Black Coaches (split)

Affirmative action are policies designed to produce opportunities for people who have been actually discriminated against through systematic racism, which very much exists.

Tell me an example of systematic racism.
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I think all he’s saying is that in a sport where 75% of the players are black, having a quality black coach just makes a lot of sense just for the relational and recruiting parts of the job.

Is the entire staff going to be white? I don’t care if he’s black, white, or whatever as long as he’s the best man for the job. He’s claiming he wants an affirmative action hire regardless of the “reasoning” behind it.
Tell me an example of systematic racism.

Greater disparity of prisoners, including disparity of sentences for similar offenses, particularly for drugs, which the War on Drugs has done severe damage to poor and minority communities. Historical economic inequality leading to poorer funded schools and a lower lack of access to professions. A lack of legacies in higher education have created more barriers and access to college. Plice harassment and profiling. There's so much. I could write paragraphs, but I'll spare you.

I mean, there are entire books written on this stuff. I highly recommend The New Jim Crow for a far deeper and better explanation of these things.
Want him hired because I think he is well qualified. You and others putthe other bs in it.

He may be well qualified. Is he the the most qualified? Ansley was “well qualified” and we sucked. Sunseri was “well qualified” and we sucked. We obviously need to set the bar higher and I don’t care what their race is.
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I closed it when I saw George Floyd. He’s a pos and the world is a better place without him. That said, racism will always exist but it’s not the problem. It’s the victimhood mentality and the constant call for equality which is bastardized to mean “we want special rules and rights”. Some random white dude that calls people N words to his buddies has no affect on anyone’s life.
Greater disparity of prisoners, including disparity of sentences for similar offenses, particularly for drugs, which the War on Drugs has done severe damage to poor and minority communities. Historical economic inequality leading to poorer funded schools and a lower lack of access to professions. A lack of legacies in higher education have created more barriers and access to college. Plice harassment and profiling. There's so much. I could write paragraphs, but I'll spare you.

I mean, there are entire books written on this stuff. I highly recommend The New Jim Crow for a far deeper and better explanation of these things.

Oh spare me this bs. I don’t mind the war on drugs and I don’t mind all criminals being taken off the streets. If there’s more black people affected by this maybe there’s another problem.
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Well ALM guy. Most college football players are black, most coaches are not. To me Washington is well qualified to be our next DC. It's an opportunity for UT to show equal opportunity isn't just a slogan.

So we need more white football players and black coaches? What do we call this “progressive” act?
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If the world operated in a vacuum, then you might have a point, but it doesn't, and neither are they simply hiring some random guy because he's black. It's this kind of silly logic which gets us the level of disparity in the first place and pretends the divide exists for completely legitimate reasons. Rather it's something certain groups whine about when their relative domination of a job, group, opportunity, etc. is disrupted by interlopers who dare to tread on the territory of people who have been given every advantage as possible over them.

You want to have a level playing field? Then eliminate every advantage white coaches have been given through the long history of unequal opportunities, i.e. unequal results, and then we'll pretend the vacuum you promote here has any semblance of existence.

All this and Washington still doesn't get a whiff of this job unless he's good enough to prospectively keep it, meaning they think he'll do a good job at it. And, that's how it always works for "equal opportunity" anyway.
Fantasy land
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Is the entire staff going to be white? I don’t care if he’s black, white, or whatever as long as he’s the best man for the job. He’s claiming he wants an affirmative action hire regardless of the “reasoning” behind it.
That’s not what he’s saying at all. He’s saying that he’s qualified AND he’s black which can be a major plus.

It’s the same reason Tony Elliott might have been a good choice for head coach.
Read a lot into things don't you. OK in simple terms over 90% of the athletes on football fields are black. Having a black DC is not a BAD thing. Other than previous DC experence he checks all the boxes. Seems I remember a world renown DC who couldn't teach how to defend a slant. Give the man a chance based on his knowledge, being black is icing on the cake.
Who said don’t hire him because he’s black? Absolutely no one. You’re creating straw men to justify a weak logical argument
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I closed it when I saw George Floyd. He’s a pos and the world is a better place without him. That said, racism will always exist but it’s not the problem. It’s the victimhood mentality and the constant call for equality which is bastardized to mean “we want special rules and rights”. Some random white dude that calls people N words to his buddies has no affect on anyone’s life.

You closed it because you didn't want to deal with the reality of it, you aren't fooling anyone. Look, I dont support affirmative action, but to deny systemic inequality along racial lines exists is ridiculous. You're either too stupid to recognize it or willfully myopic, for your sake I hope it's the latter.
Who says these kids don't want to play for a different race or it's rather a matter of being able to identify with someone who understands their life experiences?
So you understand the life experiences of someone just based on their race? Lol that’s pretty shallow thinking
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Who says these kids don't want to play for a different race or it's rather a matter of being able to identify with someone who understands their life experiences?

So white kids shouldn’t want to play for a black coach? I doubt many, if any, look at it that way.
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You closed it because you didn't want to deal with the reality of it, you aren't fooling anyone. Look, I dont support affirmative action, but to deny systemic inequality along racial lines exists is ridiculous. You're either too stupid to recognize it or willfully myopic, for your sake I hope it's the latter.

It may have existed in the past but it doesn’t today and hasn’t for some time.
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Greater disparity of prisoners, including disparity of sentences for similar offenses, particularly for drugs, which the War on Drugs has done severe damage to poor and minority communities. Historical economic inequality leading to poorer funded schools and a lower lack of access to professions. A lack of legacies in higher education have created more barriers and access to college. Plice harassment and profiling. There's so much. I could write paragraphs, but I'll spare you.

I mean, there are entire books written on this stuff. I highly recommend The New Jim Crow for a far deeper and better explanation of these things.
Guess who bragged about writing the 94 crime bill

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