Body found in Obama's back yard.

It’s quite amazing how the Obama 🥜 huggers rush in to show their support and defend him.

And they do the same for Barry as well.
It could be easily argued that the nut huggers are the ones starting the thread and implying that it's his tinfoil-espoused gay lover that died.

There's nothing to defend.
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[QUOTE="Septic, post: 22913356, member: 848"He has children, that requires a signature.[/QUOTE]
Give this another day and right-wing media will be telling the rubes that the chef had evidence implicating Obama in dastardly deeds,
and he was swimming out to a right-wing boat, the S.S. Bull$hit, to hand over the information, contained in a watertight capsule. However, Obama got wind of the chef's disloyalty, hopped in a boat with a couple of his henchmen, motored out into the Edgartown Great Pond and viciously killed the poor chef with a speargun before he could reach the S.S. Bull$hit, and grabbed the capsule with the incriminating evidence--all under cover of darkness. Martha's Vineyard Police nd Justice Dept, of course, are covering up this crime! Obama was taken back to D.C. that night in a secret FBI sub, which traveled down
the Atlantic, then up the Potomac River to the Capital, enabling the ex-President to slip back into this D.C. residence.

Nah nah nah, gotta keep it simple. Either he walked in and saw Michelle's penis or he stumbled upon their child porn ring.
I’m going with Michelle did it in the library with the pipe. I win! Or wait, the cook was in the kitchen with the knife. Michelle’s code name is Peacock.
This really couldn't be any more obvious ...

It was Barack's coke in the White House. The chef was his dealer ... and about to blow the whistle. Merrick Garland did the hit with assistance from Neil Diamond (he lives near the Obama's, I'm told).
So whoever birthed the child is a woman. Uterus = woman

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