Bill Introduced To Abolish Electoral College

It’s only an issue bc the Dems lost..... if they won due to the EC then they would be doing everything they could to keep it.
Minority Rule Does Not Have to Be Here Forever
“Benjamin Franklin, another opponent of equal representation of states, pushed back against the idea that small-state citizens would be burdened under proportional representation. “The Interest of a State is made up of the interests of its individual members,” he said. “If they are not injured, the State is not injured.” Pennsylvania’s James Wilson was more prophetic: “Equality of votes among the States will subject the majority of the People & Property to be governed by a minority of each.” This, he said, was “too palpable an error, too great a Defect in the Constitution to permit the expectation of public harmony & Happiness.””
Minority Rule Does Not Have to Be Here Forever
“Benjamin Franklin, another opponent of equal representation of states, pushed back against the idea that small-state citizens would be burdened under proportional representation. “The Interest of a State is made up of the interests of its individual members,” he said. “If they are not injured, the State is not injured.” Pennsylvania’s James Wilson was more prophetic: “Equality of votes among the States will subject the majority of the People & Property to be governed by a minority of each.” This, he said, was “too palpable an error, too great a Defect in the Constitution to permit the expectation of public harmony & Happiness.””

34 states to make it go away . Same as making the 2a go away . Shouldn’t be a problem .
The fact is that we are in a situation where a president who was elected by less than half of voters and a senate majority who represent less than half of US citizens are unilaterally making an appointment for a judge that will interpret laws for all citizens.

This is called rule by minority, no matter how you try to justify it. On a macro scale, does anyone believe minority rule is conducive to a healthy society? Is this a sustainable model long term?

It's called a Republic to be exact.
It's called a Republic to be exact.
Specifically we are a Republic of equal states in voice and power, the manifestation of which is the upper body of Congress the Senate. It was not an accident that the Senate provided equal representation of states and the lower body of the House provided equal representation of citizens. And this was our founding organization purposefully done.

Yes I know you know this, however the rube you replied to will come back with “yeah but whatabout...”

I don’t care about what. In order to deemphasize states and replace with individual citizen emphasis basically destroys the most basic and core principal of our Republic representative organization. It would be what you are hearing in the media, blow it up and start over. No thanks.
This was a legitimate and contentious discussion amongst the founders. If you prefer not to have that discussion, that’s your prerogative.

The founders were the ones that put the qualifications for amending the constitution did they not ? I was “ discussing “ how the left could get rid of the EC . I believe they said it’s two thirds or what is 34 states . Easy Peasy.
The founders were the ones that put the qualifications for amending the constitution did they not ? I was “ discussing “ how the left could get rid of the EC . I believe they said it’s two thirds or what is 34 states . Easy Peasy.

They don't want to do things the right way because they know they can't.
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The founders were the ones that put the qualifications for amending the constitution did they not ? I was “ discussing “ how the left could get rid of the EC . I believe they said it’s two thirds or what is 34 states . Easy Peasy.

If he feels so strongly he should start a grass roots effort to get it changed. Take it to the streets!
A republic that is currently facilitating a rule by minority.
Right now. Win the election with a majority and it isnt.

There is the ability within the system for what you want. You just have to win. Same as the minority rule.

As I stated the ONLY reason this is an issue is because majority rule lost the EC this time. When the majority wins the EC the EC isnt an issue.

It's pure politics and not based on any real issue.
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I’ve said it before but the EC is continuing to perform its role with flying colors.

We’re not one unified culture. We’re different states with different types of people. Heck I’ve seen the cultures from states *bordering* each other differ. I don’t want the cultures of the big states to suppress the voice of the little ones...which, shocker I know, is the purpose of the EC.
The founders were the ones that put the qualifications for amending the constitution did they not ? I was “ discussing “ how the left could get rid of the EC . I believe they said it’s two thirds or what is 34 states . Easy Peasy.
And they explicitly outlined who has a say in modifying the constitution. The STATES have equal say on modification not the people. They never have. And that organizational structure is what makes our Republic very unique.
The great thing about our system is that the majority can't oppress the minority. Be thankful it was set up as it was.

Democratic ideals are based around majority rule and minority rights, not the other way around.
And they explicitly outlined who has a say in modifying the constitution. The STATES have equal say on modification not the people. They never have. And that organizational structure is what makes our Republic very unique.

It’s almost like they knew what they were doing . Must have been nice to have been able to put faith in government officials back then to do what was right for the country .
Democratic ideals are based around majority rule and minority rights, not the other way around.

Again we are a democratic republic, thank goodness.

Don't like the rules? Work to change them through amending the constitution, it's that simple.
Right now. Win the election with a majority and it isnt.

There is the ability within the system for what you want. You just have to win. Same as the minority rule.

As I stated the ONLY reason this is an issue is because majority rule lost the EC this time. When the majority wins the EC the EC isnt an issue.

It's pure politics and not based on any real issue.

Just because it’s not an issue to you don’t mean it’s not an issue.

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