BIG Trouble with Academic Rate?

Does this not also have something to do with what has been spoken about many times on this board as "Tennessee's academic disadvantage"? Didn't Cheek nix some of the "football friendly" Basket Weaving 101 type classes that most other SEC schools have that help their players maintain their academic eligibility/GPA? If I'm remembering correctly that was a big gripe by the Kiffin and Dooley camps.

Also could explain the big discrepancies between UT's APR score vs. the other SEC schools.
Clay thinks its a big deal, Wes Rucker doesnt. I will go with Wes on this.

Clay almost seems giddy over it

It is a really big deal, but that doesn't mean it can't be overcome.

It will require a big jump in UT's APR, but I will be shocked if that jump doesn't occur.
Key point in the article:

"The most recently released numbers reflect a four-year period before the hiring of new coach Butch Jones. Most of the time frame was also before athletic director Dave Hart started his tenure."
I may be wrong, but I don't think they add "bonus points". However, they do reduce penalties if the school can prove that it has improved its academic support system.

What I meant by bonus points was as Brice explained from the AD:

"Schools receive bonus points for every player who comes back and graduates, and the Vols have a handful enrolled in summer classes."
There is work to be done, but not a ton of concern on UT's end about making the number. Clay Travis is overreacting on a subject that he know little more than just the surface of. We'll be fine.
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Can someone tell me who this Vonn Bell guy is. Isn't he the big UT fan?

Maybe you should search the thread titles for Vonn Bell that would be all you need to know. Kind of a sore subject. Brief rundown

1. Kid Ut fan growing up
2. Dooley dropped the ball on recruitment
3. Butch made a hard push and had him all but locked up
4. Spurned us at the last minute for tO$U.
First, if a player leaves early for any reason(transfer, goes pro, quits team, etc) it only punishes the team APR if that player is in "poor academic standing". This is how Kentucky gets around this...they simply make sure that the player is in good academic standing when they are one and done. Not real hard to do when they only attend school for one full semester...

This WILL be a BIG deal if we don't go above a cumulative 930 next year. As some mentioned, bonus points will help a lot. Without any bonus points, we would have to hit a 956 next year which would be very tough to do. Obviously Jones and company have been all over this for months. The upswing in GPA is a very positive sign.

Bottom line...I'm sure this is a huge concern for coaches, but they'll make sure they do everything they can to hit the numbers.

Of greater concern is the negative recruiting that other schools will use against us on this.

Kiffin and Dooley screwed us royally in just about every way possible. Only exception is no NCAA issues under Dooley.
The big concern here is that these numbers are a year behind. So UT has to hit a 956 for Dooley's last season. This was never really in Jones' control. That's why these former players coming back to get there degree are so critical.
Maybe you should search the thread titles for Vonn Bell that would be all you need to know. Kind of a sore subject. Brief rundown

1. Kid Ut fan growing up
2. Dooley dropped the ball on recruitment
3. Butch made a hard push and had him all but locked up
4. Spurned us at the last minute for tO$U.

I know who he is. I forgot to add (sarcasm) at the end of my post.
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How on Earth did Dooley keep his job through 2012, when in 2011, we:

1) lost to Kentucky
2) had a 2.08 team GPA?
Article says Butch inherited similar situations at Central Michigan and Cincy, so I'm not terribly worried about it.

Besides, its not like we're going to compete for a title this year or anything.
Ainges Twitter is over flowing with anger regarding this......sounds like he is going to flame tomorrow.
Ainges Twitter is over flowing with anger regarding this......sounds like he is going to flame tomorrow.

He's pointing the fingers at Susan Martin again. I'm really starting to think that she's a huge reason for many of our problems.
So how does the University deal with the privacy issues, etc. versus pleading your case as far as the early departees (opposed to enrollees) like Oku, BB, CP, DR, JJ, etc? I don't want to take the time to look it up again, but how many of Kiffie's top ten class bolted or got booted and how many of them were on pace to graduate?

If we have to sit out a year, that's not that big of a deal... It's the negative recruiting stuff that'll hurt us.

Sounds like we need to send out the post grad Vol hostesses and lure some of those guys back to complete their degrees!

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