BIG Trouble with Academic Rate?

Headline writer is trying to get attention with a sensational headline. The semester under Butch jumped to 2.8 so the trend will be up. Attrition with coaching changes hurt, but should be under control now. Take a chill pill, Evan Woodbury.
Another silly rule by the NCAA. I thought NCAA's goal was to make the student/athletes just another student, no special privileges, etc. When I was in college no one except familiy cared about my grades. Should be the same for athletes. Do with your college opportunity as you wish. You're an adult, good luck.
Headline writer is trying to get attention with a sensational headline. The semester under Butch jumped to 2.8 so the trend will be up. Attrition with coaching changes hurt, but should be under control now. Take a chill pill, Evan Woodbury.

I didn't even notice he wrote this article. Evan Woodbury strikes again. He's one of my least favorite News Sentinel writers.

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The way they calculate APR is dumb to me. If a kid does not graduate from the university he negatively affects the APR even if he is a transfer or an early draft entrant. Bray, Hunter, CP and Sentimore all negatively affected this number, even without looking into actually what grades they had, just the fact they left.

If this were true, Kentucky basketball would no longer exist
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But I thought Dooley recruited, smart, high character guys.

Dooley failed as a coach and should have fired after the USCe game last year... I always have to premise my statements with that since some moron here keeps saying Dooley is my "hero".

HOWEVER, the support structures and discipline for academics improved under him. Kiffin actually did good work too though the players in his first class weren't very good academically or on the field. The 2011 numbers would have been mostly for players left by Fulmer. Only DD's first class factored into that number.
The way they calculate APR is dumb to me. If a kid does not graduate from the university he negatively affects the APR even if he is a transfer or an early draft entrant. Bray, Hunter, CP and Sentimore all negatively affected this number, even without looking into actually what grades they had, just the fact they left.

All we have to do here is get them back in school in the off season to complete their senior year's classes and graduate. Doesn't seem that hard a thing to do. LOL

However, that was mentioned in the article. Not specifically these guys, but generically getting players to come back to finish their degrees.
UT is basically paying the price for Kiffin's years and transfers. Things are on the upswing. The number will go up when one of Kiffin's years goes off the 4-year-roll and another year of improvement comes on.

For the record, CDD was improving things. Also of note to the record, that was one of the few good things CDD was doing while here.

In regards to Dooley, there is no way to go but up when your team records a 2.08 GPA. The current year score of 909 reflects Dooley, that's not an improvement.
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FWIW, there is a very good chance that neither Sentimore nor CP left in good academic shape.
Heard on the radio today that Butch's first semester with UT equated to the highest record ever. Assuming that is true, we have nothing to worry about. Let's move on.
Unless I'm missing something but the article says that if the player leaves school (transfers/NFL) in poor academic standing

This is correct. Attrition does not affect your APR unless the leaving player was not on course to graduate when he bolted.
Is this accurate?

Clay Travis ‏@ClayTravisBGID 19m
If Tennessee isn't above 930 in the APR next season, Vols would not be eligible for a bowl game in 2014 season. Number is presently 924.

Clay Travis ‏@ClayTravisBGID 9m
Past three years of Vol football APR: 921, 934, 909. Unless Vols get a 956 in 12-13, team won't be eligible for 2014 bowl game. Wow.

Clay Travis ‏@ClayTravisBGID 8m
A 956 is better than any recorded score the football team has ever posted. Looks like decent chance 2014 Vols may be ineligible for a bowl.
Is this accurate?

Clay Travis ‏@ClayTravisBGID 19m
If Tennessee isn't above 930 in the APR next season, Vols would not be eligible for a bowl game in 2014 season. Number is presently 924.

Clay Travis ‏@ClayTravisBGID 9m
Past three years of Vol football APR: 921, 934, 909. Unless Vols get a 956 in 12-13, team won't be eligible for 2014 bowl game. Wow.

Clay Travis ‏@ClayTravisBGID 8m
A 956 is better than any recorded score the football team has ever posted. Looks like decent chance 2014 Vols may be ineligible for a bowl.

It's stretching the truth a tad. This is assuming the NCAA doesn't add bonus points for a variety of factors.
SEC Schools: APR
Football Auburn University AL 2011 - 2012 950
Football Louisiana State University LA 2011 - 2012 944
Football Mississippi State University MS 2011 - 2012 967
Football University of Alabama AL 2011 - 2012 978
Football University of Arkansas, Fayetteville AR 2011 - 2012 938
Football University of Florida FL 2011 - 2012 968
Football University of Georgia GA 2011 - 2012 968
Football University of Kentucky KY 2011 - 2012 943
Football University of Mississippi MS 2011 - 2012 944
Football University of South Carolina, Columbia SC 2011 - 2012 966
Football University of Tennessee, Knoxville TN 2011 - 2012 924
Football Vanderbilt University TN 2011 - 2012 973
Is this accurate?

Clay Travis ‏@ClayTravisBGID 19m
If Tennessee isn't above 930 in the APR next season, Vols would not be eligible for a bowl game in 2014 season. Number is presently 924.

Clay Travis ‏@ClayTravisBGID 9m
Past three years of Vol football APR: 921, 934, 909. Unless Vols get a 956 in 12-13, team won't be eligible for 2014 bowl game. Wow.

Clay Travis ‏@ClayTravisBGID 8m
A 956 is better than any recorded score the football team has ever posted. Looks like decent chance 2014 Vols may be ineligible for a bowl.

If his numbers for '10, '11, and '12 are correct, then yes, UT would need a 956. That would be an unbelievable jump.
These players know what it takes to succeed with proper leadership in place. They get it. Butch Jones will have our APR consistently on the rise because he gets it
It's stretching the truth a tad. This is assuming the NCAA doesn't add bonus points for a variety of factors.

Clay Travis should never have things posted on this board. The "journalists" that submit Bleacher Report articles are more reputable than that goon.
When do they usually announce/award those points?

I may be wrong, but I don't think they add "bonus points". However, they do reduce penalties if the school can prove that it has improved its academic support system.
And yet 3/4 of Ky BB players bolt after 1 year, but they're ok. Something's wrong with the system............imagine that!
Couldn't care less. Just stay eligible and play like a boss on Saturdays. If the players don't care enough about their education to do well academically, then so be it. They are adults. Like I said, just stay eligible.

Well, if you like bowl games it matters. I like bowl games personally, so I kinda care. I'm not asking for anything more than a 930 and bowl eligibility.
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