Black Coaches (split)

So, disparities in wealth and every other measure of life's success between blacks and whites is simply due to the fact minorities are victims? Frankly, how in the hell would you know there aren't barriers to black people? Greater success by a group of people doesn't mean there aren't, magically, any more issues. Your position is incredibly ignorant and demeaning to a far more complex issue than "they should just work harder".
Working on a 75% rate of lack of a father in the home would help
Oh spare me this bs. I don’t mind the war on drugs and I don’t mind all criminals being taken off the streets. If there’s more black people affected by this maybe there’s another problem.

You choosing to remain completely and unrepentantly uninformed about this says everything about your position. The War on Drugs is the greatest failure of a social program since Prohibition. That you don't care to know why, our even curious as to why, should be a badge of shame.
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Greater disparity of prisoners, including disparity of sentences for similar offenses, particularly for drugs, which the War on Drugs has done severe damage to poor and minority communities. Historical economic inequality leading to poorer funded schools and a lower lack of access to professions. A lack of legacies in higher education have created more barriers and access to college. Plice harassment and profiling. There's so much. I could write paragraphs, but I'll spare you.

I mean, there are entire books written on this stuff. I highly recommend The New Jim Crow for a far deeper and better explanation of these things.
You should check out on a daily basis
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When you want to look beyond your narrow views and start trying to understand how this happened, you'll find various factors here, as well.
Yes and I understand clearly better than you that ghetto and trailer park cultures are two sides of the same coin and have nothing to do with race but what your family teaches you. The reason while Asians and Hispanics never seem to fall victim to “systemic racism” like Blacks do according to your silly view
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I think there is a relatively small group of rich elitists like Gates who are malignant. They see themselves as lords over the rest of us.

But by and large... I do not envy or resent "the rich". Contrary to the popular conception, the "rich" I have known... work hard. They took bigger risks than most of us could tolerate. They generally know how to earn the loyalty and cooperation of the people they work with. They desire to make the world better... which includes those who work with and for them. Many help bright employees trek off on their own in a new business.

Maybe my anecdotal experience is unique and "the rich" really are evil people who cut wages so they can buy a higher quality caviar... but I don't think so.

The absolute BEST chance we can give "the poor" is freedom. Freedom to work and keep what they make. Freedom from ridiculous regulation. Freedom from people who prey on them and convince them they are victims. Freedom coupled to responsibility so that they know their success depends on their effort and that the consequences belong to them.

One of the things we should do right away that will restore a level of "equality" that our nation once had is school vouchers. Let the poor kids with ability have a $7500 voucher so they can get into the best schools public/private... religious/non-religious. Before cancelled by Obama, the voucher program was helping poor kids in Washington DC.

Well, I have had the opportunity to see "behind the veil" a few times, with the rich, and with those in power, such as Senators and Judges. I see some good, but I also see many people who use or employ others, and they often make decisions in their own self-interest, and they hide "the code" to getting rich from those who are poor, while sharing it with those who are "in the club". They often pay much less in wages than they could, if they were so inclined. They often take from those with less influence, just because they can. It is a mixed bag for sure, but the rich and powerful very often either got where they are by inheritance or by stepping over the backs of the working poor.

In my opinion, the focus on race is a red herring. It is something for people to fight about, while the rich get richer, and the powerful maintain or enhance their power. This makes it a non-partisan issue, if we could simply agree that this is our problem. As a country, we need term limits and campaign finance more than about anything else, but we are too busy on so many other hot-button issues, to fix the real problem. jmo
Yes and I understand clearly better than you that ghetto and trailer park cultures are two sides of the same coin and have nothing to do with race but what your family teaches you. The reason while Asians and Hispanics never seem to fall victim to “systemic racism” like Blacks do according to your silly view

Asian and Hispanic people do have isssues, though different often, with racism and I at least have some anecdotal contact with immediate family members on this regard. And, you don't know what my family does our does not teach me, but I do know poverty having similarities between white and black folks doesn't mean there aren't additional issues for poor black people that poor whites don't experience.
Asian and Hispanic people do have isssues, though different often, with racism and I at least have some anecdotal contact with immediate family members on this regard. And, you don't know what my family does our does not teach me, but I do know poverty having similarities between white and black folks doesn't mean there aren't additional issues for poor black people that poor whites don't experience.

Dude, you're attempting to reason with the unreasonable. You'll have more success educating a cat to solve differential equations.
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Yes, it's people talking about and advocating giving black people more opportunities which has been the problem. I don't know if it registers in your head how absurd your post sounds, along with the one you wrote right above mine here, but you should reread them until you do.
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Well ALM guy. Most college football players are black, most coaches are not. To me Washington is well qualified to be our next DC. It's an opportunity for UT to show equal opportunity isn't just a slogan.

If you want more diversity for the coaches, shouldn't there be more diversity for the players?
Just give me an example of a law, regulation that is racist towards blacks.

Systemic racism would mean there are laws placed in the system that are spefically towards a minority.

It's funny that there are no accusations of systemic racism against Asians. I guess they don't tug your heart.

Please give some concrete examples and not some story about a black guy getting bad service at a restaurant.
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Just give me an example of a law, regulation that is racist towards blacks.

Systemic racism would mean there are laws placed in the system that are spefically towards a minority.

It's funny that there are no accusations of systemic racism against Asians. I guess they don't tug your heart.

Please give some concrete examples and not some story about a black guy getting bad service at a restaurant.
Because Asians by far and large margins are smart enough not to get used emotionally by a political party for votes every four years then ignored the rest of the time.
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Just give me an example of a law, regulation that is racist towards blacks.

Systemic racism would mean there are laws placed in the system that are spefically towards a minority.

It's funny that there are no accusations of systemic racism against Asians. I guess they don't tug your heart.

Please give some concrete examples and not some story about a black guy getting bad service at a restaurant.

Two things. One, you've moved the goal posts - either be honest in the discussion or admit you're wrong. Two, you clearly don't understand what 'systemic" racism refers to. Laws aren't required for inequality to occur along racial lines. You conflating bad service at a restaurant with mountains of objective evidence of widespread inequality really tells every rational person here just how profoundy ignorant you are on the subject.

Sadly, these distinctions can be explained to you but not understood for you.
Two things. One, you've moved the goal posts - either be honest in the discussion or admit you're wrong. Two, you clearly don't understand what 'systemic" racism refers to. Laws aren't required for inequality to occur along racial lines. You conflating bad service at a restaurant with mountains of objective evidence of widespread inequality really tells every rational person here just how profoundy ignorant you are on the subject.

Sadly, these distinctions can be explained to you but not understood for you.
LOL You... talking about moving goalposts.

That's funny right there.

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