Boardwalk Empire

Another very good episode last night. Not a whole lot of action save for the 2nd to last scene, but it was another solid hour of programming. This show may be too slow for some but it is excellent television, IMO.
Great show

Can't wait for sunday , Margret snitching on the Irish about hitting that :eek:hmy:
Unbelievable last few minutes to the last episode. I didn't see that coming either. Can't wait to see how this unfolds.
Crazy episode! Jimmy's mom is completely insane. Awesome episode.
Well, Jimmy certainly has a reason to be a little screwed up in the head.

Interested to see how this all plays out next week.
Jimmy & Richard walking down some hallway looking bad ass.

It's on next week :rock:
Great finale. Had to kill Jimmy and Margaret is crazy for signing the deed over to the church.
Did not see a main character in Jimmy get whacked off the show so soon. That was one of the more enjoyable dimensions to the series.
Does this mean that Richard is going to get whacked too? Now that Jimmy's dead, his son gets his (the Commodore's) estate. So, does Richard try to get revenge or hang tight and protect Jimmy's mom and son? I think the latter, while plotting revenge.

BTW, little bit of trivia for the movie trivia fans. Jimmy's mom also played Matt Damon's girlfriend in the movie Rounders.

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