bitter vol fan

Man I can't believe how bitter I've become. I was literally ecstatic watching Franklin's face after their last second defeat. Then I became a huge Clemson fan for 3.5 or so hours. I thought it was an amazing game. In years past, I probably would have rooted for both Vandy and Georgia. But not anymore. I just read that Mitchell is out for the year and didn't at all feel bad for the program( I do feel a little sympathy for the kid). We need to get back on track before I start kicking stray dogs and yelling at children(that arnt my own). I don't like who I'm becoming.

No need to feel bad they are the ones that suck.
The way I see it UT fans like us were Walter White pre cancer diagnosis. We have now gone full Heisenberg as fans. I hate everyone. Don't even like when any game ends and someone gets to celebrate a win even if it was a team that I was rooting for. Same here being way too involved in what was happening to Vandy. A UT fan should never give a damn what Vandy is doing unless we are playing them.....and Georgia can go to hell too.

Quit being so wishy washy!

The fact you're trying to justify rooting for other SEC teams, including UT's biggest rivals, is ridiculous.

Ranking? So you should only want them to lose if they are ranked higher than you?

1. Boise will tell you that being a dominant force in a conference of teams that aren't good wont get you to an NC. Hawaii will tell you the same.

2. If you are #5 and you beat unranked Georgia, you're not likely to move up in the rankings. If you're #5 and you beat #1 Georgia, what happens?

3. If 3 teams, an undefeated Big 10 team, an undefeated PAC-12 team, and an undefeated SEC team are left standing at the end of the season, who goes to the NC? The 2 teams that play in the strongest conference. Hence, go SEC!

Dispute any of these 3 points please. I'm not even asking for all 3, just dispute any one of them.
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I want them to lose, because they're not UT. I feel that's pretty simple, no? Maybe not.
So you truly only care about UT football? No one else?

There are teams I would rather see win over others, but none I truly care about. Stanford is one that would come the closest to that, I think. You know you CAN just watch football, because you enjoy it, and not root for a team involved, right? If Bama and LSU play, I enjoy it, because they're two good football teams; I don't root for either, though.
Wanna take a stab at disputing one of my 3 above points then?

Don't feel bad, I've been presenting these points for years, no one ever seems to have a legit rebuttal.

Because you're convoluting something that's pretty black and white, in this instance.
There are teams I would rather see win over others, but none I truly care about. Stanford is one that would come the closest to that, I think. You know you CAN just watch football, because you enjoy it, and not root for a team involved, right? If Bama and LSU play, I enjoy it, because they're two good football teams; I don't root for either, though.

I watch plenty of football and just enjoy it. The only time I truly care is when UT is playing or an SEC team is playing non-conference. Or if two SEC teams are playing each other and one of them losing will bump us in the rankings.

Anyways my point is, if you ONLY care about UT football, why do you care if Clemson beats Georgia?
Wanna take a stab at disputing one of my 3 above points then?

Don't feel bad, I've been presenting these points for years, no one ever seems to have a legit rebuttal.

I view every team that is not Tennessee as the enemy. I see your points but I personally cannot bring myself to pull for our rivals under any circumstance. That is how I feel and there is nothing you or anyone else can say to change that.

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