
Mmm, wonder who would smear a veteran?
Just to clarify, you're okay with the left doing it, just not the right? Same question can be asked of those who lean right. You either believe it's wrong, or you don't. And if you don't, you shouldn't bitch about it when the other side does it. And that goes for Pubs as well, just so you don't feel I'm singling you out.
Where do you get all of your facts. Are you running around the country investigating. Do you have a team somewhere. Everything you are passing along is just internet fog. Most of us here engage in it to some extent. There is one fact: No one has proven Hunter, Joe or anyone else connected to Joe has done anything illegal.
Nobody proved Trump called soldiers losers and suckers either as far as I remember. Did that change?

Bobulinski's statements alone are more evidence against Biden than there ever was evidence presented of Trump calling soldiers losers and suckers.

So how long did the media run with that unproven internet fog of a Trump story? What was made presentable to the public as "here is the proof of our claims"? As far as I remember nobody every came forward and it was never proven. And how many weeks of coverage did that story get in the media?
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Where do you get all of your facts. Are you running around the country investigating. Do you have a team somewhere. Everything you are passing along is just internet fog. Most of us here engage in it to some extent. There is one fact: No one has proven Hunter, Joe or anyone else connected to Joe has done anything illegal. Except Hunter's admitted addiction. The Trump campaign has nothing left except to smear the Bidens. It may work and it may not. If Trump wins you won't hear anything else about Hunter or Burisma. Just like Donnie was going to lock her up. If Biden wins it' will go on for a year or two.
To be fair, Trump has faced a Dem smear campaign his entire Presidency. Collusion was never proven either, yet people talk as if it were. If we're being honest, both sides have played in the mud and neither side is clean. Just as I believe Trump has done some shady thing things, I believe the exact same of Joe Biden. People try to wrap up their arguments in these pretty little moralistic packages, but morals have nothing to do with it. It's all politics. People don't care about wrongdoing, they only care about the politics of the person doing wrong. As long as political beliefs align, they don't really give a damn what the person does.
So we're calling Tucker and Fox entertainment? What are we to call Lemon and CNN. A black gay dude married to a white dude that says white males are the biggest terror threat in the country. He and CNN are ass clowns that are not entertaining.
Don’t get distracted by the dipshitery of the left saying it doesn’t matter because TC did the interview.

The total lack of reporting by the sold out media says it all. This guy has proof and is credible. They spent 3 years crying Russians with no proof and now their silence condemns them As complicit.
Septic I thought you were a man of integrity?

For 4 years you have cried that Trump and his kids were corrupt and now you are shrugging off the corruption of the Biden family.

What ever happened to the #MeToo movement?

I'm not shrugging off anything, I've stated numerous times I think Hunter did all of that sht.

Ironically, your accusation of me letting it slide is EXACTLY why I can't help but laugh at the feigned outrage by the Trumpers who've turned a blind eye to the Trump Family grift over the last four.
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So we're calling Tucker and Fox entertainment? What are we to call Lemon and CNN. A black gay dude married to a white dude that says white males are the biggest terror threat in the country. He and CNN are ass clowns that are not entertaining.
CNN is a certified news channel. Fox can't say that. Prove me wrong.
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Don’t get distracted by the dipshitery of the left saying it doesn’t matter because TC did the interview.

The total lack of reporting by the sold out media says it all. This guy has proof and is credible. They spent 3 years crying Russians with no proof and now their silence condemns them As complicit.
Is this going to be your excuse next Wednesday morning?
Youtube seems to have blocked the ability to forward the interview. This appears to be some type of censorship ahead of the election. I didn't check other videos.
Probably the most relevant post in the thread. As long as Dems control the House, there will be no impeachment investigation of a Dem POTUS. Not going to happen. Doesn't matter if it's true or not. (And I haven't watched the interview or read anything other than this thread to have an opinion on the matter.)

The most telling thing in this thread, the obvious right posters are hoping it's true, and the obvious left posters are completely dismissing it. Perfect example that it doesn't matter if a crime is committed, it only matters the politics of the person supposedly committing it. Don't see many people saying it should be investigated to see if there's any truth to it, just people pronouncing guilt or innocence. Truth should matter, but most allow politics to override truth. It's sad. Neither side should want to be represented by corrupt individuals, yet both sides are actually okay with it as long as it means they get to control things. And people wonder what is wrong with this country....It's not Trump. It's not Biden. It's the whole damn system.
The best commentary of the thread. We have sunk and continue to sink deeper into vile pit. Winning at all costs. Unconditional support for "our guys". And an election format predicated in voting against someone more than voting for someone. The sycophants on both sides should disturb us.

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