Biden Wins - Trump Loses

we are all Americans.....we need to come together. I know there have been friendships and families lost over this. Hopefully we can heal.
That’s just stupid to throw away friends and family over this though. Seriously, what negative impact has Trump had in anyone’s daily life other than what is self-created? What impact will Biden really have in our daily lives? If the Senate flips then it certainly could increase the impact in our daily lives. The problem is that we are letting the media on both sides and the more radical factions on both sides exacerbate this divide in beliefs. I have very liberal friends and when we get together and actually talk through things we can generally find common ground. I’m not saying that always happens but certainly more often than not we do find common ground. Trump was certainly divisive. So are the radicals in the Dem party like AOC. If we’re going to come together then it’s going to take effort on both sides, not insults, threats, and forcing your beliefs on someone else. I’m not saying you are doing that titansvols, I’m just speaking in general.
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biden is republican lite. Not sure how thx socialist tag stuck with him. Bernie is a socialist for sure, but he lost.
That's the rub... a large segment of his base (Bernie's following) expects him to toe the line...they won't, and that's where they start eating their own. I fully expect a cluster f, and not a lot of progress on their part... they have a Biden problem in their path to socialism. I could be off a bit, but it won't take much time to find out.
Yes. Very familiar. He was definitely the better candidate to lead the country.

The better candidate to lead your ideology..sure. We will see, but the progs are salivating at the opportunity. Lets see which side Jill chooses.
Familiar and still made the claim he will heal a racial division?

Both candidates were abhorrent. It's comical when anyone tries to make theirs out to be vastly superior

Were you alive these past 4 years? Trump did more to drive division in this country than anyone else in recent memory. Are you familiar with Trump’s history with race? There is no comparison.
That's the rub... a large segment of his base (Bernie's following) expects him to toe the line...they won't, and that's where they start eating their own. I fully expect a cluster f, and not a lot of progress on their part... they have a Biden problem in their path to socialism. I could be off a bit, but it won't take much time to find out.
I don’t think have a Biden problem as much as a republicans control the senate problem. If Dems controlled the senate they’d get most of their progressive agenda through.
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So what does Biden do to "unify the country"?
During his Inauguration Day speech, he declares "Black Lives Matter!" He then announces his resignation and President Kamala Harris is sworn in as the 47th President of the United States of America.
I don’t think have a Biden problem as much as a republicans control the senate problem. If Dems controlled the senate they’d get most of their progressive agenda through.
Agree... you may be in luck. I am sure more ballots can be found to make that happen.
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I don’t think have a Biden problem as much as a republicans control the senate problem. If Dems controlled the senate they’d get most of their progressive agenda through.

The Senate race was/is as important than the Prez election anyways. If they controlled both houses they would of impeached him anyways.
Nope, too emotional for me. You'd put a hole in the boat and sink us all because you're upset.


Not much different than this, will this be you? It's not a good look.

Please stop using my image without consent.
Were you alive these past 4 years? Trump did more to drive division in this country than anyone else in recent memory. Are you familiar with Trump’s history with race? There is no comparison.
Both sides drive division. They rely on it to maintain power. He was no worse than his predecessor

I'm familiar with both candidates on race. Neither one wins
During his Inauguration Day speech, he declares "Black Lives Matter!" He then announces his resignation and President Kamala Harris is sworn in as the 47th President of the United States of America.
Well... he did say Harris- Biden ticket... and he did say he was running for the Senate. Seems like they have a plan.
Hopefully you don't see a guy on your street selling hard drugs to the kids. If your good with it though, destroy your own family in the name of being "woke"
So you don't agree with Oregon decriminalizing all drugs then?

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