
I guess we'll just wait for that answer. 47 years and not one accomplishment listed. Even the Biden shills couldn't name even one.
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You obviously have no idea who Trump is either if you actually think he "set aside his personal wealth for his Country". Freaking laughable take! It's shocking to me that a person could actually be so far up Trump's ass and type that with a straight face.

He’s lost money since he’s been in office, doesn’t take a ****ing salary, his kids work for free and he doesn’t take money from ****ing communist countries like Joe Biden. What amazes me is your head is so far up your ass you can’t see all the good that he’s accomplished because of your irrational hatred of the man. See you on election night snowflake. Lmfao!6EA8999F-93E9-4D0A-9D84-AAB7932E999D.gif
I'm counting on lumber prices coming down. I've been paying 2.50-2.75 for studs and they're approaching $6.00 now. I have inventory for a couple of months. I'm pricing jobs at the lower prices hoping they'll retreat.

I paid $35 for 1/2" CDX a couple of days ago. Fortunately I didn't need much. And, I'll add it was the crappiest plywood I've ever purchased. It looked like it had a bad case of acne.
I looked into this and the lumber mill shutdowns due to COVID plus the unforeseen building boom has drained the supply chain.

It may be next year before they catch up with demand
He’s lost money since he’s been in office, doesn’t take a ****ing salary, his kids work for free and he doesn’t take money from ****ing communist countries like Joe Biden. What amazes me is your head is so far up your ass you can’t see all the good that he’s accomplished because of your irrational hatred of the man. See you on election night snowflake. Lmfao!
Not sure if you're being naive or intentionally stupid.

If he was serious about not making money off the presidency, he would put his money in a blind trust like his predecessors.
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I just heard on Phil Valentine that since the laptop story broke, CBS, NBC and ABC have spent 0.32% of their news airtime on the story. The times were something like 9 minutes ABC.... 11 minutes CBS. On top of this, the majority of the minuscule time spent on the story was disputing it.
This is pretty silly. He was one out of 100 senators. All he can do is be a vote and a voice. Either give him credit (and blame) for all the things he voted for that passed (or against that didn't pass), or stop throwing out this idiotic talking point.
He definitely deserves credit for the 94 crime bill
I looked into this and the lumber mill shutdowns due to COVID plus the unforeseen building boom has drained the supply chain.

It may be next year before they catch up with demand
I’ve heard it will be the springtime before they come back down
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I just heard on Phil Valentine that since the laptop story broke, CBS, NBC and ABC have spent 0.32% of their news airtime on the story. The times were something like 9 minutes ABC.... 11 minutes CBS. On top of this, the majority of the minuscule time spent on the story was disputing it.
I'm betting the actual journalists at Fox haven't spent much time on it, either.
Oh I forgot about the crime bill which disproportionately locks up minorities
Wasn't that part of Reagan's war on drugs during a time when crack cocaine was ravaging black communities and especially young black people. Black municipal, civic and church leaders nearly to the man were lobbing strong for this bill to be passed. I believe that bill was sponsored by Republican Strom Thurmond and passed with overwhelming support by both houses. The bill was a disaster and nearly everyone who voted for it agrees. Do you think Biden dictated the bill or something?

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Wasn't that part of Reagan's war on drugs during a time when crack cocaine was ravaging black communities and especially young black people. Black municipal, civic and church leaders nearly to the man were lobbing strong for this bill to be passed. I believe that bill was sponsored by Republican Strom Thurmond and passed with overwhelming support by both houses. The bill was a disaster and nearly everyone who voted for it agrees. Do you think Biden dictated the bill or something?
So, the 94 crime bill was Reagan’s fault?
Wasn't that part of Reagan's war on drugs during a time when crack cocaine was ravaging black communities and especially young black people. Black municipal, civic and church leaders nearly to the man were lobbing strong for this bill to be passed. I believe that bill was sponsored by Republican Strom Thurmond and passed with overwhelming support by both houses. The bill was a disaster and nearly everyone who voted for it agrees. Do you think Biden dictated the bill or something?

He cosponsored it and he voted for it that’s good enough for me
I love it we all drop the 94 crime bill for Joe’s singular “accomplishment”. Now let me see... has Trump done anything related to crime... think think think... oh yeah Trump actually has a Criminal Justice Reform Bill under his belt!

So in the singular item Joe did you can do a head to head comparison and Trump smoked him 😂

The Improbable Success of a Criminal-Justice-Reform Bill Under Trump
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Wasn't that part of Reagan's war on drugs during a time when crack cocaine was ravaging black communities and especially young black people. Black municipal, civic and church leaders nearly to the man were lobbing strong for this bill to be passed. I believe that bill was sponsored by Republican Strom Thurmond and passed with overwhelming support by both houses. The bill was a disaster and nearly everyone who voted for it agrees. Do you think Biden dictated the bill or something?
The Great Communicator was prez in '94?
Wasn't that part of Reagan's war on drugs during a time when crack cocaine was ravaging black communities and especially young black people. Black municipal, civic and church leaders nearly to the man were lobbing strong for this bill to be passed. I believe that bill was sponsored by Republican Strom Thurmond and passed with overwhelming support by both houses. The bill was a disaster and nearly everyone who voted for it agrees. Do you think Biden dictated the bill or something?
1994 fella...... 1994..... better check who was President
I don’t have to defend **** you’re the one that’s all been out of shape where is your proof *******?
No offense, but this is like arguing about the inauguration crowd size. I don’t think even most hardcore Trumpkins would seriously deny he and his family have profited off his presidency.
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