
No offense, but this is like arguing about the inauguration crowd size. I don’t think even most hardcore Trumpkins would seriously deny he and his family have profited off his presidency.

By any estimation, Trump's net worth is either 1/2 or less than when he was elected. He was down a billion by Oct. 2018.
You've an odd definition of profit.
By any estimation, Trump's net worth is either 1/2 or less than when he was elected. He was down a billion by Oct. 2018.
You've an odd definition of profit.
Yes, that tends to happen when you lie about your net worth for years.

Unless you’re seriously arguing he has lost half of his money since becoming president? Lol
No offense, but this is like arguing about the inauguration crowd size. I don’t think even most hardcore Trumpkins would seriously deny he and his family have profited off his presidency.
All politicians profit from their positions.... how do you think Biden is worth so much.... Pelosi.... Obama..... the list could go on and on
I guess we'll just wait for that answer. 47 years and not one accomplishment listed. Even the Biden shills couldn't name even one.

Dude, Biden hasn't been president. You're aware of this? Right?

Your argument sounds as coherent as a Patriots fan screeching, "You can't even list one instance of the Vols winning the Super Bowl"

Using your logic, with Biden as a Senator - each and every legislative accomplishment made during that time is a notch in his belt.
Dude, Biden hasn't been president. You're aware of this? Right?

Your argument sounds as coherent as a Patriots fan screeching, "You can't even list one instance of the Vols winning the Super Bowl"

Using your logic, with Biden as a Senator - each and every legislative accomplishment made during that time is a notch in his belt.

LMFAO that’s one awesome pail of water you got going there to downplay his single chest thumping accomplishment he had and proclaimed, the 94 crime bill, that even he says was BS now.

All politicians profit from their positions.... how do you think Biden is worth so much.... Pelosi.... Obama..... the list could go on and on

Like water is wet.

Which is why it's so hysterical to see people stumble around the junkyard like Fred Sanford clutching his chest that the Biden's was doing what 'all politicians do'.

Except now, it's disqualifying.
Dude, Biden hasn't been president. You're aware of this? Right?

Your argument sounds as coherent as a Patriots fan screeching, "You can't even list one instance of the Vols winning the Super Bowl"

Using your logic, with Biden as a Senator - each and every legislative accomplishment made during that time is a notch in his belt.
You sound desperate. It was an easy enough request. Maybe next time just keep deflecting because that last post......sad.
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Like water is wet.

Which is why it's so hysterical to see people stumble around the junkyard like Fred Sanford clutching his chest that the Biden's was doing what 'all politicians do'.

Except now, it's disqualifying.
Right reference old tv shows. I'm sure in your mind that was an acceptable answer.
You sound desperate. It was an easy enough request. Maybe next time just keep deflecting because that last post......sad.

I can explain why your request for presidential accomplishments is dumb when one of them hasn't been a president, but I can't understand it for you.
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I can explain why your request for presidential accomplishments is dumb when one of them hasn't been a president, but I can't understand it for you.
I was asking for successful political accomplishments:
Successful legislation sponsored
Passed bill that worked
Yes, that tends to happen when you lie about your net worth for years.

Unless you’re seriously arguing he has lost half of his money since becoming president? Lol

No, that is aside from Trump inflating his wealth.
In Oct 2018:
The presidency has been bad for Donald Trump's finances, with his personal net worth falling from $4.5 billion to $3.1 billion over the past two years, according to the latest Forbes billionaires list. Trump's personal fortune has shrunk by $1B since his presidential bid

As of Apr. 2020:
In April, Forbes put Trump’s net worth at roughly $2.1 billion, reflecting a sudden drop in value brought on by the pandemic. But even in the pre-coronavirus days, Forbes placed his overall worth at $3.1 billion, far short of what Trump suggested he possessed while running for office in 2015.1 That’s remarkably close to another source, the Bloomberg Billionaire’s Index, which placed the president’s pre-coronavirus net worth at $2.97 billion. What Is Donald Trump’s Actual Net Worth?

See? "That tends to happen when you" spout things you've no knowledge of.
No, that is aside from Trump inflating his wealth.
In Oct 2018:
The presidency has been bad for Donald Trump's finances, with his personal net worth falling from $4.5 billion to $3.1 billion over the past two years, according to the latest Forbes billionaires list. Trump's personal fortune has shrunk by $1B since his presidential bid

As of Apr. 2020:
In April, Forbes put Trump’s net worth at roughly $2.1 billion, reflecting a sudden drop in value brought on by the pandemic. But even in the pre-coronavirus days, Forbes placed his overall worth at $3.1 billion, far short of what Trump suggested he possessed while running for office in 2015.1 That’s remarkably close to another source, the Bloomberg Billionaire’s Index, which placed the president’s pre-coronavirus net worth at $2.97 billion. What Is Donald Trump’s Actual Net Worth?

See? "That tends to happen when you" spout things you've no knowledge of.

Careful now ! The implementation of facts into the discussion will only confuse and annoy the "all things Trump" haters and Biden apologists. Kudos to you for trying to counterbalance the astounding amount of their dumbassary though, it being the tall and monumental task that it is.
Careful now ! The implementation of facts into the discussion will only confuse and annoy the "all things Trump" haters and Biden apologists. Kudos to you for trying to counterbalance the astounding amount of their dumbassary though, it being the tall and monumental task that it is.

All this footstomping hyperventilation from the minions is outstanding - I didn't think anything could make Tuesday anymore enjoyable.
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No, that is aside from Trump inflating his wealth.
In Oct 2018:
The presidency has been bad for Donald Trump's finances, with his personal net worth falling from $4.5 billion to $3.1 billion over the past two years, according to the latest Forbes billionaires list. Trump's personal fortune has shrunk by $1B since his presidential bid

As of Apr. 2020:
In April, Forbes put Trump’s net worth at roughly $2.1 billion, reflecting a sudden drop in value brought on by the pandemic. But even in the pre-coronavirus days, Forbes placed his overall worth at $3.1 billion, far short of what Trump suggested he possessed while running for office in 2015.1 That’s remarkably close to another source, the Bloomberg Billionaire’s Index, which placed the president’s pre-coronavirus net worth at $2.97 billion. What Is Donald Trump’s Actual Net Worth?

See? "That tends to happen when you" spout things you've no knowledge of.

Quoting the drop due to Covid is silly. Not only that, but the part you saw fit to cite indicates it was based on what he claimed, not what he was actually worth.

And the article you quoted even said he’s trying to profit off the presidency lol. Try again.
Osb at 24$ a sheet today

It was about $9.00 a year ago at the big box stores right? Maybe $10 with fluctuation...that is disgraceful. I have been able to keep steady work building apartment complexes, often too much building 2 complexes at a time, through the last 7 years of Obama and his terrible policy, and all 4 years of Trump...and it looks like we are gonna really slow down now and my boss will likely have to lay off some Supers like me...because of Dimwits forced panic response to a virus...and what it has done to the lumber industry. Who is right now cutting off their own noses to spite their face. ( or despite their face,?,) seems like either works i guess. No reason whatsoever for lumber mills to not be producing just as much lumber as this time last year. None.

By the way... I believe a graphic was posted here, or I may have seen it on Reddit/conservative....but isn't it strange that there isn't a flu this year??? Where did influenza go? You know, that sickness that comes every single year in both hemispheres and kills off usually 100k plus elderly folks every single year?? What happened there?

Yall don't think that the flu...which is itself a "corona virus" as it has the same shape as covid, could have come and made thousands of people sick and it was all blamed on a different virus so Dimwits could try to destroy the country do you? I am not saying covid isn't real, thats crazy. Not saying that it didn't infect the was global, we think. But clearly the flu came this year also, yet there are about zero confirmed cases or deaths...hmmm...why would that be,? Any ideas?
I'll leave this here. We'll talk again when you apologize in a week. This list isn't even updated.
-Removed 2 executive orders for every new one he wrote

-Created Space Force as the 6th branch in the U.S. military

-Signed the biggest wilderness protection & conservation bill in a decade and designated 375,000 acres as protected land

-Signed the Save our Seas Act which funds $10 million per year to clean tons of plastic & garbage from the ocean


-Trade imbalance confrontation with China

-New trade deal to replace NAFTA

-Finalized new trade agreement with South Korea

-Breakthrough agreement with the E.U. to increase U.S. exports

-Signed the Music Modernization Act, the biggest change to copyright law in decades

-8,764 communities across the U.S. have been designated as Opportunity Zones and are expected to spur $100 billion in long-term private capital investment in economically distressed communities across the nation

-Record levels of black and minority employment just before the pandemic. Highest numbers in the 75+ years of record keeping. Poverty rates for minorities have reached their lowest levels since the U.S. began collecting such data


-Appointed record numbers of judges

-Corrected the horrible 9th Circuit Court of Appeals

-Appointed 2 Justices to SCOTUS

-Signed the groundbreaking First Step Act, a criminal justice bill which enacted reforms that make our justice system fairer and help former inmates successfully return to society. The First Step Act's reforms addresses inequalities in sentencing laws that disproportionately harmed Black Americans and reformed mandatory minimums that created unfair outcomes. The First Step Act expanded judicial discretion in sentencing of non-violent crimes. Over 90% of those benefiting from the retroactive sentencing reductions in the First Step Act are Black Americans

-Signed a bill making CBD and Hemp legal

-Signed a law to make cruelty to animals a federal felony so that animal abusers far tougher tougher consequences

-Signed the "Allow States and Victims to Fight Online Sex Trafficking Act" (FOSTA), which includes the "Stop Enabling Sex Traffickers Act" (SESTA) which both give law enforcement and victims new tools to fight sex trafficking

-More than doubled the convictions of human traffickers and increased the number of defendants charged by 75%

-Dismantled an organization that was the internet's leading source of prostitution-related advertisements resulting in sex trafficking

-ICE arrested 1,588 criminals associated with Human Trafficking

-DHHS provided funding to support the National Human Trafficking Hotline to identify perpetrators and give victims the help they need. The hotline identified 16,862 potential human trafficking cases

-DOJ provided grants to organizations that support human trafficking victims - serving nearly 9,000 cases from July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018.


-Removed the individual "mandate" from Obamacare

-FDA approved more affordable generic drugs than ever before in history

-Signed Right-To-Try legislation allowing terminally ill patients to try experimental treatment (previously illegal)

-Signed VA Choice Act and VA Accountability Act, expanded VA telehealth services, walk-in-clinics, and same day urgent primary and mental health care

-Trump administration will provide HIV prevention drugs for free to 200,000 uninsured patients/year for 11 years.

-Signed a bill allowing some drug imports from Canada so that prescription prices would get down

-Signed an executive order this year that forces all healthcare providers to disclose the cost of their services so that Americans can comparison shop and know how much less providers charge insurance companies

-When signing that bill he said no American should be blindsided by bills for medical services they never to in advance

-Hospitals will now be required to post their standard charges for services, which include the discounted price a hospital is willing to accept

-In the eight years prior to President Trump's inauguration, prescription drug prices increased by an average of 3.6% per year. Under Trump, drug prices have seen year over year declines in nine of the last ten monthswith a 1.1% drop as of the most recent month


-No new wars

-Human Right confrontation and penalties on China

-Moved US embassy to Jerusalem as per law

-First POTUS in like 50+ years to attempt peace with North Korea. That is like 11 presidents who did not.

-Started building the wall in spite of massive opposition

-Helped facilitate the most progress towards peace in the Middle East by having two Muslim Majority countries (UAE and Bahrain) recognize Israel and opening up diplomatic relations.


Thanks my Vol Brother. Great post..and this isnt even all of his accomplishments. Very well done and should be posters of this everywhere. He did exactly what he said he would do.
Quoting the drop due to Covid is silly. Not only that, but the part you saw fit to cite indicates it was based on what he claimed, not what he was actually worth.

And the article you quoted even said he’s trying to profit off the presidency lol. Try again.

Wrong again; these are estimations of net worth by Forbes and Bloomberg Billionaires Index and have nothing to do with Trump's claims. The 2nd link also notes a more recent (as in 2020) Forbes estimation placed his net worth just above $2B, which would be less than his estimated $4.5B before the presidency. Estimating net worth is not rocket science.

I can post it, but can't make you read or comprehend it. "lol" The articles clearly demonstrate that Trump is not profiting from being president.

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