Bill Introduced To Abolish Electoral College

What? How benevolent of you considering we average joes don’t know what best for us . Is there a ring I’m supposed to kiss now ?

I proudly consider myself an average Joe, so I don’t know what you’re getting at still.
But that's what you are advocating for with your majority rule argument which proves it isn't fairness you want. You want to vastly limit the voice of the minority and guarantee victory for the Democrats every election cycle.

I’m not advocating for anything but a 1:1 voting ratio. Why is that radical?
No you have to find a way to convince 34 states they should give up their votes . That’s what it boils down to . Thank goodness our FF were so damn smart .

*Disproportionately weighted votes

It’s not asking citizens to give up their rights to vote.
Amen. The federal government has far more power than it should have, and it's only getting worse.

Scale back the fed and people would have a say in how their tax money is spent and what laws are passed.
*Disproportionately weighted votes

It’s not asking citizens to give up their rights to vote.

The constitution doesn’t say citizens should give up their votes to change it . It says a very specific number of states that have to all agree. You know a majority .
I’m not advocating for anything but a 1:1 voting ratio. Why is that radical?
What you are advocating for the the dissolution of the United States of America and replacing it with America where there are not individual states and everyone’s vote counts the same no matter where they live. No thanks
What you are advocating for the the dissolution of the United States of America and replacing it with America where there are not individual states and everyone’s vote counts the same no matter where they live. No thanks

He does love him some central planning and power.
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The purpose of the electoral college is the blending of the original purpose of the senate and congress. The senate was designed to represents states and refine legislations the house passed. The house represents the people. The electoral college blends the interests of the states and people.
“We”. No “we” don’t, as you always try to speak for literally thousands of healthcare workers who have already seen what failures have been wrought from the ACA let alone that are against further government interference. No one is talking about “denying healthcare” to anyone. They are talking about not forcing physicians to treat those with mediocre substandard care as directed by bureaucrats at the cost of other taxpayers or else be punished. That is not American or constitutional which is why like this electoral vote and gun confiscation pipe dreams, will thankfully never happen.

What would make the care mediocre? Are we recruiting a whole new work force?... or would you just lose the ability to profit from the work of others and the I’ll?

I’ll stop there, don’t want to make this the healthcare thread.
The purpose of the electoral college is the blending of the original purpose of the senate and congress. The senate was designed to represents states and refine legislations the house passed. The house represents the people. The electoral college blends the interests of the states and people.

Correct and since the 17th amendment it hasn’t worked that way. The 17th was a con job and needs to be repealed.
Scale back the fed and people would have a say in how their tax money is spent and what laws are passed.

Many in Washington desire absolute power, and the ever growing legion of the naive is falling right into the trap. An example of this is that the naive see more federal government power as "oh, the government can give me free everything", so they advocate for giving the feds more power. What they don't seem to grasp is that when you give the government power to give you anything, you give them the power to take away even more.
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What you are advocating for the the dissolution of the United States of America and replacing it with America where there are not individual states and everyone’s vote counts the same no matter where they live. No thanks

You get it, you just don’t want it. That’s fine. What I don’t understand is those who don’t understand.
You get it, you just don’t want it. That’s fine. What I don’t understand is those who don’t understand.
I get what you want, I just think it is a stupid idea. You want to take away the individual states rights because you want a single large government that you think your side would control forever

Have we learned nothing? If you don’t like what I’m advocating for, explain yourself, but don’t act like the truth isn’t the truth. That’s too Trumpian for a constitutional discussion.
I get what you want, I just think it is a stupid idea. You want to take away the individual states rights because you want a single large government that you think your side would control forever

States aren’t disproportionately affected by federal executive branch governance, so why should individual state’s votes count more than another’s?
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We aren’t talking about voting for an official just represents your state.
You can talk in circles all day, like you have, but your bottom line position is you want everyone’s vote to be equal. That is not the way this country was setup. To change that to the way you want it, individual states must be abolished and everything and everyone rolled up into one gigantic federal apparatus

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