biden's niece's diary

A smart person wouldn't have left her personal belongings behind in an unsecured rental property.
True ... but only one of those stupid decisions has resulted in a felony conviction on a criminal record. The other is just a source of embarrassment.
If so, it would be in the lease agreement. Pretty sure an owner/landlord wouldn't leave a backpack at an occupied rental for any length of time.
I have never done that. I haven't left anything I wanted to keep because those items disappear.
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I have never done that. I haven't left anything I wanted to keep because those items disappear.

I was on vacation in Vegas last year and left behind some swimming trunks, my favorite pair. I just called the fbi to report that they may have been stolen and transported across state lines and the bastards hung up on me.
I was on vacation in Vegas last year and left behind some swimming trunks, my favorite pair. I just called the fbi to report that they may have been stolen and transported across state lines and the bastards hung up on me.
Should have called the EPA. They're the ones that deal with hazardous waste.
Again, prove the entires aren’t real. With the arrest only distracts from what’s inside.
If what was inside could be proven authentic, more news reporting agencies would be covering those salacious contents... and the "MSM is protecting Biden" narrative doesn't explain why so many right-wing outlets have also avoided discussing the specific details for two years as well. The most logical explanation is that they don't trust Project Veritas, and there is at least some concern that some of those passages were forged.
I understand that sentiment... but I can understand ignoring it too. The far-right outlet who is reporting this has no credibility and very little reach, outside of the far-right, which Ashley Biden probably doesn't traffic. If this story was to expand beyond the realm of the far right, then she should deny it if it isn't true. However, this story has been on National File for 22 months now... and nobody else has picked it up. That can only be because nobody else has been able to verify that she wrote those things.
Or no one else tried. Sources related to the dossier sure weren’t vetted properly so why think they would do so here? I’m guessing everyone just said “I’m not touching that story” and left it floundering.
They are renters. If you rent a house you can't just start selling off whatever you find inside because its not yours.

Now lets do storage units....

What happens to ones belongings ( like a diary) when a person misses a payment on a storage unit they rented? Hmmm?

The contents are forfeited and either thrown in the trash or AUCTIONED OFF to other folks who hope and pray there is a diary inside they can sell to any news source for thousands of $.....

Right? Also, when a person moves out of a storage unit...or a rental property such as a house or apartment...what happens of they do not remove ALL THEIR STUFF??? Their stuff is longer theirs...and will not only be thrown away or kept by the landlord, but the previous renters (Ashley Biden) will also lose their deposit!!! There are real, actual penalties and loss of posessions as well as fees (lost deposits) when an adult is not responsible enough to remove their belongings from a rental property.

This case is all complete BS....from FBI involvement to criminalizing folks for what is commonplace when an irresponsible adult cannot even clean up after Ashley nor Pedo Joe even bothering to deny any of the content of the diary being real...all 100% bullsheit and anyone who defends this is a POS molestor enabler. Disgusting.

I would also bet if the diary had never crossed state lines that any lawyer with ability would have had their clients plead not guilty and would have beat this bullsheit case in court. The fear of losing and having these innocent folks do federal prison time due to the interstate aspect likely turned this case around 100%....just as the POS partisan Dimwit FBI desired.

Embarrassing that this garbage happened in our crooked justice system (oxymoron) and the weaponizing of the 3 letter agencies has opened Pandoras box. I will condemn it in 2 years when you immoral Dimwits are getting your arses handed to you by the FBI as well....just remember who began this garbage.

The modern leftists are complete degenerates. Disgusting. Sadly the Republicrats arent much better.
If what was inside could be proven authentic, more news reporting agencies would be covering those salacious contents... and the "MSM is protecting Biden" narrative doesn't explain why so many right-wing outlets have also avoided discussing the specific details for two years as well. The most logical explanation is that they don't trust Project Veritas, and there is at least some concern that some of those passages were forged.
Epstein book is authentic, but it’s being protected as MSM isn’t reporting it. Same protection. So again, prove its not authentic and this goes away without question.
Or no one else tried. Sources related to the dossier sure weren’t vetted properly so why think they would do so here? I’m guessing everyone just said “I’m not touching that story” and left it floundering.

Nobody wanted the FBI knocking down their door.
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No it's not. Thousands upon thousands of people have felony convictions for BS simply because they don't have the money to fight the government.

Which is going to be THE issue over the next decade in this country. Did you have the money to fight your audit or did you just have to take it?
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Another dumb right-wing meme.

If Ashley Biden comes forward and says that she wrote those passages in her diary concerning sexual abuse, then there is a woman to believe. Right now, there are only hand-written passages in a diary to believe. The problem with that, is that members of Project Veritas have been in possession of that diary since Ashley Biden last had it, and they are not above having forged those passages. Project Veritas is an organization which peddles disinformation, of their own creation.

Do they make it up on their own or does Christopher Steele consult? Because I could type that last sentence word for word and switch PV for “The Democratic Party”.
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Is it possible, that the FBI has also taken the track record of Project Veritas into account here? I'm sorry, but you guys that are taking those diary entries at face value, with no scrutiny at all, when the diary was handled by Project Veritas in-between the last time Ashley Biden was in possession of it and the FBI claimed it ... are either willingly ignorant or childishly gullible.

Wow. I wonder if that was your stance on the Russian hoax or any other Trumped up charges. I think not. The tongue of a snake.
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Another dumb right-wing meme.

If Ashley Biden comes forward and says that she wrote those passages in her diary concerning sexual abuse, then there is a woman to believe. Right now, there are only hand-written passages in a diary to believe. The problem with that, is that members of Project Veritas have been in possession of that diary since Ashley Biden last had it, and they are not above having forged those passages. Project Veritas is an organization which peddles disinformation, of their own creation.

See FBI, CIA, Current WH Admin, DNC, HRC, AOC, Hollywood, etc, etc.
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