Bill Introduced To Abolish Electoral College

The biggest joke is that California has 2 senators for 39 million people and 6 senators represent the 43 people living in Wyoming and the DAkotas...
That is how the framers of the Constitution intended our Congress to look. Specifically, Ben Franklin agreed that each state should have an equal vote in the Senate but states would have proportional representation in the House based on population.
Will Hillary Clinton be on the ballot this time? Biden hasn't said that he will be challenging the results. Trump has said that the only way he can lose is if the election is rigged. That type of rhetoric can easily lead one to believe that Trump will challenge the integrity of the results if he loses.

Republicans either have no sense of who their own candidate is, or else they are giant hypocrites. The irony in this is hard to miss.
Learned something new. Thanks
It started a while back with them all in black, masks and hoodies, burning american flags. Someone did a side by side of real isis and the likeness was passable.

But really that's because anyone who wears all black looks a like to me.
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Will Hillary Clinton be on the ballot this time? Biden hasn't said that he will be challenging the results. Trump has said that the only way he can lose is if the election is rigged. That type of rhetoric can easily lead one to believe that Trump will challenge the integrity of the results if he loses.

Republicans either have no sense of who their own candidate is, or else they are giant hypocrites. The irony in this is hard to miss.
Why would she suggest such a thing?
If the electoral college is altered it will be time for militias to form and articles of secession to be drafted.
It cannot be modified without a constitutional amendment so it isn’t going anywhere. And any attempt to modify it by EO or unconstitutional legislation will immediately be challenged by whomever loses to the change and it will get back logged in a legal fight.

Even for mail in ballots there is a deadline on which they must be received by. Our election will happen as planned and a winner will be declared. And whoever loses, Trump or Biden, will try to scream shenanigans but it’s going to ring hollow.
Will Hillary Clinton be on the ballot this time? Biden hasn't said that he will be challenging the results. Trump has said that the only way he can lose is if the election is rigged. That type of rhetoric can easily lead one to believe that Trump will challenge the integrity of the results if he loses.

Republicans either have no sense of who their own candidate is, or else they are giant hypocrites. The irony in this is hard to miss.
Like the last 4 years and in this thread hard to miss? How can we expect them to accept 2020 if they havent accepted 2016?
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Why would she suggest such a thing?
Why does it matter what she says? She is not a part of the election. The only candidate on the ballot for the Presidential General Election who has said that the results will be "rigged" is Donald Trump. But you want to complain about something Hillary Clinton said... or complain about what Joe Biden might do? Have you been critical of Trump for openly questioning the integrity of our system of elections? There is a great deal of hypocrisy to unpack here.
Like the last 4 years and in this thread hard to miss? How can we expect them to accept 2020 if they havent accepted 2016?
Ummm, Hillary Clinton did concede defeat in the 2016 election. You are trying to change the subject now because you have no leg to stand on. Trump has called the election "rigged". Biden has not. But you want to complain about Biden? This is so stupid.
Why does it matter what she says? She is not a part of the election. The only candidate on the ballot for the Presidential General Election who has said that the results will be "rigged" is Donald Trump. But you want to complain about something Hillary Clinton said... or complain about what Joe Biden might do? Have you been critical of Trump for openly questioning the integrity of our system of elections? There is a great deal of hypocrisy to unpack here.

You seem to have an opinion on most subjects, so I asked.
Ummm, Hillary Clinton did concede defeat in the 2016 election. You are trying to change the subject now because you have no leg to stand on. Trump has called the election "rigged". Biden has not. But you want to complain about Biden? This is so stupid.
Where did I complain about Biden?

The Dems made their bed, now they have to lie in it.
This could be back in the news in November

I have never heard of the guy who sent this tweet... David Reaboi? But he just said that the White House needs to be on alert because the Democratic Party nominee won't accept the results if he loses? That is exactly what the White House occupant has said. HYPOCRISY.
I have never heard of the guy who sent this tweet... David Reaboi? But he just said that the White House needs to be on alert because the Democratic Party nominee won't accept the results if he loses? That is exactly what the White House occupant has said. HYPOCRISY.
It started a while back with them all in black, masks and hoodies, burning american flags. Someone did a side by side of real isis and the likeness was passable.

But really that's because anyone who wears all black looks a like to me.
that's fashionist!
I wonder what you have to do to rise to the rank of commander in antifa? I assume they let the one who has the keys to mom's van play commander that weekend.
I’d guess it’s the opposite of the Klingon advancement ideology. And that’s a damn shame.

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