biden's niece's diary

I don't know who John Cardillo is, or why this tweet was posted here .... but the answer to his stupid question can be found by doing nothing more than checking to see what Aimee Harris and Robert Kurlander were convicted of. I can't help but notice how many of you idiots have already given this a "like".

Florida Residents Plead Guilty To Conspiracy To Commit Interstate Transportation Of Stolen Property

It involved the interstate transportation of stolen property. That falls well within the jurisdiction of the DOJ.
You’re in full-blown delusional denial mode.
Okay ... it's all true!

... and far right media sources such as OAN and Breitbart haven't reported on this in the 22 months since it was posted to National File's website, because they are completely sympathetic to the Biden family.

^^^^ Doesn't that sum it up? ^^^^
I take it, you didn't check to see what they were investigated for, and recently convicted of?

Florida Residents Plead Guilty To Conspiracy To Commit Interstate Transportation Of Stolen Property

But yet I fail to see how it was considered stolen. Ashley left it there. It is no more stolen than if you dropped a notebook at a property I was renting. Technically, what they are probably claiming is CONVERSION since there is no indication of theft at all.

Once it was converted then transport across state lines makes it a no no. The problem is that IIRC there is no indication that she asked for it back before it was converted. She would then have to prove that it was hers. If she did and I still kept it and then sold it, that could be a crime.

It’s why Veritas didn’t publish. Once they alerted the FBI and they came in a huff, Veritas essentially knew it was real. There is absolutely no reason for the woman who sold it to them to be prosecuted tho.
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But yet I fail to see how it was considered stolen. Ashley left it there. It is no more stolen than if you dropped a notebook at a property I was renting. Technically, what they are probably claiming is CONVERSION since there is no indication of theft at all.
What are you talking about?

Aimee Harris and Robert Kurlander admitted that it was theft in court. They apologized. They both pleaded guilty to these charges. They weren't railroaded. They acknowledged their guilt in court.
Once again, Tucker Carlson is not a journalist. He also covered the Seth Rich murder, and claimed that the DNC had a hit put out on him. He claims a lot of things without any proof.

Post the link to The Daily Mail which says that they have verified that Ashley Biden wrote those diary entries concerning sexual abuse at the hands of her father, and I will admit that I was wrong..

You said “right wing media wouldn’t go near it “ . I do believe that Tucker , Fox and the Daily Mail qualifies for right wing media .
What are you talking about?

Aimee Harris and Robert Kurlander admitted that it was theft in court. They apologized. They both pleaded guilty to these charges. They weren't railroaded. They acknowledged their guilt in court.

They had a lawyer that wisely told them to take the plea and get the slap on the wrist or get crushed by the full force of the feds. Right and wrong or legality had nothing to do with this, anymore than for people incarcerated for Jan 6.
You said “right wing media wouldn’t go near it “ . I do believe that Tucker , Fox and the Daily Mail qualifies for right wing media .
Tucker Carlson is not a journalist, and you never posted the link to The Daily Mail, so I can see what they specifically said about it.

Post a link to what you are talking about and I will give it a look.
Tucker Carlson is not a journalist, and you never posted the link to The Daily Mail, so I can see what they specifically said about it.

Post a link to what you are talking about and I will give it a look.

You said right wing media wouldn’t touch it . Is Tucker right wing media ?
You said right wing media wouldn’t touch it . Is Tucker right wing media ?
No, he is right wing opinion ... just like Alex Jones, with only slightly more professionalism.

The Daily Mail is right wing media, however, post a link to what you are talking about and I will give it a look.
Like I said, full blown delusional denial mode.
And like I said ...

You are absolutely right.

OAN, Breitbart, The Federalist, American Spectator, The Washington Times, National Review and Newsmax have avoided this story for almost 2 years now, because they are in the tank for Joe Biden and sympathetic to his family. They desperately want to see Joe Biden reelected in 2024... so they are refusing to run any stories that might be damaging to his reputation.
No, he is right wing opinion ... just like Alex Jones, with only slightly more professionalism.

The Daily Mail is right wing media, however, post a link to what you are talking about and I will give it a look.

How many articles do you want me to post from NYT and WaPo calling Tucker a right wing media host ? You know he is , I know he is , you just made a bad statement . I showed you where the right wing MEDIA did run it .
How many articles do you want me to post from NYT and WaPo calling Tucker a right wing media host ? You know he is , I know he is , you just made a bad statement . I showed you where the right wing MEDIA did run it .
Tucker Carlson has referred to himself as the host of a political opinion show... which he is.

I want you to post a link to an article from The Daily Mail, which you said had reported the story. I acknowledge that they are a legitimate media source. I will give it a look and see what they have said.
Tucker Carlson has referred to himself as the host of a political opinion show... which he is.

I want you to post a link to an article from The Daily Mail, which you said had reported the story. I acknowledge that they are a legitimate media source. I will give it a look and see what they have said.

Lol I love it when you know what you did wrong , but just can’t stop doubling down .
BB85... I'll give you this... you are all in...

It's hilarious.
I am all in ...

OAN, Breitbart, Newsmax, The Federalist, The Washington Times, National Review and American Spectator are all running cover for Joe Biden's child molestation, by refusing to report this story for close to 2 years now. These loony liberal outlets must be regulated! They obviously don't want to report anything that might hurt Joe Biden's reputation.
Lol I love it when you know what you did wrong , but just can’t stop doubling down .
I didn't do anything wrong. Tucker Carlson refers to himself as an opinion show host, just as Sean Hannity does.

Please post the link to The Daily Mail article which discusses the contents of Ashley Biden's diary. I will give it a look.

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