biden's niece's diary

Gullible is believing that Ashley Biden wrote about showers with her dad as a child in her diary. That is just way too useful and convenient for those far right sites.

Gullible is also not learning a damn thing from either PizzaGate or Q Anon. I think that some of you are just pitifully stupid.

trump didn't use it, project veritas didn't use it. this was a set up but no one took the bait. yet your KGB is still going after them.
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I posted my disdain for Q Anon in the Q thread. I've never given pizza gate any credibility either.

Gullible is refusing to believe the contents of the diary because all the media sources that called Hunter Biden's laptop Russian disinformation won't report on it.

bowl still believes that hunter's laptop is still Russian lies. that's how much of a sheep he is.
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Wrong. You are projecting your own political tribalism onto me.

As I have stated multiple times before, if Ashley Biden was to publicly announce that she did write the diary entries concerning sexual abuse, and they are accurate, I would believe her. She has nothing to gain from lying about such matters.

I would also want to see Joe Biden immediately resign as President of the United States. If he refused, then Democrats should draft articles of impeachment and unanimously vote during a Senate trial to remove him from office.

For reasons I have thoroughly explained, I believe that the involvement of Project Veritas in this matter has compromised the integrity of the only material evidence.

The fact is, Project Veritas handled Ashley Biden's diary since the last time it was in her possession. They had the means and the motive to forge those salacious entries, and it is clear that they are not above performing such an illegal act. You are casting aspersions because I don't trust Project Veritas .... but your own faith in Project Veritas is inconsistent with your stated reasons for not trusting the FBI. You have a double standard.


You're the one declaring it's false with zero proof that it's false. Your standard is you don't believe it because a Democrat has been accused. If this was Ivanka's diary accusing Trump of molesting her, you'd be totally bought in.

I've not said the alleged excerpts are real or fake. I've said this should be investigated, and I've openly questioned why Ashley Biden hasn't denied it.

Your double standard is seen each and every day in this forum, so it's laughable for you to accuse someone else of having one.
More than 50 former senior intelligence officials have signed on to a letteroutlining their belief that the recent disclosure of emails allegedly belonging to Joe Biden’s son “has all the classic earmarks of a Russian information operation.

**In other news 50 former senior intelligence officials are proven to not be intelligent.
Your attacks on the FBI and the intelligence community are inconsistent with trusting the integrity of Project Veritas. It is a double standard.

You're the one declaring it's false with zero proof that it's false. Your standard is you don't believe it because a Democrat has been accused. If this was Ivanka's diary accusing Trump of molesting her, you'd be totally bought in.

I've not said the alleged excerpts are real or fake. I've said this should be investigated, and I've openly questioned why Ashley Biden hasn't denied it.

Your double standard is seen each and every day in this forum, so it's laughable for you to accuse someone else of having one.
You don't require any specific evidence concerning a matter at hand, to distrust material that was handled by the FBI. Their history of deceptive practices are enough for you to categorically dismiss any evidence of corruption that they have collected against Donald Trump as being tainted by their bias and by their dishonesty.

However, when it comes to Project Veritas, you are eager to shift the burden of proof away from them, and regard whatever evidence they have uncovered against a Democrat as warranting an investigation. It is a double standard.

Once again, you are projecting your tribal views onto me. If Ashley Biden announced that her father had molested her as a child, I would believe her, and I would hope that he would either resign immediately or be removed from office as fast as possible.
You don't require any specific evidence concerning a matter at hand, to distrust material that was handled by the FBI. Their history of deceptive practices are enough for you to categorically dismiss any evidence of corruption that they have collected against Donald Trump as being tainted by their bias and by their dishonesty.

However, when it comes to Project Veritas, you are eager to shift the burden of proof away from them, and regard whatever evidence they have uncovered against a Democrat as warranting an investigation. It is a double standard.

Once again, you are projecting your tribal views onto me. If Ashley Biden announced that her father had molested her as a child, I would believe her, and I would hope that he would would either resign immediately or be removed from office as fast as possible.

Nobody gives a s*** about project veritas.
Nobody gives a s*** about project veritas.
The members of Project Veritas are highly relevant to any discussion concerning the contents of Ashley Biden's diary, because they were the last people to have been in possession of the diary before it was given to the FBI. Project Veritas has had the diary in their possession since the last time Ashley Biden had it. Therefore, they had the means to forge those salacious entries. There is no avoiding that.
You don't require any specific evidence concerning a matter at hand, to distrust material that was handled by the FBI. Their history of deceptive practices are enough for you to categorically dismiss any evidence of corruption that they have collected against Donald Trump as being tainted by their bias and by their dishonesty.

However, when it comes to Project Veritas, you are eager to shift the burden of proof away from them, and regard whatever evidence they have uncovered against a Democrat as warranting an investigation. It is a double standard.

Once again, you are projecting your tribal views onto me. If Ashley Biden announced that her father had molested her as a child, I would believe her, and I would hope that he would would either resign immediately or be removed from office as fast as possible.

I apply the same mistrust of both the FBI and PV evenly. You apply your mistrust in favor of your political beliefs. You know what would help this situation? An investigation into the veracity of the claims by a non-partisan agency (which is clearly not the FBI). Or hell, Ashley Biden could come out and say her dad didn't molest her and the alleged excerpts aren't real. But neither of those things have happened.

Don't act like the FBI has never engaged in fraud or other shady tactics. History shows they have. Moreso than Project Veritas if we're being honest. But PV is also a political organization, so I don't take them at their word. I also don't dismiss them outright for political reasons like you do. Let's have an investigation.
The members of Project Veritas are highly relevant to any discussion concerning the contents of Ashley Biden's diary, because they were the last people to have been in possession of the diary before it was given to the FBI. Project Veritas has had the diary in their possession since the last time Ashley Biden had it. Therefore, they had the means to forge those salacious entries. There is no avoiding that.
No, they're not. What is relevant is if forgery can be detected. What is relevant is if Ashley Biden confirms or denies that she indeed wrote the entries herself. What is relevant is if Joe Biden sexually molested his teenage daughter. You want Project Veritas to be relevant so you can scream foul, but all that really matters is the truth. But truth isn't what you want. You want this to be fake, but we have no idea if it is or not. Your continued cries of "but Project Veritas" are nothing more than a deflection from the possibility it could be true.
I apply the same mistrust of both the FBI and PV evenly.
That is bull $hit. You have zero sense of self-awareness concerning what you post.

You apply your mistrust in favor of your political beliefs.
More projection of your tribalism.

Ashley Biden could come out and say her dad didn't molest her and the alleged excerpts aren't real.
I wish she would address those diary entries, but the fact that she hasn't does not automatically make them authentic. Also, I strongly believe that a majority of Republicans would not believe her denial, and she would be attacked as a liar. People are going to believe what they want to believe regardless of any investigations or denials. The PizzaGate story proved that beyond any doubt.

Don't act like the FBI has never engaged in fraud or other shady tactics. History shows they have. Moreso than Project Veritas if we're being honest.
Well, of course. The FBI has also been around about 80 years longer.
I wish she would address those diary entries, but the fact that she hasn't does not automatically make them authentic. Also, I strongly believe that a majority of Republicans would not believe her denial, and she would be attacked as a liar. People are going to believe what they want to believe regardless of any investigations or denials. The PizzaGate story proved that beyond any doubt.

I'm beginning to think you just like saying "PizzaGate".
No, they're not. What is relevant is if forgery can be detected.
That is ridiculous.... and you just said :

I apply the same mistrust of both the FBI and PV evenly.
What a joke.

If the evidence of a crime involves something which was hand-written, then any investigation concerning who wrote it, will include both the owner of the property (Ashley Biden) and the last people to have handled the hand-written material before it was collected by law enforcement officials (Project Veritas).

During the course of the investigation, a hand-writing analysis would be performed to check it as being a match with the owner's, Ashley Biden. Then the 3rd party who handled the hand-written material last, Project Veritas, would be scrutinized with 3 questions :

1) Do they have a motive for forging what was written? YES.

2) Did they have the time and the ability to commit the forgery? YES.

3) Is forgery consistent with other practices they have been known to undertake? YES.

To suggest that the scrutiny of Project Veritas is not highly relevant to this story, when they were the last people to be in possession of the diary, is just plain stupid.
That is bull $hit. You have zero sense of self-awareness concerning what you post.

More projection of your tribalism.

I wish she would address those diary entries, but the fact that she hasn't does not automatically make them authentic. Also, I strongly believe that a majority of Republicans would not believe her denial, and she would be attacked as a liar. People are going to believe what they want to believe regardless of any investigations or denials. The PizzaGate story proved that beyond any doubt.

Well, of course. The FBI has also been around about 80 years longer.
You're lying to yourself and it's evident to everyone here.

Remember when the FBI declared Hunter Biden's laptop "Russian disinformation" only oops, it wasn't. The FBI has already shown they can't be trusted to investigate the Bidens. Let's have an agency with no political clout on the line look into the veracity of these alleged diary entries.

Notice, BTW, I've continually said "alleged", because unlike you, I've not determined them real or fake.

Your "tribalism" has been on full display from the moment you automatically dismissed the alleged entries as forgeries. You don't give a damn that the President might be a pedophile. Despite your claims otherwise, your posts and quick dismissal this is anything but false clearly show you put your politics above finding the truth.

As for the bolded, you never seemed to mind that when it involved "collusion". Funny how it suddenly matters when your political side could be the target.

You're a hypocrite, and you've made it quite evident through your own words.
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That is ridiculous.... and you just said :

What a joke.

If the evidence of a crime involves something which was hand-written, then any investigation concerning who wrote it, will include both the owner of the property (Ashley Biden) and the last people to have handled the hand-written material before it was collected by law enforcement officials (Project Veritas).

During the course of the investigation, a hand-writing analysis would be performed to check it as being a match with the owner's, Ashley Biden. Then the 3rd party who handled the hand-written material last, Project Veritas, would be scrutinized with 3 questions :

1) Do they have a motive for forging what was written? YES.

2) Did they have the time and the ability to commit the forgery? YES.

3) Is forgery consistent with other practices they have been known to undertake? YES.

To suggest that the scrutiny of Project Veritas is not highly relevant to this story, when they were the last people to be in possession of the diary, is just plain stupid.

An agency could easily analyze the diary and determine if it was a forgery through forensic science. Not through any of the stupid things you listed. That would just make PV a suspect if science did indeed determine it was a forgery.

You should stop trying to make other people seem to be stupid because it keeps backfiring on you.
An agency could easily analyze the diary and determine if it was a forgery through forensic science. Not through any of the stupid things you listed. That would just make PV a suspect if science did indeed determine it was a forgery.

You should stop trying to make other people seem to be stupid because it keeps backfiring on you.
It wouldn't necessarily be conclusive because Project Veritas was in possession of large samples of her hand-writing from within the diary. When forgery involves a template, that makes it much harder to detect.

That would be where the things I listed would come into play. If you don't think that the last people to be in possession of hand-written material would be scrutinized for forgery, then you are an idiot.
No he hasn't. He has maintained a let's wait and see stance. You have taken a hard stand that they are forgeries.
I've continuously said it should be investigated. He's continuously cried "Project Veritas! Forgeries!". He doesn't want an investigation because he's scared of what it might find.

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