Bobby Knight To Tennessee

Darn it, there are hundreds of good coaches out there that probably haven't even been discovered yet. Why not go for somebody who can come into our program unkown and start to make a name for himself and rebuild Tennessee's on the court?
That's cool if that is what happens Milo. Personally, I am a little too impatient for that. That is what Buzz was supposed to be and look where we are. I can't go through that again. :blink:
all we need is to get an accomplished coach in here for 3 or 4 years (like knight) so that they keep the recruits coming. then after that we can go and get a new coach. I know that is kind of what happened when buzz came bu he did get rid of alot of our players. lets just hope it happens for the good this time around.
I can see our arena now filled with 20,000 Thompson Boling Bullies led by General Bobby kicking kentucky kat tail all over the hard wood, choking chickens (SC), slamming Dores, flipping gators, hit'n hogs, toss'n dogs and wacking pachyderms!! Lets play BOBBY BALL!!
Originally posted by TBALLVOL@Mar 1, 2005 11:25 AM
I can see our arena now filled with 20,000 Thompson Boling Bullies

That's impossible, since the upper deck holds less than 10,000. Maybe we could knock off the roof and add a third deck for more energetic, young fans. Or, better yet, they could just sit outside and listen on the radio. Anything to make sure the old, quiet, loser fans that sit on their asses and leave at halftime have seats near the court.
Well there you go Kiddie Doc. Bobby Knight would be an instant solution to the infestation of lifeless lizards at Thompson Boling.
Well there you go Kiddie Doc. Bobby Knight would be an instant solution to the infestation of lifeless lizards at Thompson Boling.
I believe I read some time ago that Dean Smith's early years were so rocky that a figure of him was burned in effigy outside what is now called the "Dean Dome". Now, I'm not suggesting that BP is the next Dean Smith, but I do have a question. Are we sports fans so bent on the "win now or else" piont of view that quality head coaches can no longer be afforded any time to become quality head coaches? I think there is a trend here throughout sport, and I'm not sure it is beneficial.
Originally posted by orange+white=heaven@Mar 1, 2005 1:40 PM
Are we sports fans so bent on the "win now or else" piont of view that quality head coaches can no longer be afforded any time to become quality head coaches? I think there is a trend here throughout sport, and I'm not sure it is beneficial.

I agree with you, but don't you think that 4 years is enough time to do something? Do you think that Buzz is on the right path to become a quality head coach? The only trend that I see, is having losing seasons in men's basketball. How much longer should we all be content with that?
I personally think four years is long enough to determine success. If we were paying a CEO almost a millon a year to make our corporation successful I'm sure we would determine if he was a success even sooner. A losing record is not acceptable at that salary IMO.
Two things, firtst I am absolutely certain that I am the wrong person to decide the merits of BP's future with the Volunteers. I'm not without an opinion however, and I would hope that the lessons learned from these past few spectacularly mediocre seasons would have some benefit that could be carried forward in the creation of future successes. The comments that I read from BP following his meeting with the AD and Pres. yesterday indicate to me that he is a man who is working hard to right his ship. As to whether he is on the right path, I am going to begin with the assumption that his coming out atop the rest after the interview process means that this man had the tools to do the job within him. Lord knows the results have yet to bear me out. But as to the path, I think his feet are close enough to the trail to warrant a further investment of time....
He may get another year but IMO it would be hard to justify another year. To be successful he will need a great recruiting year and I don't see any great recruit having the confidence to sign knowing the situation Buzz is in.
Originally posted by TBALLVOL@Mar 2, 2005 8:30 AM
Check out John Adams article on Buzz in todays' Sentinel..Arf.

John Adams :bad: I don't like him at all.....It seems like no matter how good our football team does he always finds something wrong with it

But bring Bobby Knight on down....I'd go to a game just see a temper tantrum
I don't understand why this is hard. If you want to win, Hire someone who wins, not someone who could win or might win, or who looks good if they could just win. Hire Bobby Knight and we win..Period. He doesn't lose..anywhere! Style points and $5.00 will get you a cup of coffee at Starbucks! If you invested your money on any principal less, you are foolish..why be foolish, why gamble?
I also am not an expert on coaches, especially BBall. I do have my opinions. I don't follow UT BB religiously as I do football, mainly because the exposure and TV time down here is not that much. Plus, I just don't watch BB like I used to except the tourney. On the one hand, I am partial to loyalty and consistency in building a program and keeping it at or near the top as we have done in FB. Bottom line is we have never to my knowledge established a consistent winning program in BB at Ut. Noted individual successful seasons accepted, but few and far between as a whole. Looking at the situation logically, I'd say a change needs to made. But, if your going to bring in another hopeful as a coach, why bother. We've already got a hopeful employed that we're still waiting to reap the benefits of his ability. Economically, I can understand UT wanting to wait one more year and not pay 3 BB coaches next season. But, if you have the opportunity to bring in a real winner such as BK, and they are willing to come here, then I think the economic situation would be offset by an instant increase in revenue from winning, attendance, and recruiting.
Alexander Woolf wrote in Sports Illustrated: "For 29 years people beyond Bloomington, seeing only the hurled chairs, the churlish bullying, the physical and verbal abuse, wondered why Indiana put up with Knight. If only you knew him as we do, his defenders replied, citing his loyalty, honesty and devotion to stout standards for a players in a world gone lax. Knight's supporters point out that more than 90 percent of his players who have stayed four years have graduated and that they stay clean off the court. While other coaches offer enticements to recruits, Knight's players say he promised them only indentured servitude and unlimited practice."

That's why Knight wins! He makes his players man-up! Tennesseeans have always respected those who work hard, who have the conviction and courage to speak the truth,(without PC) and who have the integrity to win the same way, with hard work, courage and integrity! I think those things are greater than his weaknesses, plus he is a strategic genius!
after the scandals we have endured with the last 2 school presidents UT wants nothing to do with someone with BK's scandal potential
I don't know, I know that it's obvious that I'm a Knight fan but the AD at Texas Tech is looking like a genius now. I say let's make Mike Hamilton a genius!. The publicity TN would get from a Knight hire would be pure profit because Texas Tech has already eaten the depreciation of such a hire. TN cannot lose!
Bobby Knight can whip all of those coaches! In basketball too!..seriously, history will show that Bobby Knight was the most effective basketball coach in history and it would be a shame to not jump at the chance to have him best the world of NCAA Basketball with his last stop-TN. After that, the best coaches in the country will want to play for TN!! For all of you naysayers, Bobby says:"*@!%^*&#!!!!!
Bobby has talent.

Bobby lacks Manhood.

Tennessee demands both.

The Vols aren't a, "Anything goes if you put W's on the board" school, and Vol fans aren't that kind of "Deliverance Inbred" either.
Im with Tballvol all the way on this one

i say bring in Knight get some butts in the seats, build a strong winnin program, let him and Pat both retire from UT as the 2 most winningest coaches, let him groom a replacement and watch the wins and championships keep comin for years to come
Originally posted by redneckdave@Mar 16, 2005 2:26 AM
Im with Tballvol all the way on this one

i say bring in Knight get some butts in the seats, build a strong winnin program, let him and Pat both retire from UT as the 2 most winningest coaches, let him groom a replacement and watch the wins and championships keep comin for years to come

Right: Being a Vol isn't about being better, it's about winning (?!)

IOW- ESPN wasn't wrong for calling us Trailer Trash, just for suggesting that we can't win because we're trailer trash.

Give us Bobby- we'll prove that winning and being trailer trash aren't necessarily related.


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