biden's niece's diary

Sure, but the source has to be considered. The way I feel about it, these alleged passages from Ashley Biden's diary have been on this site known as National File for close to 2 years. This isn't something new. It's been around for a while.

There is no doubt in my mind that if outlets such as Breitbart and OAN could verify that Ashley Biden had written those things concerning sexual abuse, they would have published at least one article of their own on the matter at some point in 2 years. There is no doubt in my mind that they have tried to verify that Ashley Biden wrote those things in her diary ... but they have been unable to do so and it's been close to 2 years now.

As a verifiable story, this thing never got off the ground.
Do you think this should be investigated? Yes, or no? You keep avoiding that question.

Still waiting on an answer.
snip... “Ashley Biden was abducted by aliens who she believes were working for her father.”

I don't believe that happened!

so if i understand this BluAnon theory, Trump stole the diary, forged it, put it back in a halfway house, got a couple of lackeys to get the diary out of there, then convinced PV to spend forty large to buy it.
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I'm sure when people contacted Ashley Biden to verifiy that her father the current POTUS molested her..that she was 100% forthcoming and honest in speaking with them...or did she not not even speak with them. If its a forgery then her saying it is would spark a forgery investigation against PV or nationalfile or the couple that found the diary....funny no charges for forgery...the government just wanted the diary more so the Ashley did..wonder why
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The Hill breaking it down. Not sure Emily is a member here but ole girl speaking for many here in regards to things out there but not being discussed. The Hill, more left leaning centrist.

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So Rachel Madow somehow obtains pieces of Trumps tax returns and makes a huge ratings push and not a hint of FBI looking into that? But someone finds a diary left behind in their rental house and the FBI charges them with federal crimes? Can someone explain that to me?

Same with Hunter Biden’s laptop.

I’ve had a laptop and other things more valuable than a diary stolen and the local law enforcement didn’t really want to investigate the disappearance much less the fbi.

Did the Biden kids have nuclear codes they were trying to sell on these items? Things associated with National security? One would have to believe for the fbi to be involved it’s a matter of National security.
Because it’ll end up like Amy Robach in her wanting to report on Epstein years before it came out. Didn’t meet ABC standards, but later was about protecting those involved.
That's because true journalism is dead. Journalism is about facts and exposing truth. What passes for journalism today is all about spin and protecting the ruling class.
Same with Hunter Biden’s laptop.

I’ve had a laptop and other things more valuable than a diary stolen and the local law enforcement didn’t really want to investigate the disappearance much less the fbi.

Did the Biden kids have nuclear codes they were trying to sell on these items? Things associated with National security? One would have to believe for the fbi to be involved it’s a matter of National security.
BB will be along shortly to tell you why it's "different". Or to insult your mother......
That's because true journalism is dead. Journalism is about facts and exposing truth. What passes for journalism today is all about spin and protecting the ruling class.
Only answer. As a conservative I know Fox plays the game too. They’ll walk it up to the line but won’t step over in the name of protecting. But if someone does challenge, it’s extreme right wing nut job.
If someone put forth false information that my father abused me, I wouldn't give a damn who believed me, I'd still move Heaven and Earth to deny it.

Do you or do you not think this warrants investigation?
I'm sure it has been thoroughly investigated by multiple sources.
Same with Hunter Biden’s laptop.

I’ve had a laptop and other things more valuable than a diary stolen and the local law enforcement didn’t really want to investigate the disappearance much less the fbi.

Did the Biden kids have nuclear codes they were trying to sell on these items? Things associated with National security? One would have to believe for the fbi to be involved it’s a matter of National security.

The same laptop that didnt exist but the FBI requested Facebook to ban before the election?
Doubtful. If it were investigated and proven false, there would be stories saying such.
Why breathe air into it? If they come out and say “no, I did not take a shower with my dad” all that will do is stoke the cover up ********.
Why breathe air into it? If they come out and say “no, I did not take a shower with my dad” all that will do is stoke the cover up ********.

Child molestation is the most damning allegation that can be made against a person, IMO. The "why breathe air into it" argument works for lesser charges, but not for this. This is something you categorically deny if it didn't happen.
What alternate reality do you live in?

If i move into a property and the previous tenants willingly leave their stuff behind...whether a shoebox full of papers...a toaster oven...a box of old clothes or a diary....that makes me a criminal for keeping/selling/ throwing their abandoned belongings in the trash?

Are you saying it is the responsibility of the new tenant paying rent to track down an associate of the landlord and return their sheit that they left behind???

Is that what you are saying? I havent researched this case so perhaps i am misunderstanding...if so then i apologize. We are talking about adults here though. It is each persons responsibility to keep up with their own belongings. If these folks had broken into HER residence or vehicle and taken her diary then thats a crime. Lock them up. If an adult wasnt responsible enough whether the landlord OR the daughter to keep up with their/their friends sheit and NOT leave them behind in a residence rented to someone else.....then that is 100% on the person who left the sheit behind. Same thing with cash, gold, jewelry etc .. if you leave valuable or important things behind whether in a house, apartment, or even a hotel room and it is rented to someone else ....they just forfeited their belongings. Especially since this wasnt a " came back the next day to pick up what i had forgotten" type situation ...right? This diary was left behind for a long time?

Yep, this stinks to high heavens, they shopped this to the Trump admin during the election, Trump campaign peeps didn't take it. This was a scandal
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Child molestation is the most damning allegation that can be made against a person, IMO. The "why breathe air into it" argument works for lesser charges, but not for this. This is something you categorically deny if it didn't happen.
of course he did deny having any involvement with jim/hunter/biden crime family's influence peddling schemes.... which of course is a lie.

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