Black jerseys to be auctioned (merged)

Pruitt: Vols could wear black jerseys to support BLM via Sports News

Here's the full article. It is part of the player's idea. He is allowing them to voice the change they want to see happen and then following up based on their feedback. I'm sure that no rules will be broken.

However, I do see it as positive that they're teaching these young men to think, express ideas, and then enact change in appropriate ways. I think it says a lot about Pruitt that he isnt just showing up at a rally to gain points, but really wants to hear their voice and do things to promote change that his players want to see.

Personally, i think it will be awesome. Hopefully some great ideas come from these young men so that they can use this awesome platform they have to promote change in an area that is much needed.

I was told definitively that this was not for BLM. This says otherwise.

Terrible idea if true.
But I disagree with the premise that the school has a nonexistent record of supporting other causes. Look through this very thread for examples of other causes the school has supported
I said nearly nonexistent- the examples were a list about five items long, and two of them were t-shirts for fans, one I don't think actually ended up happening, one was a pink jersey in basketball, and the other was a Pat Summit tribute. Over the how many years of Tennessee athletics, how many times have they done something like this? That's a nearly nonexistent record.
I was told definitively that this was not for BLM. This says otherwise.

Terrible idea if true.

I honestly think Pruitt said BLM just as a generic thing. Many people don't realize that it's an actual political organization. I think it is being used in terms of generic black programs and charities designed to support the black community. I'm sure it wont be BLM specifically.
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And that’s the point. You weren’t making these posts talking about “inauthentic, non-genuine silly pandering” when Tennessee started “We Back Pat” or when they wore pink jerseys to support Kay Yow’s foundation or when Tennessee sold shirts to support cancer foundation or Cuonzo wearing that same shirt during the game. But now Tennessee is wanting to do something for the black community and bring awareness and now it’s a problem. Now it’s all silly pandering 🧐🧐
Because I wasn't active on those boards, and usually I only care about basketball about five times per year and women's basketball about zero. Why on earth would I go out of my way to comment on those? I actually care about Tennessee football.

For being a 'Staff Member', you sure are a rube.
I honestly think Pruitt said BLM just as a generic thing. Many people don't realize that it's an actual political organization. I think it is being used in terms of generic black programs and charities designed to support the black community. I'm sure it wont be BLM specifically.

And Brian Rice was told directly by someone in the AD that it is going to help directly not to BLM the organization itself. Pruitt was using Black Lives Matter as an encompassing term not just the organization and if you listen to the clip it’s obvious that is what he was referring to.
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I honestly think Pruitt said BLM just as a generic thing. Many people don't realize that it's an actual political organization. I think it is being used in terms of generic black programs and charities designed to support the black community. I'm sure it wont be BLM specifically.

Then that is pretty damn careless by a leader.

He has never been a wordsmith but that is a bad mistake.

At this point I am unclear on what is happening but lean to the idea that this is in fact being steered towards BLM.
Yeah I don’t even know what that means. I’m not aware they have any actual program for “directly helping people”

United Negro College Fund
The Innocence Project
Jackie Robinson Foundation
Boys & Girls Club
United Way
Children’s Defense Fund/Alex Haley Farm

I’m sure they can find an apolitical charity that does at least as much as these to assist the black community. Hopefully it is one or all of these, because it’s going to be a crap load of bread.
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No, I can easily see why you might not understand. The point is pretty consistent.
If he believes in something then go big with it not just some token action
I understand completely. You and some others are just trying to find any reason to complain about what is being done. You can actually believe in something fervently and still adhere to moderation. I like to drink beer, but that does not mean I have to drink enough to get drunk every night. Pruitt is quite savvy about this. He knew our fanbase could not take a whole year, so he did what he did to make the views of his players well known without it being drowned out by drunken ignorance and racial intolerance.
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I understand completely. You and some others are just trying to find any reason to complain about what is being done. You can actually believe in something fervently and still adhere to moderation. I like to drink beer, but that does not mean I have to drink enough to get drunk every night. Pruitt is quite savvy about this. He knew our fanbase could not take a whole year, so he did what he did to make the views of his players well known without it being drowned out by drunken ignorance and racial intolerance.
So you just have limited support for this cause?
Because I wasn't active on those boards, and usually I only care about basketball about five times per year and women's basketball about zero. Why on earth would I go out of my way to comment on those? I actually care about Tennessee football.

For being a 'Staff Member', you sure are a rube.

Oh so it’s not actually about the university or AD supporting a particular charity or cause or that it’s all silly pandering and they shouldn’t. It just matters now because you just don’t like the idea or cause.
Then that is pretty damn careless by a leader.

He has never been a wordsmith but that is a bad mistake.

At this point I am unclear on what is happening but lean to the idea that this is in fact being steered towards BLM.

Okay, let's not over react. Mistake? Maybe. Does this make him "pretty damn careless"? Hardly.
Correct, most crimes occur within racial groups.

But that 10% disparity (80% vs 90%) means whites are more likely be killed by blacks than blacks by whites. So what's your conclusion from that?
My point is how did Black on Black crime so readily introduced into discussions, but not White on White, or Korean on Korean..... those are homicide statistics not crime in it's totally. It paints a narrative that Black folks are more prone to be violent/criminals. It's a bull$hit talking point. If you take number from all areas of criminal activity it may skew differently.
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I'm not getting into a debate here, but if you think being involved or contributing to Black Lives Matter is political - get a life. At some point you should stick your head out of your tiny little cave and look around. That's just ignorance.
Oh so it’s not actually about the university or AD supporting a particular charity or cause or that it’s all silly pandering and they shouldn’t. It just matters now because you just don’t like the idea or cause.
Holy hell man, you're reaching harder than hard can be. Living right up to that 'rube' label.

If I'm telling you I don't give a rip about those sports, how would I comment when those events happen? Logic would say I didn't even know about them, which I didn't. I didn't even watch basketball more than about twice while Cuonzo was here, and haven't watched a Lady Vols game since I was at UT almost ten years ago.

Back off
So you just have limited support for this cause?
I am absolutely 100% behind this idea. Not sure where you would have read otherwise. I am articulating why I think Coach Pruitt only did it for one game and why doing so makes a strong and consistent point. Making a bold statement once, if done correctly does more than constant screaming that gets smothered by a society with a very short attention span.

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