you own a small business, rentals, contractor, etc. the extension means nothing because you still need to prepare your 2020 1040 in order to calculate your 2021 estimated payments and avoid a penalty. Which is also pretty wild given how many people took a huge hit in 2020 and how that will really screw up their estimated payments. But that's our government for you.
took a hit in 2020? Xiden is saying "hold my beer"
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- Corporate rate 21->28% consumer pays
- Global min tax to 21% global makes it sound like everyone pays that amount and there's no way that happens
- Top income rate to 39.6% this income bracket will do their utmost to defer, shelter, and avoid tax
- End fossil fuel subsidies consumer pays more
- Tax investment gains > $1M as wage income increased cap gains, again this income bracket will play the game
- Tax assets passed on at death will dis proportionally hit those who are unprepared.

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