Bill Introduced To Abolish Electoral College

2020 census is when they're reallocated.

Now if we decided not to count illegal aliens, it might take some of the clout away from states like CA and actually look more like one vote per citizen. CA might also rethink the sanctuary policy - but probably not because they don't seem disturbed by debt.

Just another way for Dems to rig an election - bump the electoral count by counting people who can't legally vote.
I still like the idea of a percentile electoral college. Win 60% of a state get 60% of that state's EC votes.
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The Electoral College is a joke. It's a very outdated concept and does not apply to today's standards.
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I hate both.

The idea that one man can govern fifty states and lead is insane.

Government should control roads infrastructure and the military.

Everything else should be state run. Don't like the state then move.
I hate both.

The idea that one man can govern fifty states and lead is insane.

Government should control roads infrastructure and the military.

Everything else should be state run. Don't like the state then move.

You mean kinda like the original guys set it up. They put in a few more things, but creeping federalism added a lot more - and that always leads to the absolute power thing - corruption. And power always leads to the assumption of yet more power - never enough to satisfy the people who have it.
This could be back in the news in November

That is absurd. Biden is not the one who has been calling the election rigged. That is Trump. There is no sense of self-awareness from within the Republican Party anymore. You are literally accusing the Democratic Party candidate of doing something that he hasn't said he would do... but your own candidate has - and that is attack the credibility of the results.
Trump has already stated that the only way he will lose is if the election is rigged. Biden may contest the results if he loses but it wouldn't surprise me at all for Trump to rally vanilla ISIS if he loses.
Exactly. Trump is literally saying that the election is rigged... but Republicans want to complain about what Biden might do? There is some pretty thick irony in that tweet.
The Electoral College is a joke. It's a very outdated concept and does not apply to today's standards.

The biggest joke is that California has 2 senators for 39 million people and 6 senators represent the 43 people living in Wyoming and the DAkotas...
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