Biden Wins - Trump Loses

Feel better now. Let the games begin. Let's see how this goes for you. If you are a socialist, you likely will be starting fires again.
biden is republican lite. Not sure how thx socialist tag stuck with him. Bernie is a socialist for sure, but he lost.
Sounds like you don't care about rules if you want to have it all burn, because Trump didn't win. Now, all of a sudden you do?


Get yourself straight. Or get bent. What difference, at this point, does it make?
Its not because Trump lost. Its because I'm not happy with the direction I expect this country to be taken in. We are heading straight to be coming a socialist welfare state
Trump was extremely unpopular. He lost the popular vote. He never made unifying the country a goal of his administration. He did not help himself at all.

If there was not maturity from the other side, his reign would have actually been a lot worse believe it or not.
The impeachment was not even close to an act of maturity. That lasted for over 3yrs
The impeachment was not even close to an act of maturity. That lasted for over 3yrs

I disagree here. Presidents have to be checked. There was actual smoke to the fire. Who knows what would have been discovered had there been a real trial.
I disagree here. Presidents have to be checked. There was actual smoke to the fire. Who knows what would have been discovered had there been a real trial.
So it's your contention they did not investigate enough? Good grief
Yes. Very familiar. He was definitely the better candidate to lead the country.
Familiar and still made the claim he will heal a racial division?

Both candidates were abhorrent. It's comical when anyone tries to make theirs out to be vastly superior
There is zero chance drug laws go any direction but forward. Hell, I hope we even see a federal decriminalizing.
Hopefully you don't see a guy on your street selling hard drugs to the kids. If your good with it though, destroy your own family in the name of being "woke"

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