Big Brother

The show is dead.

It was literally 2nd place for the key demo (18-49) that everybody wants last Thursday night. I think the last 3 seasons have been collectively poor but dead to me means that it's over, and it's far from over if it's still a top show. Hell, we're getting celebrity big brother again.
It was literally 2nd place for the key demo (18-49) that everybody wants last Thursday night. I think the last 3 seasons have been collectively poor but dead to me means that it's over, and it's far from over if it's still a top show. Hell, we're getting celebrity big brother again.
You're right it'll probably keep going because everything else is poo too. The show has become a flag for social justice, it's no longer about drama, showmances, guys can show their chest, but the T & A from females that used to dominate the show has disappeared......expect the unexpected from the cast has gone the way of the carrier pigeon.
What was the most rise last night for all the rejected house guests? Nothing, it was all kumbaya
SHould Xavier have won, I think so, but there will always be an asterisk because it required the most blacks in one season voting together to get all blacks to the end.
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It was literally 2nd place for the key demo (18-49) that everybody wants last Thursday night. I think the last 3 seasons have been collectively poor but dead to me means that it's over, and it's far from over if it's still a top show. Hell, we're getting celebrity big brother again.
I mean it’s dead compared to what it used to be. Social media has ruined its authenticity
You're right it'll probably keep going because everything else is poo too. The show has become a flag for social justice, it's no longer about drama, showmances, guys can show their chest, but the T & A from females that used to dominate the show has disappeared......expect the unexpected from the cast has gone the way of the carrier pigeon.
What was the most rise last night for all the rejected house guests? Nothing, it was all kumbaya
SHould Xavier have won, I think so, but there will always be an asterisk because it required the most blacks in one season voting together to get all blacks to the end.

An asterisk, LOL.

They should be kumbaya at the end. Most people are every season and we laugh at the people who are salty.

One season was loosely about social justice. I agree it was a little too much, but the problem is they didn't really have anything else to pitch. There was little interpersonal drama. As much as production tried to throw wild cards into the game, the cookout controlled everything. The gameplay was really good but it turns out stupid players are what make Big Brother more interesting.
Anybody watching this season? It's OK so far.

We got two black people on the block in week 1, and the Cookout is weighing in on this calling it a microaggression and saying "this is why we had to band together to win this", essentially. FTR, I see absolutely nothing that is explicitly racist happening.

Anyway, bombshell rumor today as they cut the live feeds

Unconfirmed, but it is widely suspected Paloma left the BB house. She is leading the witch hunt against Taylor, who has literally done nothing wrong. As of last episode, the entire house was on Paloma's side, so I assume this flips and she this flips should be interesting.
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Anybody watching this season? It's OK so far.

We got two black people on the block in week 1, and the Cookout is weighing in on this calling it a microaggression and saying "this is why we had to band together to win this", essentially. FTR, I see absolutely nothing that is explicitly racist happening.

Anyway, bombshell rumor today as they cut the live feeds

Unconfirmed, but it is widely suspected Paloma left the BB house. She is leading the witch hunt against Taylor, who has literally done nothing wrong. As of last episode, the entire house was on Paloma's side, so I assume this flips and she this flips should be interesting.
Honestly man I was an avid fan watched every episode for several years, but they lost me early last season. I feel the motive behind the last season was so painfully obvious and that it had no basis on the actual merits of the contestants. CBS had one goal in mind, which to me was very boring.
Honestly man I was an avid fan watched every episode for several years, but they lost me early last season. I feel the motive behind the last season was so painfully obvious and that it had no basis on the actual merits of the contestants. CBS had one goal in mind, which to me was very boring.

I feel like all CBS did was put a bunch of minorities on the cast. The rest was up to the cookout. They controlled everything. CBS tried a million extra comps and powers to shake things up and the Cookout won everything. It wasn't fun to watch the game get dominated, but it was the cleanest alliance victory in BB history. I gotta respect it.
Honestly man I was an avid fan watched every episode for several years, but they lost me early last season. I feel the motive behind the last season was so painfully obvious and that it had no basis on the actual merits of the contestants. CBS had one goal in mind, which to me was very boring.
I was an avid fan too, but the reason I stopped watching is because it’s such a big commitment of my time.
Honestly man I was an avid fan watched every episode for several years, but they lost me early last season. I feel the motive behind the last season was so painfully obvious and that it had no basis on the actual merits of the contestants. CBS had one goal in mind, which to me was very boring.
I do think they may have gotten the outcome they set out for last year, but not sure they anticipated it just being a complete snooze fest of a season because of it. Credit to the cookout though, they won and refused to vote each other out regardless of what happened or if it was good for their own games. Which did lead to it being really boring.
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I’m in so far.

Anyone else catch the “cookout” member claiming this season was “back to its racist ways”. Made me laugh. That alliance was the most racist thing broadcast over the public’s airwaves since Wallace stood in the doorway.
I’m in so far.

Anyone else catch the “cookout” member claiming this season was “back to its racist ways”. Made me laugh. That alliance was the most racist thing broadcast over the public’s airwaves since Wallace stood in the doorway.

That's the quote? Who said it?
Episode 2: Let's start a girls' alliance and really stick together. Nobody has ever done that before. Girl power.

Episodes 3: [the 6 girls proceed to mercilessly slander and target a flirty, pageant girl, instead of the boys]

Episode 4: [the girls' ring leader goes home because of mental health issues and another one of them has already betrayed the alliance]
Yeah, looks like you quoted the clickbait headline. I can't see that anybody even said "racist". They just said they're seeing microaggressions, right or wrong.
If you’re going to comment at least read the provided material so you don’t look like a confrontational trolling prick.
If you’re going to comment at least read the provided material so you don’t look like a confrontational trolling prick.

I read it. You put quotes around something that wasn't a quote. I was genuinely curious and instead of telling me it's not an actual quote, you buried the lead, wasting my time, and then call me a prick.
Paloma broke the rules.

Players aren't allowed to make deals to share the money. That's been known since the first show.

Paloma met up with multiple people in the house and talked about "investing" in them after the show.
This season is reminding me how good Big Brother can be.

It's unfathomable to me that a dozen or so people can live in such close proximity and still get mistakenly caught up in a witch hunt. Taylor deserved absolutely none of the bullying, and a few people convinced at least half the house that she was the devil...and this wasn't a game move. They all genuinely believed it.

Turner's HOH speech was so good. I don't think Daniel or Nicole had any clue that some people weren't on their side about the beef. The girls alliance is still obsessing over Taylor and thinking she is manipulating everyone. They're probably going to get her out eventually, but their obsession has completely torpedoed their game. It's so satisfying.
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This season is reminding me how good Big Brother can be.

It's unfathomable to me that a dozen or so people can live in such close proximity and still get mistakenly caught up in a witch hunt. Taylor deserved absolutely none of the bullying, and a few people convinced at least half the house that she was the devil...and this wasn't a game move. They all genuinely believed it.

Turner's HOH speech was so good. I don't think Daniel or Nicole had any clue that some people weren't on their side about the beef. The girls alliance is still obsessing over Taylor and thinking she is manipulating everyone. They're probably going to get her out eventually, but their obsession has completely torpedoed their game. It's so satisfying.
This season a huge step up from the last few especially the previous. Turners speech was incredible. I feel bad for Taylor, she seems to be a genuine and somewhat quieter person and she didn’t do anything to be treated like she has by some of the people in the house. Love the leftovers alliance and hope they stick it out together. This buddy twist they put in has made it a little more iffy, might have to put up a friend to go after a foe.
This season a huge step up from the last few especially the previous. Turners speech was incredible. I feel bad for Taylor, she seems to be a genuine and somewhat quieter person and she didn’t do anything to be treated like she has by some of the people in the house. Love the leftovers alliance and hope they stick it out together. This buddy twist they put in has made it a little more iffy, might have to put up a friend to go after a foe.

I totally get why Taylor can get on people's nerves. She's just a little extra and she's confident while sometimes unaware. She would probably annoy me at times but I also know that I would like her. I 100% understand why girls would talk a little **** behind her back, and it wouldn't be a big deal to do that. But they have been merciless and weirdly obsessed. It goes way beyond Taylor being a little annoying.

I like the besty twist so far. It's interesting.

The Leftovers are a fun alliance. Michael looks exactly like my brother except he's the skinny gay nerd version. My brother is what girls would call a hunk and the whole family is calling him "Michael" right now. It's hilarious.

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