Bill Introduced To Abolish Electoral College

Only if the Senate was the only branch of the government. It's not even the only house in it's own branch. Senate cant do anything without the house. Various other checks and balances exist to make sure the 30/70 isnt the only consideration.

It's not a fractal argument. One small piece is not representative of the entire system.

And how is a system where the people can vote themselves more privileges not asking to be rife with corruption too? Especially when the two parties run their whole campaign based on promises of the new or better privileges. The corruption has nothing to do with how they are elected. The corruption stems from them having too much power. President, senate, representatives, governors, mayors, politicians in general.

You give a rat two buttons, one stimulates the pleasure center of its brain the other gives it food. The rat will kill itself pressing the pleasure button ignoring the food it needs. Our population isnt any better. Just look at us. We are a divided bunch of fat arses addicted to our phones. And yes I say that as I sit on my fat arse arguing with someone over my phone.

Do you really think average American Joe Blow knows what's good for him, yet alone the nation? Are you really saying the best option is to give over power to the walmart crowd?

Like SCOTUS appointments for the bolded?

I don’t think the average Joe knows what’s good for him, and being in this forum only reinforces that... but that’s not the idea behind equality. They have the right to be wrong.

It sounds like you’re leaning toward the old English principle that “gentlemen” are required to decide for the masses what is best for them.
Are you hiding behind the established order, or do you have your own thoughts?

I can appreciate the intricacies of the plan and it’s intent. Take away LAs votes and Trump wins popular vote easily....not that it matters.
What is your issue with a republic working of republic foundations?

You keep trying to bring democracy into the equation. But have yet to establish why it belongs in the conversation.
He also believes that doctors and nurses should be forced to give healthcare by the government. So he’s not exactly Constitutional
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Well obviously you know more than the founding fathers

He does now.

The rationale for the EC is long since obsolete. The Republicans depend on it as some sort of valuable balance of power from 220 years ago, to give them a chance, but they know its bogus now.

As time wears on and the margin of popular vote win increases for the Dems, this is just going to get worse
He does now.

The rationale for the EC is long since obsolete. The Republicans depend on it as some sort of valuable balance of power from 220 years ago, to give them a chance, but they know its bogus now.

As time wears on and the margin of popular vote win increases for the Dems, this is just going to get worse

It only we had a way that the MAJORITY could change the EC ..🤔
He does now.

The rationale for the EC is long since obsolete. The Republicans depend on it as some sort of valuable balance of power from 220 years ago, to give them a chance, but they know its bogus now.

As time wears on and the margin of popular vote win increases for the Dems, this is just going to get worse

What makes it obsolete? Your feelings? If anything the rationale makes more sense than ever.
I’m not being obtuse, I’m advocating for fairness. It’s fair for a citizen’s vote to count the same as another. That could actually be part of the definition for fairness.

All of us already get an equal vote in our state. The electorates are divided up in each state based on the population of that state. The electorates then issue the actual vote. We as individual voters already have an equal say as it is.

There are 19,502 incorporated areas across America and countless other unincorporated areas. If it is fairness we are after, how would it be fair for the president of the United States to be chosen by the people of only 5 or 6 of those cities (all of which are overwhelmingly liberal as I'm sure you well know)? That's essentially what would happen without the EC as the article I posted earlier explains.

Perhaps you can change how the electorates are distributed, but that comes with it's own challenges and would open the door for both sides to try to gain an unfair upper hand in determining specifics.
Like SCOTUS appointments for the bolded?

I don’t think the average Joe knows what’s good for him, and being in this forum only reinforces that... but that’s not the idea behind equality. They have the right to be wrong.

It sounds like you’re leaning toward the old English principle that “gentlemen” are required to decide for the masses what is best for them.

Did you just use a condescending comment about the “average joe “ and then claim someone else is using the old English form of government , looking down their noses at average joes ? I surly must have read that wrong .
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I don't think he's dumb. I think he's knowingly advocating for something that would guarantee a Democrat victory every election cycle, and he's struggling to find ways to justify it.

He’s not interested in fairness or equality. If he were he would be advocating for a reduction of the scope and power of the federal government to the pre civil war era.

Get the feds out of our daily lives and it really wouldn’t matter as much who is sitting in congress or the WH now would it?
Like SCOTUS appointments for the bolded?

I don’t think the average Joe knows what’s good for him, and being in this forum only reinforces that... but that’s not the idea behind equality. They have the right to be wrong.

It sounds like you’re leaning toward the old English principle that “gentlemen” are required to decide for the masses what is best for them.

And you do?
All of us already get an equal vote in our state. The electorates are divided up in each state based on the population of that state. The electorates then issue the actual vote. We as individual voters already have an equal say as it is.

There are 19,502 incorporated areas across America and countless other unincorporated areas. If it is fairness we are after, how would it be fair for the president of the United States to be chosen by the people of only 5 or 6 of those cities (all of which are overwhelmingly liberal as I'm sure you well know)? That's essentially what would happen without the EC as the article I posted earlier explains.

Perhaps you can change how the electorates are distributed, but that comes with it's own challenges and would open the door for both sides to try to gain an unfair upper hand in determining specifics.

He shouldn’t be chosen by cities, he should be chosen by individual voters instead of unequal representation of those voters. Even typing that is weird.
Did you just use a condescending comment about the “average joe “ and then claim someone else is using the old English form of government , looking down their noses at average joes ? I surly must have read that wrong .

Not sure what you’re getting at... am I not advocating for each “average Joe” to have equal say in a presidential election?
He’s not interested in fairness or equality. If he were he would be advocating for a reduction of the scope and power of the federal government to the pre civil war era.

Get the feds out of our daily lives and it really wouldn’t matter as much who is sitting in congress or the WH now would it?

Amen. The federal government has far more power than it should have, and it's only getting worse.
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I don't think he's dumb. I think he's knowingly advocating for something that would guarantee a Democrat victory every election cycle, and he's struggling to find ways to justify it.

I have to find ways to justify equality? God bless America.
He also believes that doctors and nurses should be forced to give healthcare by the government. So he’s not exactly Constitutional

We actually prefer it... so do most Americans. Where does it talk about denying healthcare to citizens in the constitution anyway?
Not sure what you’re getting at... am I not advocating for each “average Joe” to have equal say in a presidential election?

What? How benevolent of you considering we average joes don’t know what best for us . Is there a ring I’m supposed to kiss now ?
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He shouldn’t be chosen by cities, he should be chosen by individual voters instead of unequal representation of those voters. Even typing that is weird.

But that's what you are advocating for with your majority rule argument which proves it isn't fairness you want. You want to vastly limit the voice of the minority and guarantee victory for the Democrats every election cycle.
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We actually prefer it... so do most Americans. Where does it talk about denying healthcare to citizens in the constitution anyway?
“We”. No “we” don’t, as you always try to speak for literally thousands of healthcare workers who have already seen what failures have been wrought from the ACA let alone that are against further government interference. No one is talking about “denying healthcare” to anyone. They are talking about not forcing physicians to treat those with mediocre substandard care as directed by bureaucrats at the cost of other taxpayers or else be punished. That is not American or constitutional which is why like this electoral vote and gun confiscation pipe dreams, will thankfully never happen.

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