bitter vol fan

Man I can't believe how bitter I've become. I was literally ecstatic watching Franklin's face after their last second defeat. Then I became a huge Clemson fan for 3.5 or so hours. I thought it was an amazing game. In years past, I probably would have rooted for both Vandy and Georgia. But not anymore. I just read that Mitchell is out for the year and didn't at all feel bad for the program( I do feel a little sympathy for the kid). We need to get back on track before I start kicking stray dogs and yelling at children(that arnt my own). I don't like who I'm becoming.

I must admit that I loved watching that smug smile melt off of Franklin's face. I even rooted for Clemson....As for kicking stray dogs, yelling at children and being happy someone has a season ending injury....I think you should step back away from the ledge. Better days are ahead for us.
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Man I can't believe how bitter I've become. I was literally ecstatic watching Franklin's face after their last second defeat. Then I became a huge Clemson fan for 3.5 or so hours. I thought it was an amazing game. In years past, I probably would have rooted for both Vandy and Georgia. But not anymore. I just read that Mitchell is out for the year and didn't at all feel bad for the program( I do feel a little sympathy for the kid). We need to get back on track before I start kicking stray dogs and yelling at children(that arnt my own). I don't like who I'm becoming.

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I hope my sarcasm detector is broken and some of you people are not serious about taking joy in our rivals getting injured.

There were few things I liked about Dooley era, but I was very proud of the sportsmanship our team showed Marcus Lattimore after his injury.

If you are serious, please don't attend games or wear our beloved orange and white in public. Thank you, that is all.
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Man I can't believe how bitter I've become. I was literally ecstatic watching Franklin's face after their last second defeat. Then I became a huge Clemson fan for 3.5 or so hours. I thought it was an amazing game. In years past, I probably would have rooted for both Vandy and Georgia. But not anymore. I just read that Mitchell is out for the year and didn't at all feel bad for the program( I do feel a little sympathy for the kid). We need to get back on track before I start kicking stray dogs and yelling at children(that arnt my own). I don't like who I'm becoming.

"If you can't say something good about Tennessee, say something bad about Vanderbilt." - Vol Legend Joe Thompson
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know how you feel wanted the best for vandy(when not playing the vols) now i want them to lose to anyone and everyone!!
Don't let the hate take you over, its not worth it i love the University of Tennessee always have, will never like another college team. I do pull for other sec teams from time to time and depending on the situation any team that helps TN in our more competitive years. We have been in the sh!t pile recently we are a cyclical team we will be back always have our history supports this. GBO!
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The way I see it UT fans like us were Walter White pre cancer diagnosis. We have now gone full Heisenberg as fans. I hate everyone. Don't even like when any game ends and someone gets to celebrate a win even if it was a team that I was rooting for. Same here being way too involved in what was happening to Vandy. A UT fan should never give a damn what Vandy is doing unless we are playing them.....and Georgia can go to hell too.

Like the analogy of taking out 9 in 10 minutes
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