In "Warrior" during the final match with the two brothers where Tom Hardy's character is in an arm bar hold and his arm is about to snap in half. Joel Edgarton, his brother, is telling him to tap out because he doesn't want to cause him anymore pain but Hardy's character will not tap out. Until, through all the madness, Edgarton's character tells him that he loves him repeatedly.....and Hardy's character finally taps out.
If you haven't seen this are missing out. It is fantastic. To really understand this final scene, you have to see history and dynamic of these two brothers. They both had a lot of animosity towards eachother because of things that happened in their past.
All Hardy's character wanted to hear was "I love you" from his brother. It was beautiful. I shed a tear everytime I watch that scene.
Don't know if it has been posted already but My Dog Skip when Skip is laying unconscious on the operating table and the boy is just crying and pleading for him to live.
I refuse to watch that movie.
That part was sad but the end was sadder to me. The voiceover of him talking about how he didn't see Skip anymore after he went to college, and then Skip as an old dog wanting up on his bed and Kevin Bacon having to help him. That kills me.
Probably doesn't help that one of my dogs I grew up with died while I was away at college.
Star Wars Revenge of the Sith
It's already known that anakin will fall and become Darth Vader but doesn't make it any less somber when he slaughters kids, kills his woman, and is scorched by the lava after unwisely deciding to try to kill Ben Kenobi.
Star Wars Revenge of the Sith
It's already known that anakin will fall and become Darth Vader but doesn't make it any less somber when he slaughters kids, kills his woman, and is scorched by the lava after unwisely deciding to try to kill Ben Kenobi.
Did this really bring you to tears? Not judging, just asking.