We have medical professionals on here that have said they aren’t effective. Look at WHO, AMA, and CDC guidelines just a few months back. People don’t wear masks properly, touch their face even more and then touch other things, likely don’t change masks often enough or clean the cloth masks enough, and the virus particles can get through the masks. If they’re so effective then why would Knox County make a rule that says an 11 year old doesn’t have to wear one but a 12 year old does? Why would they not be required at religious gatherings? I can see social distancing being much more effective while masks could be providing a false sense of security for all the reasons I mentioned. In a lab I’m sure NBC or whoever can make a test that looks good but in the real world with people not even properly wearing them will that test be applicable? Again, no one on here is changing the minds of others. That’s just how I see it.