Bill Introduced To Abolish Electoral College

That is absurd. Biden is not the one who has been calling the election rigged. That is Trump. There is no sense of self-awareness from within the Republican Party anymore. You are literally accusing the Democratic Party candidate of doing something that he hasn't said he would do... but your own candidate has - and that is attack the credibility of the results.
The candidate hasn't said it, he hasn't had to the leaders of the Democrat party have, let's not play coy.
It worked out so well for you the last time.
Last time it was based on flawed logic. This would be completely justified and would turn us into the 5 United States, screw the rest of you of America.
The candidate hasn't said it, he hasn't had to the leaders of the Democrat party have, let's not play coy.
Hillary Clinton is not the leader of the Democratic Party. Her career in politics is over. The only candidate on the ballot who has said that he might not accept the election results is Donald Trump. That isn't being coy. That is a fact.
If the electoral college is altered it will be time for militias to form and articles of secession to be drafted.

The only secession trying to happen will be from the lefties. They are the commies and the traitors. And freedom always win so they will fold because they have little heart.
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Hillary Clinton is not the leader of the Democratic Party. Her career in politics is over. The only candidate on the ballot who has said that he might not accept the election results is Donald Trump. That isn't being coy. That is a fact.
If you believe she does not wield great power you are delusional. She isn't the face of the party but to think she isn't involved in party decisions us very naive. Her career in the political spotlight is over, but the people pulling the strings often aren't in the spotlight.
If you believe she does not wield great power you are delusional. She isn't the face of the party but to think she isn't involved in party decisions us very naive. Her career in the political spotlight is over, but the people pulling the strings often aren't in the spotlight.
She doesn't have any political power. She is not the face of the party. She is who Republicans want to talk about. She is politically dead. She is not a fundraiser. She is not even active on the speaking rounds.
She doesn't have any political power. She is not the face of the party. She is who Republicans want to talk about. She is politically dead. She is not a fundraiser. She is not even active on the speaking rounds.
She has great power, follow the money.....always.
Last time it was based on flawed logic. This would be completely justified and would turn us into the 5 United States, screw the rest of you of America.
Please explain to your comrades that flawed logic.
She has great power, follow the money.....always.
She really doesn't. She isn't seen campaigning for anyone. She is not a fundraiser anymore. As for the "face of the Democratic Party", that is a meaningless and empty title, but the most powerful fundraiser and campaigner is still Barack Obama... and as far as actual power, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer. It's not HRC. You will find more resentment for her, than anything else. She is hardly a beloved figure anywhere.
Please explain to your comrades that flawed logic.
I don't know anyone save a few idiots who think slavery was a good idea. That's not the entire reason the civil was was fought, but it was the reason that moved the needle for the public in the North to rally behind war, and the wealthy landowners in the South to maintain their way of life.

There are a multitude of other reasons and if taxation/tariffs on the south weren't as they were the country may have never gone to war to begin with a slavery might have persisted for decades after that. But luckily for is we rid ourselves of that yolk much sooner the way it worked out.

I find that period of history very interesting.
She really doesn't. She isn't seen campaigning for anyone. She is not a fundraiser anymore. As for the "face of the Democratic Party", that is a meaningless and empty title, but the most powerful fundraiser and campaigner is still Barack Obama... and as far as actual power, Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer. It's not HRC. You will find more resentment for her, than anything else. She is hardly a beloved figure anywhere.
It isn't what the is bringing in it's what she and her husband have amassed over the years. She still wields great power behind the scenes. She and Obama work toward the same end.
It isn't what the is bringing in it's what she and her husband have amassed over the years. She still wields great power behind the scenes. She and Obama work toward the same end.
That reads more like what a Republican would want to think, rather than what is reality. The Biden campaign raised over $360 million last month. That is a fundraising record for a presidential candidate. The Clintons had nothing to do with that.
That reads more like what a Republican would want to think, rather than what is reality. The Biden campaign raised over $360 million last month. That is a fundraising record for a presidential candidate. The Clintons had nothing to do with that.
What a waste of money that could go to help those in need
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Hillary Clinton is not the leader of the Democratic Party. Her career in politics is over. The only candidate on the ballot who has said that he might not accept the election results is Donald Trump. That isn't being coy. That is a fact.

Here are additional facts

Trump says he will 'do other things' if he loses 2020 election

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said he will go on to other things if he loses the Nov. 3 election, after Democratic opponent Joe Biden said the Republican might cheat and refuse to leave the White House.

"Certainly if I don't win, I don't win. I mean, you know, go on and do other things," Trump told Fox News Channel in a television interview broadcast on Friday.

More fabricated BS by HRC and her minions about him refusing to leave the white house if he loses the election.
Here are additional facts

Trump says he will 'do other things' if he loses 2020 election

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said he will go on to other things if he loses the Nov. 3 election, after Democratic opponent Joe Biden said the Republican might cheat and refuse to leave the White House.

"Certainly if I don't win, I don't win. I mean, you know, go on and do other things," Trump told Fox News Channel in a television interview broadcast on Friday.

More fabricated BS by HRC and her minions about him refusing to leave the white house if he loses the election.
Damn you! Now you are going to get BB85 to whine even more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Here are additional facts

Trump says he will 'do other things' if he loses 2020 election

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said he will go on to other things if he loses the Nov. 3 election, after Democratic opponent Joe Biden said the Republican might cheat and refuse to leave the White House.

"Certainly if I don't win, I don't win. I mean, you know, go on and do other things," Trump told Fox News Channel in a television interview broadcast on Friday.

More fabricated BS by HRC and her minions about him refusing to leave the white house if he loses the election.
This article you posted from Reuters was published on June 12th. Since then, Donald Trump has returned to some of his old rhetoric from during the 2016 campaign, and he has said that the only way he can lose the election is if it is "rigged". Since this Reuters article was published, he has also refused to say if he would accept the election results if he loses. Donald Trump will only say that if he loses, it has to be because the election was "rigged". Donald Trump has never provided any evidence in support of mass voter fraud.

From The Hill and published on August 17th:

"We have to win the election. We can't play games. Go out and vote. Do these beautiful absentee ballots, or just make sure your vote gets counted. Make sure because the only way we're going to lose this election is if the election is rigged. Remember that. It's the only way we're going to lose this election, so we have to be very careful." - President Donald Trump, in a speech in Oshkosh, Wisconsin

That has nothing to do with Hillary Clinton and nobody is putting words in Donald Trump's mouth either. Trump said very similar things four years ago. I think this probably has more to do with Trump's childish need to protect his ego, and build in an excuse in case he does lose. I don't think he would refuse to leave office if he loses, but with him, you never really know. There is no presidential norm that he won't violate to serve his own self-interest. He is narcissistic and self-absorbed.
Damn you! Now you are going to get BB85 to whine even more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This article you posted from Reuters was published on June 12th. Since then, Donald Trump has returned to some of his old rhetoric from during the 2016 campaign, and he has said that the only way he can lose the election is if it is rigged. Since this Reuters article was published, he has also refused to say if he would accept the election results if he loses. Donald Trump will only say that if he loses, it has to be because the election was "rigged". Donald Trump has never provided any evidence in support of mass voter fraud.

From The Hill and posted on August 17th:

"We have to win the election. We can't play games. Go out and vote. Do these beautiful absentee ballots, or just make sure your vote gets counted. Make sure because the only way we're going to lose this election is if the election is rigged. Remember that. It's the only way we're going to lose this election, so we have to be very careful." - President Donald Trump, in a speech in Oshkosh, Wisconsin

That has nothing to do with Hillary Clinton and nobody is putting words in Donald Trump's mouth either. Trump said very similar things four years ago. I think this probably has more to do with Trump's childish need to protect his ego, and build in an excuse in case he does lose. I don't think he would refuse to leave office if he loses, but with him, you never really know. There is no presidential norm that he won't violate to serve his own self-interest. He is narcissistic and self-absorbed.
Nailed it 😂😂😂
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I don't understand how this thread has reached seven pages.

The electoral college ain't going to be changed.

Fully overhauling the way the president is selected would take a Constitutional amendment, which would require the votes of two-thirds of the U.S. House of Representatives, two-thirds of the Senate, and three-fourths of the states.

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