biden's niece's diary

Why does BB85 get up everyday and treat VN like a job? Why do you chime in so much and repeat the same thing over and over? Is he getting paid by the dems to defend this terrible administration on a sports message board?
Hahahaha. You should ask him lol.
The contents of the diary have also been ignored by most right-wing outlets as well.

Why haven't OAN, Newsmax, Breitbart, The Washington Times, The Federalist, American Spectator and National Review reported the alleged contents of the diary? You aren't going to tell me that they are running cover for Biden are you?

They suspect that Project Veritas forged those entries and they are gun shy.
If they report it you will say its right wing extremist if they don’t you say they aren’t reporting it. Pick a lane, coming across a flip flopper. And I hate posting links but felt you needed to see this to see it for yourself. No need to spin it.

FBI Sets Sights on James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas with Ashley Biden Diary Conviction
FBI Sets Sights on James O'Keefe's Project Veritas with Ashley Biden Diary Conviction

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 1:06 PM PT – Monday, August 29, 2022

Ashley Biden’s diary is back in the news cycle. One America’s Daniel Baldwin spoke with the founder of National File about how his organization came to obtain the diary
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They’re not running cover for Biden, they’re avoiding harassment from the FBI.
LOL. The FBI wasn't investigating this in October of 2020. You aren't being honest with yourself here. If anyone but Project Veritas had handled that diary in-between the time it was in Robert Kurlander and Aimee Harris's possession, and before it reached the FBI, those right-wing outlets may have reported on the contents of the diary. The fact is, they don't trust Project Veritas. That is the reason that this story has mostly been ignored.
If they report it you soon it to right wing extremist if they don’t you say they aren’t reporting it. Pick a lane, coming across a flip flopper. And I hate posting links but felt you needed to see this to see it for yourself. No need to spin it.

FBI Sets Sights on James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas with Ashley Biden Diary Conviction
FBI Sets Sights on James O'Keefe's Project Veritas with Ashley Biden Diary Conviction

OAN Newsroom
UPDATED 1:06 PM PT – Monday, August 29, 2022

Ashley Biden’s diary is back in the news cycle. One America’s Daniel Baldwin spoke with the founder of National File about how his organization came to obtain the diary
I have read that.... and they mention that portions of the diary are embarrassing but they don't say what they are. Breitbart is being very careful not to address the specific alleged contents.
What The Daily Mail says is misleading. The New York Times verified that the diary was Ashley Biden's. However, they did not verify that the entries concerning sexual abuse were written by Ashley Biden.

The possibility that Project Veritas forged those entries must be considered, given their extensive history of tampering with evidence, doctoring videos, and offering large cash bribes to people to get them to tell lies which support their political agenda.

I have posted a video to this thread multiple times now, which should be more than enough to call the integrity of Project Veritas into question. The Conservatives /Republicans /Trump supporters in this thread would never give the FBI the benefit of the doubt, like they are willing to give Project Veritas. It's an obvious double standard.

Even if the sexual abuse never occurred why is the fbi involved in crime as petty as a stolen diary?

Either something in that diary is a matter of National security or Joe Biden has weaponized the fbi to chase down a “stolen” diary that may contain information that he in fact sexually abuses children.

It alleged that someone in mar a lago has nuclear secrets they are trying to sell to our enemies. Why would the fbi waste resources on a worthless diary? Shouldn’t every available resource be used to retrieve those secrets?
I have read that.... and they mention that portions of the diary are embarrassing but they don't say what they are. Breitbart is being very careful not to address the specific alleged contents.
Because now a name with a potential molestation attached to the allegations. She was 14 at the time. I’d be careful too.
I said that it had been on the National File web site since October of 2020. Regardless of what you want to call BS on ... the alleged contents of the diary have mostly been ignored by the press, including right-wing outlets. That is because most journalists understand that it is possible that those diary entries were forged by Project Veritas. It would be consistent with other illegal acts that they are known to have done in their effort to smear Democrats..

Why is the fbi involved in retrieving a worthless diary?
Biden showered with his daughter at age 14. And BB85 wakes up everyday and defends the act. At some point you have to take a step back and evaluate your life.
I'm not defending the act. I'm saying that I don't believe that it happened, and I think it is very reasonable to believe that because Project Veritas handled the diary before it reached the FBI. Their involvement has contaminated the evidence. Based on their history, they should not be trusted.

... and take care of your own life, before saying such things about someone you don't know.
I'm not defending the act. I'm saying that I don't believe that it happened, and I think it is very reasonable to believe that because Project Veritas handled the diary before it reached the FBI. Their involvement has contaminated the evidence. Based on their history, they should not be trusted.

... and take care of your own life, before saying such things about someone you don't know.
Why do you chime in on a thread about Biden showering with his 14 yo daughter multiple times a day? Are you getting paid to defend him or do you have nothing else better going on. If you are getting paid cool. If not evaluate you life dude.
^^^ The lunatic fringe is the mainstream of the Republican Party now.
The laptop was real and should have been covered since it involved a presidential candidate. Zuckerberg pretty much corroborated the govt involvement in squashing any widespread discussion. How are either of those lunatic fringe ideas?
Why do you chime in on a thread about Biden showering with his 14 yo daughter multiple times a day? Are you getting paid to defend him or do you have nothing else better going on. If you are getting paid cool. If not evaluate you life dude.
Aren't you doing the same thing? In the same thread? I believe so ... because we both got messages from GA Vol the other day for things we said to each other in this same thread.

I will be evaluating my favorite college football team from the Four Seasons at Mandalay Bay poolside bar in Vegas in about 58 hours, and I feel good about that. Again, you should concentrate on yourself, and not people who you don't know anything about.
Let’s take a step back and put ourselves in this situation. If anyone read in any of our daughters diary about the showering situation what would happen? This is gross. The hair sniffing. The groping. The nipple pinching. The weird comments. This guy is sick.

And if you come in hear and try to defend him you are sick and need to take a step back and evaluate what you are doing.
Aren't you doing the same thing? In the same thread? I believe so ... because we both got messages from GA Vol the other day for things we said to each other in this same thread.

I will be evaluating my favorite college football team from the Four Seasons at Mandalay Bay poolside bar in Vegas in about 58 hours, and I feel good about that. Again, you should concentrate on yourself, and not people who you don't know anything about.
I have the time today to question why anyone defends a man showering with a 14 yo girl repeatedly all day everyday. Yesterday I didn’t have the time. Today I do. Are you getting paid to defend the pediatric showers? Is this funding the Vegas trip that you seem to think is cool? (MGM pools are better IMO)
Let’s take a step back and put ourselves in this situation. If anyone read in any of our daughters diary about the showering situation what would happen? This is gross. The hair sniffing. The groping. The nipple pinching. The weird comments. This guy is sick.

And if you come in hear and try to defend him you are sick and need to take a step back and evaluate what you are doing.
I'm not defending Biden, as much as I am attacking Project Veritas. I think they forged those entries concerning sexual abuse, because it is consistent with other illegal tactics that they have been proven to have done. If you take everything Project Veritas reports at face value, then your own intelligence needs some evaluating. They have a very clear political agenda, and they are not above committing fraud. Their involvement in this matter has contaminated the evidence. They have no credibility. You don't trust the FBI, but you do trust Project Veritas? That is a double standard.
I'm not defending Biden, as much as I am attacking Project Veritas. I think they forged those entries concerning sexual abuse, because it is consistent with other illegal tactics that they have been proven to have done. If you take everything Project Veritas reports at face value, then your own intelligence needs some evaluating. They have a very clear political agenda, and they are not above committing fraud. Their involvement in this matter has contaminated the evidence. They have no credibility. You don't trust the FBI, but you do trust Project Veritas? That is a double standard.
You are all in on defending a pedo showering with his daughter. That’s it. End of story.
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I have the time today to question why anyone defends a man showering with a 14 yo girl repeatedly all day everyday. Yesterday I didn’t have the time. Today I do. Are you getting paid to defend the pediatric showers? Is this funding the Vegas trip that you seem to think is cool? (MGM pools are better IMO)
I will say it one more time :

I'm not defending the commission of such an act. I'm saying that I don't believe that it actually ever happened, because I believe that Project Veritas forged those entries concerning sexual abuse in Ashley Biden's diary. As the video I have posted shows, they have a proven track record of committing fraud.

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