Bill Introduced To Abolish Electoral College

I don't understand how this thread has reached seven pages.

The electoral college ain't going to be changed.

Fully overhauling the way the president is selected would take a Constitutional amendment, which would require the votes of two-thirds of the U.S. House of Representatives, two-thirds of the Senate, and three-fourths of the states.
No, it's not going to change and it shouldn't. It's a good system that emphasizes that the most important states to win, will always be the most moderate states (or battleground states, that could go either way). In turn, that is where all of the campaigning is done. It is a system that appeals to the middle. That should be what we all want, not extremism.
No, it's not going to change and it shouldn't. It's a good system that emphasizes that the most important states to win, will always be the most moderate states (or battleground states, that could go either way). In turn, that is where all of the campaigning is done. It is a system that appeals to the middle. It's really brilliant when you think about it.
"We have to win the election. We can't play games. Go out and vote. Do these beautiful absentee ballots, or just make sure your vote gets counted. Make sure because the only way we're going to lose this election is if the election is rigged. Remember that. It's the only way we're going to lose this election, so we have to be very careful." - President Donald Trump, in a speech in Oshkosh, Wisconsin

This statement was said about not losing the election. You know, presently... during the election. Not afterwards, which his comments stated if he were to lose, he'll go do something else. How difficult is this to figure out?

It was from June of this year, you know. When Biden had that insurmountable lead and democrats were all giddy that Trump will be dragged out in handcuffs, etc, etc.

My how a lot has changed in under 90 days.
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This statement was said about not losing the election. You know, presently... during the election. Not afterwards, which his comments stated if he were to lose, he'll go do something else. How difficult is this to figure out?

It was from June of this year, you know. When Biden had that insurmountable lead and democrats were all giddy that Trump will be dragged out in handcuffs, etc, etc.

My how a lot has changed in under 90 days.
As I stated in my post that you only partially quoted, Trump has since been asked to clarify if he will accept the results from the election if he loses, and he has refused to give an answer.

And unless you can find a poll (seriously, any poll at all - even if it's Rasmussen) that shows Trump with a lead, then nothing has changed. I don't remember anyone ever saying that Trump "will be dragged out in handcuffs". That is much more in line with Trump's own level of maturity (or lack thereof) from his "Lock her up!" campaign four years ago. It seems like you are projecting just a bit.

Finally, the most recent polls from "Morning Consult" show Biden leading Trump in every state that he needs to win: Pennsylvania, Michigan, Colorado, Nevada, Minnesota, New Mexico, Virginia and Wisconsin... and even leading in some states that he doesn't need to win: North Carolina, Florida, Georgia and Arizona. The only battleground state in which Trump has a lead right now is Ohio. Hell, even Texas and Iowa are close.
As I stated in my post that you only partially quoted, Trump has since been asked to clarify if he will accept the results from the election if he loses, and he has refused to give an answer.

And unless you can find a poll (seriously, any poll at all - even if it's Rasmussen) that shows Trump with a lead, then nothing has changed. I don't remember anyone ever saying that Trump "will be dragged out in handcuffs". That is much more in line with Trump's own level of maturity from his "Lock her up!" campaign. It seems like you are projecting just a bit.

Finally, the most recent polls from Morning Consult show Biden leading Trump in every state that he needs to win: Pennsylvania, Michigan, Colorado, Nevada, Minnesota, New Mexico, Virginia and Wisconsin... and even leading in some states that he doesn't need to win: North Carolina, Florida, Georgia and Arizona. The only battleground state in which Trump has a lead right now is Ohio.

Uh, because he already gave the answer. In June.

Yes, we all know how accurate polls can be.
Uh, because he already gave the answer. In June.

Yes, we all know how accurate polls can be.
And he has since still referred to the election as "rigged"... and then refused to clarify whether or not he will accept the results if he loses. Like I said, I think it's more about wanting an excuse for losing and protecting his ego, then actually refusing to leave office, but Trump has been given a chance to explain himself and refused to do so. I'm sure he will be asked again during the debates... so he will have to answer then. We will see.
And he has since still referred to the election as "rigged"... and then refused to clarify whether or not he will accept the results if he loses. Like I said, I think it's more about wanting an excuse for losing and protecting his ego, then actually refusing to leave office, but Trump has been given a chance to explain himself and refused to do so. I'm sure he will be asked again during the debates... so he will have to answer then. We will see.

IF there are debates, both candidates will be under scrutiny, while having to answer difficult questions about current events, along with others regarding their past statements. It will be interesting to see if the moderators attempt to shield Biden from those type of questions.
I've always had mixed feelings on the EC.

I've always felt that the EC gives people less of a voice. I view it like this- unless someone wins a state by one vote my vote meant nothing. But if you're looking at a popular vote then Republicans in Ca or Democrats in Tx actually make an impact.
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Changing the electoral college, like CNN anchors and lunatic democrats are screaming about right now, is nothing short of an attempt to prevent one political party from every losing again because most people are stupid and subscribe to their moronic agenda and live in a participation trophy victimization culture with zero ability to accept defeat and move on.

The crazy thing is...the left has been calling Trump a fascist for years now and they are literally the ones wishing to implement many aspects of fascism. You people are like the down syndrome offspring of a commie fascism one night stand in an filthy NYC alley up against a garbage dumpster.
The fact is that we are in a situation where a president who was elected by less than half of voters and a senate majority who represent less than half of US citizens are unilaterally making an appointment for a judge that will interpret laws for all citizens.

This is called rule by minority, no matter how you try to justify it. On a macro scale, does anyone believe minority rule is conducive to a healthy society? Is this a sustainable model long term?
The fact is that we are in a situation where a president who was elected by less than half of voters and a senate majority who represent less than half of US citizens are unilaterally making an appointment for a judge that will interpret laws for all citizens.

This is called rule by minority, no matter how you try to justify it. On a macro scale, does anyone believe minority rule is conducive to a healthy society? Is this a sustainable model long term?
Considering the same rules have been in place for forever, its fine.

The ONLY reason this is brought up as an issue is because you lost to a terrible candidate.

As it is the Rs have to do everything right to maintain that minority control. The Dems have a much much bigger margin of error.

Majority rule is not some magical thing. It's not a panacea, it's not any more ethically correct, good, or better than anything else. Majority rule does nothing but ensure the minority has absolutely no voice. At least right now the ability to thread the needle is there.
The fact is that we are in a situation where a president who was elected by less than half of voters and a senate majority who represent less than half of US citizens are unilaterally making an appointment for a judge that will interpret laws for all citizens.

This is called rule by minority, no matter how you try to justify it. On a macro scale, does anyone believe minority rule is conducive to a healthy society? Is this a sustainable model long term?
It’s only an issue bc the Dems lost..... if they won due to the EC then they would be doing everything they could to keep it.
The fact is that we are in a situation where a president who was elected by less than half of voters and a senate majority who represent less than half of US citizens are unilaterally making an appointment for a judge that will interpret laws for all citizens.

This is called rule by minority, no matter how you try to justify it. On a macro scale, does anyone believe minority rule is conducive to a healthy society? Is this a sustainable model long term?

Ever heard of tyranny by majority? Giving the minority a voice isn't just conducive to a healthy society, it's necessary.
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Considering the same rules have been in place for forever, its fine.

The ONLY reason this is brought up as an issue is because you lost to a terrible candidate.

As it is the Rs have to do everything right to maintain that minority control. The Dems have a much much bigger margin of error.

Majority rule is not some magical thing. It's not a panacea, it's not any more ethically correct, good, or better than anything else. Majority rule does nothing but ensure the minority has absolutely no voice. At least right now the ability to thread the needle is there.

Here is a good read for you...
Majority Rule and Minority Rights
As I stated in my post that you only partially quoted, Trump has since been asked to clarify if he will accept the results from the election if he loses, and he has refused to give an answer.

And unless you can find a poll (seriously, any poll at all - even if it's Rasmussen) that shows Trump with a lead, then nothing has changed. I don't remember anyone ever saying that Trump "will be dragged out in handcuffs". That is much more in line with Trump's own level of maturity (or lack thereof) from his "Lock her up!" campaign four years ago. It seems like you are projecting just a bit.

Finally, the most recent polls from "Morning Consult" show Biden leading Trump in every state that he needs to win: Pennsylvania, Michigan, Colorado, Nevada, Minnesota, New Mexico, Virginia and Wisconsin... and even leading in some states that he doesn't need to win: North Carolina, Florida, Georgia and Arizona. The only battleground state in which Trump has a lead right now is Ohio. Hell, even Texas and Iowa are close.

He loves polls! Lol....ahahahahaha! Maybe that is why he has "Bowl" in his name. Surely the champion can't be decided on the field. Let's look at the polls and put everyone in a bowl game so they all get trophies and be called champions. Probably hates every division under FBS that decides it in the field.

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