Bobby Knight To Tennessee

I just wish we can have him. we might learn how to play defense.
Heck yeah!!! Bring him on over and deck him out in orange and white....I'd go to the games just to see a temper tantrum LOL
I will tell you this, Bobby Knight is a mean guy when he is coaching and players respond to that. You don't want to be the kid that just got chewed out by BK and you will work your butt off so that won't happen.

When you add intensity to great coaching, the result is usually good if not great. Don't believe me? Look not further than Pat Summit. She is about as intense as it gets while coaching. Buzz is a real nice guy, but can he coach? Do the players respect him? Do they fear for their life if they don't execute the play or show up late for practice. They might, but I doubt it. :twocents:
to back up what you said on intensity i totally agree with you in nearly every sport....a few examples of intense coaches......up to dallas parcells got the job done with his instense if not crazy demeanor, ya got coach k who gets results every single year....his team is a good team in terms of talent thi syear not great is coaching and intensity really set that team apart....pat summitt in BIG ORANGE LAND. theres so many.....I think Bobby brings that prestige to this program that noone else readily available could give us and would in 2 years turn this program around so fast we wouldnt know what crappy basketball looked like. Im all for him and would welcome him with open orange arms :D
One thing for sure, If Bobby Knight comes to TN and the Vols have success. You will never read the following headline: "Vol Success, a Knight Erection"....I know, I know, I'm as lame as they come. By the way Texas Tech (Knight) beat #3 Texas last night 69 to 65.
I may be wrong, but i don't think Texas was ranked. Texas Teach was #25, but texas had no rank beside their name in the score box on screen.
Texas started the season 12-2 and was rated pretty high. However, they are 6-6 since including a stretch where they lost 4-of-5 games. That stretch dropped them from the rankings. They are currently 18-8.
My bad on Texas being ranked #3. I don't know what I was reading that gave me the impression they were #3. I know I was reading the Texas Tech athletics web siteand maybe I was looking at Kansas instead of Texas. Maybe me and Old Vol are getting too old for this!
Here's a good one for you allvol. Read the "Fulmer days are numbered" thread, and compile a list of top programs past and present, and the number of head coaches they've had let's say the last 12 years or whatever matches Fulmer's tenure, and compare their up and down records during that time to te stable programs such as UT, FSU, and some others who have stayed with a stable course. Since it is obvious we could be looking at a new coach in 5-7 years, and we would not want to fall into the coach repalcement syndrome.
Off the top of my head, I can think of a few....

Oklahoma after Barry Switzer,
Notre Dame after Lou Holtz,
Nebraska after Tom Osbourne and Frank Solich,
Florida after Steve Spurrier,

A few others have had ups and downs, including....
Texas A&M
The way I see it, Hamilton has no choice but to fire Peterson, fair or unfair. If he gives him just one more year like many would like to see happen, few recruits would look at Buzz being on stable ground. Same goes with Buzz bringing on new assistant coaches. What assistant coach worth his salt will take the chance of Buzz not being here after one year. So after a year, things go from bad to worse, and Hamilton gets the blame. If Hamilton announces that he is going to honor Buzz's contract for the next three years come hell or high water, to help firm up recruiting or to show some assistant coaches some stability, and things go from bad to worse next year, Hamilton looks even worse and he will be forced to ask Buzz to voluntarily resign so that he won't have to go back on his word. I don't see anything pretty coming out of this for Buzz unfortunately. Hamilton is riding pretty high on the horse now days. He has a few feathers in his hat as football fortunes are rising and alot of capital improvement projects taking off- stadium improvements, other sports programs doing well and improving. The situation with Buzz will either make him a star stepping out of the shadow of the "tall guy" (Dickey) or he will take a big hit and be viewed as a weak leader being led himself by circumstance. It would appear to me that the only choice Hamilton has is to pull the trigger and then buy the biggest dog on the porch. It may cost alot of money, but they will forgive you if you win. If you lose they never forgive you. Losers never stay at Tennessee, coaches or AD's. As a matter of fact, if you even smell like a loser at Tennessee you are gone. Ask Jerry Green.
Originally posted by allvol@Feb 23, 2005 10:03 AM
A few others have had ups and downs, including....
Texas A&M

Colorado? There are a lot of teams that could make that list. There's a reason there were so many coaches floating around looking for jobs recently.
For people who like to flame our coaches and think they should go, all the schools listed in those replies are the stats and records to justify us being just fine the way we are.
The thing is, even if Buzz does come back next year, what does he have to put out on the court that will make us better than this year? Star recruits from BB heaven?..NO. New and BETTER assistant coaches from BB heaven?..NO. Soooo, here we are next year nearing the end of an even worse season. Buzz's reputation as a D-1 coach is totally destroyed because his own performance dried up his potential resources to improve his team. So what do we do now? What did we gain by giving Buzz another year? What does Buzz gain by staying another year?

I would take Knight in a heartbeat. I have respect for his disciplined manner. Granted I don't agree with some of this tactics. But if nothing else think of the publicity we would get.
849 wins speaks for itself!!!!! Bring him in.....He likes to fish for Smallmouth too that's a plus!!!!! :good: :good:
To take the argument to the extreme Dr. Mengele (he of human skin lamp shades fame) was a great scientist. That's why the argument about whether or not to use his results still continues, and why all the reasons given for not doing so are purely moral, not scientific....

At some point you have to decide if excellence of one kind- say, winning- makes it okay to ignore depravity in other ways.

Bobby Knight, Woody Hayes, and some of the other winning college coaches were also profoundly developmentally retarded. They were not- or are not- Men, just emotionally impaired little boys with winning records.

Tennessee needs great hoops coaching talent, just like the world needs much more of the kind of medical science that can only be gained by experimenting on humans as if they were things. But we're not the kind of people or program that's willing to ignore class, integrity or simple human evolution just to get more W's in our stats.

Knoxville isn't located in either Texas or Florida...

I just had to reply to this again... While everyone is talking about Knight and his temper. Pat Summitt gets all over players to. The only thing she haven't done is go that eatra mile to do something crazy so people can call her overboard.I guess it is over for Pat to talk to her players the way she do and not a word be said.I hope Knight do come and for a lot less than people think he would. I am tired of all this poor coaching going on in the men's program.
This thread is just kicking my behind. It has caused me to become officially tired.

So, I have a question.

When was the last time that you think our basketball program was actually kicking butt and in really good shape? Who was the coach? How far did we go?

I guess that actually was three questions. Anyway, I would like to know because I just haven't quite kept up that closely in a while with the roundball situation. I pay attention to scores and so forth, but I sorta draw a blank when I try to remember roundball days of glory at our beloved university.
Originally posted by Volman1970@Feb 26, 2005 10:13 PM
I just had to reply to this again... While everyone is talking about Knight and his temper. Pat Summitt gets all over players to. The only thing she haven't done is go that eatra mile to do something crazy so people can call her overboard.I guess it is over for Pat to talk to her players the way she do and not a word be said.I hope Knight do come and for a lot less than people think he would. I am tired of all this poor coaching going on in the men's program.

Pat Summitt is a hardass who yells and is a harsh disciplinarian.

Knight assaults players, throws things on the courts, whines when people say he ought to be accountable for his own behavior "because he wins", and just generally proves that some people ought to sterilized by the State so we can exploit their talents without letting them pass their greater deformities on.

Comparing Knight to Summitt is like comparing Reagan to Roosevelt. All did geat things, but both the former did it without the handicap of the morals both the latter refused to sacrifice just in the name of results.
Good Lord! NO WONDER they don't wanna fire him. He's cheaper to keep around.

Why can't teachers get those kinds of contracts????


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