Big Brother

Turner should've voted out Taylor. Why keep the better competitor when the only thing that matters in final 4 is who wins HOH and veto? He kept the better competitor in the house, didn't win either, and now Monte is going to vote him out (unless Monte is just as dumb as Turner).

Also, Turner has betrayed all his best friends and has no place calling Brittany slimey.
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Turner should've voted out Taylor. Why keep the better competitor when the only thing that matters in final 4 is who wins HOH and veto? He kept the better competitor in the house, didn't win either, and now Monte is going to vote him out (unless Monte is just as dumb as Turner).

Also, Turner has betrayed all his best friends and has no place calling Brittany slimey.
I truly don’t think Turner would of even gotten Michael out if Monte didn’t make the move. He seemed panicked when Monte told him he was using the veto that night. I truthfully don’t give Turner credit for Michael’s eviction and I’m surprised the houseguests do. I think that’s on Monte’a resume.
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I truly don’t think Turner would of even gotten Michael out if Monte didn’t make the move. He seemed panicked when Monte told him he was using the veto that night. I truthfully don’t give Turner credit for Michael’s eviction and I’m surprised the houseguests do. I think that’s on Monte’a resume.

He didn't have to put up Michael and he didn't have to say yes, but I agree, Monte should get more credit.
Why would anyone want to vote out Brittany? She hasn't done anything productive all season. She would be great to sit next to in the finals.
Anyone else watching live tonight? Whose your pick to win it? I’m honestly not going to be upset with any of these 3, I think they all have a case to win, but none have a great case. I would give Taylor the edge going into tonight, but it’s so close for me my vote would probably go to whoever wins the last challenge.
I don't understand how anybody could vote Taylor when she admitted she had no big moves, had fewer comp wins, and had a rocky social game. I'm stunned this was 8-1. Monte played a near perfect game.
I don't understand how anybody could vote Taylor when she admitted she had no big moves, had fewer comp wins, and had a rocky social game. I'm stunned this was 8-1. Monte played a near perfect game.
Except for getting rid of Brittany and Turner. 1 person he absolutely beats and another he very likely beats. Instead he took the girl with the underdog story from the pageant world who crushed him in the Q and A and final speech.
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Taylor was the first and only target for many. But she’s congenial. She’s a viper. She allowed Monte to burn all of his bridges and walk away with his win.
Except for getting rid of Brittany and Turner. 1 person he absolutely beats and another he very likely beats. Instead he took the girl with the underdog story from the pageant world who crushed him in the Q and A and final speech.

Turner had a better resume than Taylor. Brittany was the one person who definitely wasn't taking him. Turner and Taylor probably both would have.

The underdog story is BS. She was an underdog because she had trouble relating to people. It's her own fault that she fought from the bottom. Monte's leftovers saved her. She didn't save herself. She had the sloppiest HOH of the season, 3 comp wins, 2 showmances, and half the girls didn't like her. But I guess Monte had to make the 3 biggest moves this season, not just the 2 biggest makes no sense.
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I don't understand how anybody could vote Taylor when she admitted she had no big moves, had fewer comp wins, and had a rocky social game. I'm stunned this was 8-1. Monte played a near perfect game.
The only surprise votes IMO were Kyle and Terrance. Regardless of their feelings towards Taylor, every girl in the jury had voiced an opinion at some point of wanting a girl to win. That's 4 votes. Joseph was obviously smitten with her, even after finding out about her and Monte, and her and Michael were close allies. That's 6 votes and a win.

He should have taken Turner. Against Turner he probably gets votes from Michael, Joseph, Indie, Jasmine, and Taylor. That's 5 and a win.
The only surprise votes IMO were Kyle and Terrance. Regardless of their feelings towards Taylor, every girl in the jury had voiced an opinion at some point of wanting a girl to win. That's 4 votes. Joseph was obviously smitten with her, even after finding out about her and Monte, and her and Michael were close allies. That's 6 votes and a win.

He should have taken Turner. Against Turner he probably gets votes from Michael, Joseph, Indie, Jasmine, and Taylor. That's 5 and a win.

I was shocked that Michael and Joseph didn't vote for best player. I've lost a lot of respect for Michael. Jasmine and Indie didn't like Taylor, so it's weird that they threw her a vote. From Monte's perspective, IDK how he was supposed to know that Taylor was a bigger threat than Turner.
I was shocked that Michael and Joseph didn't vote for best player. I've lost a lot of respect for Michael. Jasmine and Indie didn't like Taylor, so it's weird that they threw her a vote. From Monte's perspective, IDK how he was supposed to know that Taylor was a bigger threat than Turner.

Best player is an opinion. Did Monte play a better physical game? Absolutely. Did he play a better social game? That's absolutely up for debate. Not sure why you're surprised at the women voting for Taylor. They all said at some point along the way they wanted a woman to win. There's no way for Monte to know that, but we the viewers heard it. Ultimately, I'm not sure Monte considered jury management. Or if he did, he thought he did a better job than he did. I mean, Turner even talked to him about jury management.

I predicted most of the votes before they were cast. I wasn't sure which way Brittany would go because I thought she might feel betrayed by Taylor, and I thought for sure Kyle and Terrance would vote Monte, but I knew Taylor would win when Monte chose her.

Monte was the best challenge player left in the game, but I do believe Taylor played a better social game.
Before the Q and A I said Taylor 5-4. All 4 girls plus Joseph, I never thought there was any doubt where Joseph’s vote would go. After the speeches I said Taylor 7-2. Thought Monte would get Michael and Turner. Michael’s vote was my only surprise, I thought he would for sure vote for who he viewed as the bigger comp threat and who made the move to get him out.
Best player is an opinion. Did Monte play a better physical game? Absolutely. Did he play a better social game? That's absolutely up for debate. Not sure why you're surprised at the women voting for Taylor. They all said at some point along the way they wanted a woman to win. There's no way for Monte to know that, but we the viewers heard it. Ultimately, I'm not sure Monte considered jury management. Or if he did, he thought he did a better job than he did. I mean, Turner even talked to him about jury management.

I predicted most of the votes before they were cast. I wasn't sure which way Brittany would go because I thought she might feel betrayed by Taylor, and I thought for sure Kyle and Terrance would vote Monte, but I knew Taylor would win when Monte chose her.

Monte was the best challenge player left in the game, but I do believe Taylor played a better social game.

He got to the end playing the 2nd biggest game of the season behind Michael, and not one person had reason to be salty with him. That doesn't happen by accident. Monte's jury management was excellent. It seems Michael was upset, but he was going to get Monte out (not Taylor, because Monte was the biggest threat) if Jasmine came off the block, so he had no reason to be salty.

I just don't know on what planet it makes you a better player to be slightly more liked by jury when the other person outplayed you in every other way. And again, Taylor finished strong with the social game, but it was a complete mess the first half of the season. It makes no sense to say she played a better social game when Monte was well-liked by everybody (except Taylor) the entire season. These reality shows are becoming less and less about who plays the best game, tho.
Still waiting to see final breakout, but the penultimate episodes of this season lost roughly 900k viewers over last year, which was down close to 400k over the previous season (BB22).
I don't understand caring about being on the right side of the vote when the season was over, but I suspected that's why the 8 were all in line.


Also, Turner said he got the impression the jury decided at the roundtable and Taylor's speech had nothing to do with it.
Anyone watching the premier tonight? Looks like there’s a Gatlinburg native on this season.
Hopefully he's a Vols fan. Gotta keep the streak going.
I cannot think of a season in a long time that did not feature a Tennessee fan. I was waiting to see if I'd see a Vols shirt pop up in a diary room interview, and sure enough, on Sunday's episode, Alyssa was wearing one.
Waiting for VN's reviews of this season and the cast members. We watched a short video of 3 former houseguests coming back on and firing some sort of time gun to go back and change the house so that they could win their seasons. It was horribly cringey. Hopefully this season is better, because I watched the first 23 seasons. But, we skipped 24.

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