Biden Lied About Wife's Death For Political Gain

Joe Biden is scum ! Even for a politician he is the worst of the scum. Trumps an ass, but he's Ghandi compared to the piece of sh!t that is Joe Biden. Only the most ignorant of human beings would cast a vote for that rat bastard. Geez ... it's past time for the people to rise up and vote for a third party !
This all day long.
We keep electing the same bankrupt people and wonder why things are ****. We had youth and new ideas but somehow it came down to Warren, Sanders and Biden.
Not that the new ideas had a shot on the Republicans side either.
Viruses cause deaths in the elderly and poor of health , it’s kinda what they do . Protect the elderly and the susceptible and let the country keep going instead of shutting the thing down and causing more harm in the end after the virus has ran its course . That’s what Sweden understood and did .
Sweden didn't do enough early on to protect the most vulnerable but did everything else. Had they done that from the start their numbers would have been low
See what I mean. Ol' Poor Joe had to say the other driver was drunk to deal with his loss but Trump is solely responsible for thousands of deaths.

Do you even look at what you write and not see any double standard at all?

They are both FOS.
I have a bias against Trump because I couldn't stand him from years of seeing his actions before he was President. I just said that there are a lot worse politicians all around then someone who lost their kid and wife and doesn't want to say it was her fault. Also, He hasn't said that in years, has he? He even acknowledged that it wasn't true later on? Would Trump ever acknowledge something he said wasn't true?
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Viruses cause deaths in the elderly and poor of health , it’s kinda what they do . Protect the elderly and the susceptible and let the country keep going instead of shutting the thing down and causing more harm in the end after the virus has ran its course . That’s what Sweden understood and did .
I prefer the countries that are more careful --aren't vain and wear their masks and less deaths-- their economies are even picking up, too. Kids are going to school etc.
I prefer the countries that are more careful --aren't vain and wear their masks and less deaths-- their economies are even picking up, too. Kids are going to school etc.

Their kids have been going to school for a while ( see video of Rand Paul explaining that to Fauci) , I believe I just read an article stating that the UK will not go back into a lock down again , that it was a bad idea ( I’ll have to look that up ) How do you expect the masses to be less vain and more willing to wear masks , when powerful politicians like the speaker of the house won’t do as she demands the peasants .. errr common folk to do ? It’s a virus , protect your elderly and weak from it and let’s more on .
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I have a bias against Trump because I couldn't stand him from years of seeing his actions before he was President. I just said that there are a lot worse politicians all around then someone who lost their kid and wife and doesn't want to say it was her fault. Also, He hasn't said that in years, has he? He even acknowledged that it wasn't true later on? Would Trump ever acknowledge something he said wasn't true?
Don't care much for either of them.

They are both lyin' mfs. You just prefer to give your liar the benefit of the doubt but not a chance for "their" guy. I find that amusing.
Don't care much for either of them.

They are both lyin' mfs. You just prefer to give your liar the benefit of the doubt but not a chance for "their" guy. I find that amusing.
I honestly feel that Trump is the worst President ever-- I think it's pretty obvious he's up to his ass with Putin, grossly mishandled the Coronavirus, causes division and hate, is corrupt and has been impeached.

I will give Joe the benefit of the doubt. :p
I honestly feel that Trump is the worst President ever-- I think it's pretty obvious he's up to his ass with Putin, grossly mishandled the Coronavirus, causes division and hate, is corrupt and has been impeached.

I will give Joe the benefit of the doubt. :p
What do you use to define worst ever?
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Really? Don't you have anything legit to get him on? He's been in office for a thousand years, I'm sure he's got plenty of skeletons. (Meanwhile Bin Ladin's niece has endorsed Trump-- I'm sure he's thrilled--she loves the Qanon stuff)

Joe Biden was quoting racist comments when he used the N-word in 1985
Don't have to say the N word to be a racist Joe Biden responded to a debate question about slavery and reparations by going off on a tangent about how black parents should raise their kids, and people aren't happy about it
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How many of us lose both a wife and daughter to a car accident in our lifetimes? Not many. That must have been one helluva thing to live through. I don't think I could have.
How many of us lose both a wife and daughter to a car accident in our lifetimes? Not many. That must have been one helluva thing to live through. I don't think I could have.
Well, think about the silver alimony or child support.

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