BIG Trouble with Academic Rate?

In summary. UT is dead last in the SEC in this category. Shockingly, Alabama is ahead of Candy.

It's not a measurement of academic excellence, or Vandy could not possibly be behind anyone in the conference. It's simply a measurement of how many athletes are on course to graduate.

Given the difficulty of the curriculum, it's not surprising that some athletes struggle to stay on course at Vandy.
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We're the worst in the SEC by a good margin. It can't be hard to improve from the worst in the SEC with just a little bit of effort. I'm confident that Butch will keep us moving in the right direction.
It's not a measurement of academic excellence, or Vandy could not possibly be behind anyone in the conference. It's simply a measurement of how many athletes are on course to graduate.

Given the difficulty of the curriculum, it's not surprising that some athletes struggle to stay on course at Vandy.

And not shocking someone like Lacy can stay in school at Bama.
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And not shocking someone like Lacy can stay in school at Bama.

Unless you're a fan of Vanderbilt, and maybe A&M, you should probably refrain from knocking the intelligence of any rivals' athletes. We've all had players "graduate" who can't even read their diplomas.
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Unless you're a fan of Vanderbilt, and maybe A&M, you should probably refrain from knocking the intelligence of any rivals' athletes. We've all had players "graduate" who can't even read their diplomas.

Don't get your panties in a bunch Nancy. I wish UT would adopt the academic standards for athletes Bama has.
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Like I pointed out before, that is incorrect. The rolling numbers are a year behind, so 2014's number will be for Kiffin's year and Dooley's three years. Basically the Fall of '09 thru the Summer of '13.

Don't remember you pointing anything out nor do I care. Doesn't make a lot of sense that the 2014 APR score wouldn't count The 2013 fall semester. You have back up with this claim, or do we just have to take your word. I.E. back it up before you start beating your chest.
Don't remember you pointing anything out nor do I care.

Whether you care or not, here it is:

Actually, it's a four year rolling score, so it's Fulmer's last year (928) that will drop off. The 3 scores that will count toward next year are:

Kiffin's lone year: 921
Dooley's first: 934
Dooley's second: 909

Which means that Dooley's last year (including this Spring under Jones) has to be a 956 or higher to acheive a four year score of 930.

Doesn't make a lot of sense that the 2014 APR score wouldn't count The 2013 fall semester. You have back up with this claim, or do we just have to take your word. I.E. back it up before you start beating your chest.

From the article linked in the OP:

Tennessee’s football team scored a 924 in the NCAA’s newest batch of academic progress rate (APR) data. The multi-year rates cover a four-year period from the 2008-2009 through 2011-2012 academic years.

So the 2013 score just released is from the Fall of '08 to the Summer of '12. Meaning the 2014 rolling score will measure the Fall of '09 to the Summer of '13. Clear it up for you?
Whether you care or not, here it is:

From the article linked in the OP:

So the 2013 score just released is from the Fall of '08 to the Summer of '12. Meaning the 2014 rolling score will measure the Fall of '09 to the Summer of '13. Clear it up for you?

Thanks :)

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