Body found in Obama's back yard.

Yes one side, who you label trumpers or ult right...and your side liberals....some one who is often labeled a trumpet made the comment and a liberal SJW gets triggered and start slinging been standard practice in these know that we have both participated at one time or another as I have been labeled a trumper etc..

I'm starting to think your posts are ChatGPT trained by chain emails sent to boomers.

I thought you were leaving.
Wow. Making it up as you go. Not liking Trump doesn't make one a liberal, as a few of you here seem to believe
Your 100% more then that. Its your responses to other that show your liberalism...mos of you will berate, insult Trump like he is the 2nd coming of Satan.....then when Biden is brought up as just as usually "i dont liken him either". The same level of distaste isn't there...which is fine but shows your true nature...which again is fine...but you ant be upset being labeled one way or another when all we have is your responses..
Your 100% more then that. Its your responses to other that show your liberalism...mos of you will berate, insult Trump like he is the 2nd coming of Satan.....then when Biden is brought up as just as usually "i dont liken him either". The same level of distaste isn't there...which is fine but shows your true nature...which again is fine...but you ant be upset being labeled one way or another when all we have is your responses..
I'm fiscally and militarily conservative, so yes, you're labeling me for my responses to Trump. I've also commented as to my distaste for the lifelong joke Biden has been. So your method for assigning ideology is intellectually lazy and uninformed
I'm fiscally and militarily conservative, so yes, you're labeling me for my responses to Trump. I've also commented as to my distaste for the lifelong joke Biden has been. So your method for assigning ideology is intellectually lazy and uninformed
I'm not the only one..OS13!took your reply in the other thread as partisan...your typical response is Trump "POS, despicable, worst person ever, trash human etc". Biden. "I don't care for him". Do you not believe that come across as partisan?
I'm not the only one..OS13!took your reply in the other thread as partisan...your typical response is Trump "POS, despicable, worst person ever, trash human etc". Biden. "I don't care for him". Do you not believe that come across as partisan?
No. I've never made those comments as you claim. You're generalizing without applying any nuance. It doesn't matter, they're both equal POSs
You speculate it enough to where I just don't believe you, Carl.
I went as far as saying it’s a conspiracy theory. I highly doubt Obama had the guy killed because they were lovers. What two consenting adults do with one another is none of my business
You wanna talk about triggered? Didn't I squeeze about a dozen "f*** yous" out of you in an hour once because I made light of your mental decay? Lol.

not an hour, but of course I did because you insulted me personally and wouldn’t shut up.
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I agreed in a response that Trump was scum.

It's not that your analytical skills are weak, they're focused on petty and insignificant details
Reading responses on a message board without hearing tone or intent..all you can go on is what you that is the focus.... We all do things differently. You focus on generalizations where as I like to read people responses to gauge where they stand and the type of person there are.
Reading responses on a message board without hearing tone or intent..all you can go on is what you that is the focus.... We all do things differently. You focus on generalizations where as I like to read people responses to gauge where they stand and the type of person there are.
And without body language and facial expressions, you're pissing into a head wind. Yes, it's easy to decipher generalizations based on the language. No, my focus is on details and your ability to nuance them. You post nothing close to it
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