Biden state of the union

Biden probably poops his pants. Trump's a narcissist, but he is a businessman and great policy maker. I'll take the narcissist over the career DC swamp rat all day long. But the other guy says mean things and hurts your feelings, so....

How much tax will it take to fix the climate?

Lol. So much Biden Derangement Syndrome
Trump didn't hurt my feelings. I'm just acknowledging the fact he was a thin skinned wus. Stop it with the businessman BS. There are millions of businessmen more qualified than Trump to be POTUS. If you even knew half of what you think you know, you would agree. As it stands your go to is, "want to compare financial statements?". Of course of all the times your blowhard ass has proposed that to someone in this forum, you've never countered me with it
Interesting argument.
LOL you can't even come up with your own descriptive syndrome. Like your 'leader', you have to plagiarize something else as your own. PedoJoe will either be dead or otherwise out of office by the end of the year.

Obama Derangement Syndrome was coined long before you guys pretended to come up with it.

Get over Obama derangement syndrome

Obama Derangement Syndrome

So, what was that about plagiarizing? You're like UK hijacking checkerboards and hoping no one will notice.
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I'm hoping he just stands there holding up a sign that says "I'm not Trump". After the 45 minute standing ovation, he can conclude with saying, "God bless America."

Your delusional dreams won't be coming true on that hope & a prayer. Biden know it.
The only sign he'll be holding would say "I'm dumb as a big box of rocks .... please don't laugh at me".
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I'm hoping he just stands there holding up a sign that says "I'm not Trump". After the 45 minute standing ovation, he can conclude with saying, "God bless America."

Lol, that would be his safest play, because your boy is an idiot when he talks. You guys are the same
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Your delusional dreams won't be coming true on that hope & a prayer. Biden know it.
The only sign he'll be holding would say "I'm dumb as a big box of rocks .... please don't laugh at me".

Biden does suck, he's the worst candidate the Dems have rolled out on the field in 200 years.

And he's still a better option the Donny.
Lol, that would be his safest play, because your boy is an idiot when he talks. You guys are the same

Donny spoke on a 4th grade level. I'm not sure he could read, which is why he went 'off the cuff' so often.
Serious question, as I don't really watch "news" channels: do we have a date scheduled for the POTUS to address Congress and the nation?
Biden does suck, he's the worst candidate the Dems have rolled out on the field in 200 years.

And he's still a better option the Donny.
A bad choice is a bad choice. Trump, Biden, Harris, Pence....they're all bad choices. Not sure what's gained by saying "my bad choice is better than your bad choice". Other than just being argumentative that is. Seems like it would be more productive and beneficial to find a good choice, but that's not likely to happen, not when all of our politicians put party before country.

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