Bomb threat in DC; predictions?

If that's all you got, you should have remained on Mute.

There is a propaganda video showing one small group of soldiers switching sides but by all accounts the majority did not switch sides but were overcome and are now being tracked down by the Taliban.

But…..even if this was true across the board we were there for 20 years and our Intel should have known this was a possibility and you run the evac with this outcome as a plausible scenario.

You get every single person out you need out and THEN you set a date for troop withdrawal.

But you sure as hell don’t do the reverse and then outsource military jobs to the Taliban and hope to God they do the right thing and provide safe passage.

This is just a **** fest!!!!
Nobody is surprised by this given your declaration that three buildings in Manhattan fell within their own footprint while the cumulative footprint of the buildings was less than three acres, and they collapsed into a debris field spanning more than 14 acres.
Yes, the debris field... meaning after those buildings came straight down, the debris from those skyscrapers had to go somewhere.
Nobody is surprised by this given your declaration that three buildings in Manhattan fell within their own footprint while the cumulative footprint of the buildings was less than three acres, and they collapsed into a debris field spanning more than 14 acres.
Oh great, a world trade center conspiracy theorist enters the chat.
Mad Trumpster?

Person frustrated with some government bureaucratic hassle?


Al Qaeda?

Simply mentally ill but no political agenda?

Tennessee Vols fan who hates Huepel?
I predict that the guy who did it is crazy, mentally ill or both.

I further predict that his motivation will be overanalyzed.
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I actually couldn't see them collapse. The expansive ball of debris scattering above lower Manhattan obstructed my view. I need some of your x-ray glasses. Did they come with your tinfoil hat?
No need for X-ray vision. You can Google the video on Youtube.
No need for X-ray vision. You can Google the video on Youtube.

I've seen the footage. Hell, I posted a still shot a few posts ago. The building is collapsing somewhere in the midst of that debris scattering across several acres that you claim was brought down by a demolition team in its own footprint.

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