Boardwalk Empire

Just finished watching it. Solid first season. Love how Scorsese incorporates historical events and figures.

Have to say my piece about Harding. He was corrupt, but one of the best presidents we've ever had (this is what drove me crazy about Blink as well). He was a do-nothing president with excellent results. Historians with big government agenda have tried their damndest to write him off. It's generally "known" by everyone that Harding was a horrible president, but nobody can tell you why, other than some overt corruption that didn't really have an impact in the scheme of things.
Just saw that Scorsese won an Emmy for directing the pilot episode.

Was hoping Buscemi would get one for Nucky but was beat out.
DVR'd the premier, still have yet to watch up. Been wanting to see half-face ruin ish all last season, we only got little bits and pieces of it.
Loved it. Going to be a great season.

The two different speeches that Nucky was giving to the black then the white audience was great.

Agree with you VnBham, two face is great. That kitchen scene where he told Jimmy "How does it feel to have everything?" You could already sense that was exactly what he was thinking.

I still want to know what the maid wrote in the Bible that she gave Nucky after the Commodore fired her.....

Bout to re-watch it.
the dude with 1/2 a face is my favorite character - followed closely by Chalkie

Jack Huston is a wonderful actor with an excellent script to follow and Michael Kenneth Williams is a great actor. This series is awesome television.
I am really enjoying the new season. The first two episodes have been great and I like the direction that this season is going.
If this doesn't get dragged out like the Sopranos, it will probably end up being the best regular show HBO has ever done.
How badass is Jimmy? Taking those 2 thugs out reminded me again why he is my favorite character on this show.
Yeah, this season has delivered so far. Chalky's jail scene; the new Irish dude facing off with the guy with half a face; Jimmy luring the two gangsters into screwing with him and dealing with them with his knife; Nucky's tirade at Jimmy and the Commodore at the restaurant. All awesome.
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Another good episode last night. Is it wrong of me to laugh and the ending of last nights episode? It was funny to me for some reason.
What was the guy trying to tell Richard after they ate their squirrel dinner? Was he implying that he saw Richard planning to commit suicide?
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